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6th FICA: "Life is waiting: Referendum and resistance in Western Sahara" documentary screened in Algiers

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Algiers, December 17, 2015 (SPS) -The "Life is waiting: referendum in Western Sahara and resistance" documentary directed by US-Brazilian filmmaker Iara Lee on resistance and struggle of the Saharawi people was screened Wednesday in Algiers.


Competing in the 6th International Film Festival of Algiers (FICA), this 59 minutes documentary revolves around the Saharawi artistic movement in its struggle to restore freedom robbed by the Moroccan forces of occupation.


Supported by defenders of the Saharawi cause and activists of human rights, this resistance movement is the thread of this film released in 2015.


The documentary emerges in the Sahrawi refugee camps and discovers tents, a resistance symbol against assimilation advocated by the colonial authorities.


Giving voice to activists and actors of the cultural scene, this documentary highlights the contribution of artists in raising awareness of the Saharawi people in their struggle against the Moroccan occupier.


In addition to artists, the director gave voice to anti-colonial activists and foreign militants committed to the Saharawi cause.


 Sahrawi movement figureheads like activist Aminatou Haidar and Sahrawi Culture Minister Khadija Hamdi have also intervened in the documentary to support the struggle of the Saharawi people.


The documentary denounces the excesses of an arbitrary system by unveiling the abuses of the colonial authorities against the Sahrawi people who demand a referendum on the territory's independence.


Iara Lee said during the debate, "the documentary gives voice to the oppressed." (SPS)

