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Polisario Front "satisfied" with resolution of European Parliament (spokesperson of 14th Congress)

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 Dakhla (Refugee Camps), December 19, 2015 (SPS) - The spokesperson of the 14th Congress of the Frente Polisario, Mr. Omar Mensour, expressed the satisfaction to the adaptation of the report of the European Parliament on the human rights, which called, inter alia, for the enlargement of the mandate of MINURSO to include the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


 The spokesperson of the 14th Congress of the Frente Polisario pointed out that the report adopted by MEPs, by majority, urges the United Nations to provide its Mission for the Organization of a Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) with a mandate of monitoring the human rights and calls for freedom of movement and expression for the Sahrawi population in the occupied territories and the immediate release of Saharan political prisoners.


The work of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, which began last Wednesday, resumed Friday in Dakhla with continued closed-door debates on the moral and financial report submitted by the outgoing leadership.


The third day of the Congress, which brought together 2472 delegates, was devoted to the debate on the moral and financial report read to delegates by the Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, on behalf of the Secretary-General of the Frente Polisario, Mohamed Abdelaziz. (SPS)

