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European Parliament’s resolution for monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara, “relevant”

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 18, 2015 (SPS) - The Sahrawi deputy minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamed Sidati dubbed Thursday, in Dakhla, “important,” “relevant” the report of the European Parliament on Human Rights which particularly calls for the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


“The European parliament, in its report on human rights, adopted a very important and especially exhaustive text concerning Western Sahara,” Sidati told APS, on the sidelines of the 2nd day of the 14th Polisario Front congress.


“It is a very important and relevant resolution which has just been adopted at year end, to say just how much the Western Sahara issue has gained support in Europe,” he said.


“The resolution obtained a large majority thus becoming an official document of the European Union (EU),” he explained, recalling that the report will be presented to the United Nations Council for Human Rights.


Sidati recalled that this report calls on the one hand, for the freedom and expression for Sahrawi populations in the occupied territories and calls, on the other hand, for the immediate release of Sahrawi political prisoners, just as he stressed on the need to endow the MINURSO with a mandate for the protection and the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


Furthermore, the European Parliament demands, in the favour of this resolution, the freedom of access to European Parliamentarians and human rights activists to occupied Sahrawi territories. (SPS)

