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14th Congress of POLISARIO front: commencement of committees work

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps) December 19, 2015 (SPS) - The works of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, held in Dakhla (Refugee Camps), from 16 to 20 December, has continued Saturday with the inauguration of committees work formed on Friday following the approval of the moral and financial reports by the delegates by absolute majority.


Polisario Front Congress : Financial, moral reports adopted by delegates

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 19, 2015 SPS) - The moral and financial reports presented at the 14th Polisario Front Congress were adopted Friday by the overwhelming majority of the participants at the congress.


The adoption occurred on the 3rd day of this congress marked by the presentation of two reports by the outgoing direction of the Polisario Front.


Intense debates were held, during three days, by the delegates in an enthusiastic and responsible atmosphere.


Mohamed Abdelaziz affirms that Sahrawi cause required significant efforts in various fields

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 19, 2015 (SPS) - Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz underlined Friday, in Dakhla, to the participants at the 14th congress of the Front that during the last four years, several efforts were deployed in all fields, according to the spokesman of the congress Omar Mansour.


14th Congress of Frente POLISARIO receives letter from Italian Communist Party

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps) December 19, 2015 (SPS) - The Italian Communist Party sent a letter to the 14th Congress of the Frente POLISARIO, reaffirming the party's secretariat support to the Saharawi people's struggle for their right to self-determination and independence.


The Communist Party considered in its letter that "the open and democratic experience of the Frente POLISARIO can be real and valid contribution in the fight against extremism and terrorism"


Polisario Front "satisfied" with resolution of European Parliament (spokesperson of 14th Congress)

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 Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 19, 2015 (SPS) - The spokesperson of the 14th Congress of the Frente Polisario, Mr. Omar Mensour, expressed the satisfaction to the adaptation of the report of the European Parliament on the human rights, which called, inter alia, for the enlargement of the mandate of MINURSO to include the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


Russian delegation takes part in 14th Congress of Frenete POLISARIO

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Dakhla (refugee camps), December 19, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation from the Federal Republic of Russia is taking part in the work of the XIV Congress of the POLISARIO Front.


 The Russian delegation, which is the first to participate in a POLISARIO Front congress, is led by Political Analyst Dr. Said Govorov along with the Professor of the University of St. Petersburg, Mr. Igor Mitrosov.


14th Congress of Frente POLISARIO:President of Republic receives congratulatory message from his Cuban counterpart

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Dakhla (refugee camps) December 19, 2015 (SPS) – President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has received congratulatory message from the Cuban President, Mr. Raul Castro, on the occasion of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, held in the Wilaya of Dakhla (refugee camps) from 16 to 20 December, under the name of Martyr Khalil Sidi Mhamed and the theme "strength, determination and will to impose independence and sovereignty.


Polisario Congress: Algerian MPs meet Saharawi activists from occupied territories

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DAKHLA (refugee Camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) - Algerian MPs met Friday, on the sidelines of the third day of the 14th Polisario Front Congress in the Saharawi refugee camp of Dakhla, a delegation of Saharawi participants from the occupied territories, made up of activists and lawyers.


Polisario Congress: Delegates carry on debating on statement, policy report

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DAKHLA (Refugee Camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) - Debates on the statement and policy report are carrying on by "enthusiastic" delegates, showing a sense of responsibility, at the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front; the event's spokesman, Omar Mansour Mohamed Ambarek, said Friday in the Saharawi refugee camp of Dakhla.


Speakers tackled several issues, especially those relating to the Saharawi Liberation Army and the role of the young, he added.


Crimes committed by Morocco: Three new mass graves discovered in Sahrawi territories

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Dakhla (refugee camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) – Three new s graves have been recently discovered in the Sahrawi territories by Spanish experts, said Thursday in Dakhla (Sahrawi refugee camps), President of the Association of Sahrawi prisoners and missing families (AFRAPREDESA), Omar Abdeslam.


European Parliament’s resolution for monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara, “relevant”

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) - The Sahrawi deputy minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamed Sidati dubbed Thursday, in Dakhla, “important,” “relevant” the report of the European Parliament on Human Rights which particularly calls for the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


Media campaign to put end to plundering of occupied Western Sahara resources

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) - Sahrawi Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar announced Thursday, in Dakhla (Refugee Camps), an initiative to launch a media campaign aimed at putting an end to the plundering of the Sahrawi people’s natural resources.


“There is a proposal for a media campaign to put an end to the plundering of the Sahrawi people’s natural resources,” Taleb Omar told APS, on the sidelines of his meeting with the Algerian delegation, which took part in the 14th congress of the Polisario Front.


Prime Minister receives Algerian delegation participating in 14th Congress of Polisario Front

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Dakhla (refugee camps), December 17, 2015 (SPS) - The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, on Thursday received the Algerian delegation participating in the works of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, held in the Wilaya of Dakhla from 16 to 20 December.


The meeting focused on the latest developments of the question of Western Sahara and reaffirmation of the unwavering position of Algeria with the Saharawi people resulting from the respect of Algeria for the right of peoples to self-determination.


6th FICA: "Life is waiting: Referendum and resistance in Western Sahara" documentary screened in Algiers

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Algiers, December 17, 2015 (SPS) -The "Life is waiting: referendum in Western Sahara and resistance" documentary directed by US-Brazilian filmmaker Iara Lee on resistance and struggle of the Saharawi people was screened Wednesday in Algiers.


Competing in the 6th International Film Festival of Algiers (FICA), this 59 minutes documentary revolves around the Saharawi artistic movement in its struggle to restore freedom robbed by the Moroccan forces of occupation.


Saharawi women suffer violence from Moroccan security forces

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 17, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi women continue to be subjected to violence and abuse from Moroccan security forces in the occupied Western Sahara's towns, especially after they returned back from the 14th Polisario Front congress, participants at the event told APS.


Several Saharawi female activists, on the sidelines of the congress, denounced "suppression" they are subjected to from Moroccan authorities in the occupied territories, mainly in Al-Ayun.


Several foreign delegations reaffirm their full support to Sahrawi cause

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 17, 2015 (SPS) - The representatives of several delegations participating in the 14th Polisario Front Congress affirmed on the second day of this meeting which is being held in Dakhla, their full solidarity and full support to the Sahrawi cause.


Director of African Affairs at Nigerian Foreign Affairs Ministry Rabio Akao expressed on behalf of the federal State of Nigeria its full support to the struggle of the Sahrawi people for its independence.


Sahrawi people will not exclude any options to assert their rights

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 17, 2015 (SPS) - Sahrawi people will not exclude any options to assert their rights if the international community declares itself incapable to continue its peace process in occupied Western Sahara said Thursday, in Dakhla (Tindouf), the Sahrawi deputy minister of European Affairs, Mohamed Sidati.


14th Polisario Congress: Algeria attached to peoples' self-determination right

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DAKHLA (Refugee Camps), December 17, 2015 (SPS) -Minister of Mujahedeen  Tayeb Zitouni stressed Wednesday in the refugee camps in Tindouf (Dakhla) that  his participation in the 14th Polisario Congress reflected the attachment of Algeria to the right of peoples to self-determination and its support for the full implementation of UN decisions.