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President of Republic condoles his Malian counterpart on terrorist attack in Bamako

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Bir Lahlou, November 20, 2015 (SPS) President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent Friday a message of condolence to his Malian counterpart, H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, following the terrorist attack on Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, which killed tens of innocent people.     


Foreign Affairs Minister congratulates his Nigerian counterpart

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Shaheed El Hafed, November 20, 2015 (SPS) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek sent Friday a congratulatory letter to his Nigerian counterpart Mr. Goeffrey Onyeama, recently appointed as minister foreign affairs in the new Nigerian government, after the success of all its members in obtaining the confidence of the Senate.


Murcia's Parliament approves motion for decolonization of Western Sahara

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Murcia (Spain) November 20, 2015 (SPS) - The General Assembly "parliament" in the province of Murcia, Spain, approved during the session held Thursday a motion presented by the spokespersons of the parliamentary entities represented in the regional parliament, through which they confirmed the need for the decolonization of Western Sahara.  


Communist Party of Russian Federation reiterates firm position in favour of Sahrawi people self-determination

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Moscow, November 20, 2015 (SPS) The Chairman of the Central Committee for External Relations of the Communist Party of Russian Federation, Andrei Filippov, reiterated on Thursday unwavering  position of his party in favor of self-determination for the Saharawi people, during his reception to the representative of the Polisario Front, Dr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel.


UN supports Ross mediation in Western Sahara

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United Nations, November 19, 2015 (SPS) - The members of the UN Security Council expressed their support for the mediation of the personal envoy of UN Secretary General for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, on Wednesday after Morocco has said it will not allow you to visit the occupied zones of Western Sahara territory.


UN Resolution, "unique framework" for settlement in Western Sahara, says Malta's FM

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ALGIERS,November 19, 2015 (SPS)- Maltese Foreign Minister George William Vella reiterated Wednesday in Algiers his country's support to UN resolution for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination.      


"Our position has not changed. We will continue to support the UN resolution for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination," Vella told a news conference.

This is the "unique framework" likely to resolve Western Sahara conflict."


The Algerian Minister for Maghreb, Arab and African Affairs reaffirms his country's position on Western Sahara

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Algiers, November 19, 2015 (SPS) .- The Algerian Minister for Maghreb Affairs, African Unity and the Arab League, Abdelkader Msahel, on Wednesday reaffirmed "the firm and constant" Algerian position towards  the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.


In an interview with Channel 1 of the National Radio of Algeria, Msahel underscored that "Algeria's position is constant since 1963, when the United Nations registered Western Sahara as a non-self-governing territory.


Election of Sahrawi Republic head of AU Specialized Technical Committee on Migration, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

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Addis Ababa(Ethiopia), November 18, 2015 (SPS) - The African Union experts meeting elected the Sahrawi Republic to take over the presidency of the Specialized Technical Committee for Migration and Refugees and internally displaced persons, during its meeting convened under the theme: Towards Humanitarian Effectiveness in Africa, in light of a rapidly changing humanitarian landscape, to comprehensively respond to humanitarian crisesin the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.


Saharawi Ambassador in Algeria receives his Ecuadorian counterpart

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Algiers, November 17, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Ambassador in Algiers, Mr. Ibrahim Ghali received on Tuesday, at the headquarters of the Sahrawi Embassy, Mr. Jose Rafael Serrano Herrera, ambassador of Ecuador in Algeria.

Ghali asserted the need to strengthen cooperation between both brotherly countries through promoting common work in various fields, praising the excellent relations between the two countries.

South African Minister of Arts and Culture reiterates his country's support for the Sahrawis people

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Chahid HafedNovember 17, 2015 (SPS) - South African Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr. Nathi Mthethwa has reiterated his country's support to the decolonization of Western Sahara, stressing that Western Sahara is for the Sahrawi people, in a statement to the national media during a meeting of Prime Minister.


Nathi Mthethwa said that South Africa support and stands with the Saharawi people in their just struggle, and is now standing at his side and will continue to support so that they can achieve victory and independence.


Prime Minister receives South African Minister of Arts and Culture

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Chahid Hafed, November 17, 2015 (SPS) - the Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar on Monday received the South African Minister of Arts and Culture Mr. Mathi Mthethwa.



The meeting discussed the bilateral relations, especially those related to the cultural aspect.


From his part the prime minister praised the recent agreements between the two countries in the cultural field.


SADR and South Africa sign cultural cooperation agreements

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Shaheed El Hafed, 15 Nov 2015 (SPS) – Minidter of Culture Khadija Hamdi and her South African counterpart Nathi Mthethwa signed, Sunday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture, agreements of cooperation in the field of culture.


The cooperation agreements constitute the expansion and strengthening of the ties in the areas of culture, arts and material and immaterial heritage, plus cultural exchange including exhibitions, art handicraft, cinema, music and theater.


South African Minister of Arts and Culture on working visit to Saharawi Republic

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Shaheed El Hafed, November 15, 2015 (SPS) - South African Minister of Arts and Culture, Mathi Mthethwa, arrived Saturday in the Saharawi refugee camps as part of a three-day working visit to the Sahrawi Arab Republic democratic (SADR).


 During this visit, the South African minister will sign an agreement in the cultural field between SADR and South Africa that will strengthen the intercultural cooperation and contribute to strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.

Ould Akeik urges international community to save Sahrawi people

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Madrid (Spain), 15 Nov 2015 (SPS) - Minister of the Occupied Territories and the Diaspora, Mohamed Ould Akeik, launched, Sunday in Madrid (Spain), an urgent call to the international community to save the Sahrawi population.


 “There is urgency in the occupied territories,” Ould Akeik told APS the day after the European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO), held in Madrid, calling for the “international community’s prompt intervention to save the Sahrawi people who have been suffering for 40 years.”