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EU MP calls for respect human rights in the occupied territories

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Brussels (Belgium), April 6, 2016 (SPS) - European MP, Mr. Joao Ferreira on Tuesday called upon the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union Federica Mogherini to ask the Moroccan authorities to respect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and to stop any repression against the civilian population.

More than 13,000 mines destroyed by the Saharawi army since 2006

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), April 06, 2016 (SPS) - More than 13,000 of the 9 million mines laid by the Moroccan army along the "wall of shame" (Moroccan defensive wall), were destroyed by the Saharawi army since 2006 in coordination with international specialized agencies, the Director of the Office of coordination of Sahrawi Mine Action (SMACO), Samou Amideh said.

Security Council is called to set date for the referendum in Western Sahara (Sahrawi ambassador to Algiers)

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Algeria, April 05, 2016 (SPS) - the Saharawi Ambassador in Algeria, a member of the National Secretariat Mr. Buchraya Hamudi Bayun on Tuesday shouldered the UN Security Council "full responsibility" for what may occur after next April 30, the end of the mission of the United Nations Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara "MINURSO", calling to set a date to organize a referendum of self-determination of Saharawi people.

Decisive UN Security Council Meeting this month for justice in the last colony in Africa

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Chahid El  Hafed, April 05, 2016 (SPS) -   Sahrawi people looking forward to  the decisions of UN Security Council upcoming meetings during April, which will focus mainly on Western Sahara question, either to resume peace negotiations or Front Polisario return to war against the Moroccan occupation, reported APS on the sidelines of a campaign to raise awareness about the danger of mines in the refugee camps.

Saharawi cause gains more achievement in proving its legitimacy (Military Political Department Chief)

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Chahid El Hafed, April 05 2016 (SPS) - member of the National Secretariat, central chief of Military Political Department, Mr. Yusuf Ahmed said that the Western Sahara issue "is going in a very distinct conditions" in the current period, highlighting that the recent dispute between the United Nations and Moroccan occupier has become "a new success " for Saharawi cause in terms of emphasizing its legitimacy.

Call for the establishment of a strategy to support victims

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Chahid El Hafed (Sahrawi refugee camps), April 05, 2016 (SPS) - Several International organizations and representatives of civil society in Western Sahara called Monday to set up an international strategy to provide social, material and psychological support to victims of mines in Western Sahara and to ensure their integration in society.

NS Bureau deeply concerned about Saharawi political prisoners health deterioration

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Chahid El Hafed, April 05, 2016 (SPS) - The Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front on Monday expressed its deep concern about deteriorating health of the Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike for almost six weeks in the Moroccan prison of Salé to protest the mistreatment and for their right to a fair trial or release them immediately.

National Secretariat Permanent Bureau expresses its support for success of National Council duties

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Chahid El Hafed, April 04, 2016 (SPS) - Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat expressed yesterday  its full support for the success of duties of the National Council which has completed its structures and preparations to receive the national programs, particularly the government's program for the year 2016.
In this regard, PB has listened to the report of the chairman of the legislature Body on the preparations for the start of the work of the National Council, which will open its session in April 12.

Celebration of Workers Day: Under slogan of solidarity with Saharawi people

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Algiers, April 04, 2016 (SPS) The celebration of workers day in Algeria on May 1, will be organized this year under the slogan of solidarity with the Saharawi people, said Sunday in Algiers the General Secretary of the Union General of Algerian workers (UGTA), Abdelmajid Sidi Said.

Call for demolition of separation wall, destruction of Moroccan occupier's mines

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Shaheed El hafed (Refugee Camps), 4 April 2016 (SPS) -Many Sahrawi officials called Monday for exerting pressure on the Morocco occupier to demolish "the wall of shame " (wall of separation erected by Morocco) and destruct over 10 million mines laid along this wall, in order to avoid a humanitarian disaster in the Sahrawi occupied territories.

Chairwoman of Algerian-Sahrawi Parliamentary Committee of Friendship and Brotherhood calls for release of Sahrawi political prisoners

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Sahaheed El Hafed, 4 April 2016 (SPS) - Chairwoman of the Algerian-Sahrawi Parliamentary Committee of Friendship and Brotherhood Ms. Saida Bounab called Sunday on the United Nations to intervene to release the Saharawi political prisoners in the Moroccan jails.
In a statement to Saharawi Sahrawi News Agency SPS, Ms. Saida Bounab urged the international community to support the 13 Sahrawi political prisoners on hunger strike and exert pressure on the Kingdom of Morocco to release them.

“We have achieved a lot and we believe we will win in our struggle,” says President of Republic

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Shaheed El Hafed, 4 April 2016 (SPS) – “WE have achieved a lot and we believe we will win in our struggle to liberate ourselves from Morocco’s occupation. Our dream of independence is realistic. Yes we have suffered, but we have not lost our hopes for victory,” affirmed the President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, recently in an interview with Tanzanian Daily News.

Western Sahara, one of the countries with most mines in the world

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Dakhla (refugee camps), 4 April 2016 (SPS) - With more than 9 million antipersonnel mines spread throughout its territories, Western Sahara is ranked among the ten countries with most mines in the world, with all that represent these deadly weapons for the Sahrawi people for several decades, but also for the environment.
According to experts and observers, about 7.5 to 9 million are implemented in Western Sahara particularly along the “wall of shame” and the Mauritanian border, besides a significant number of these mines, of which the cartography was mapped.

SNCHR calls ON ACHPR to intervene to save lives of Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike

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Bir Lahlou (liberated territories), April 3, 2016 (SPS) The Saharawi National Commission on Human Rights (SNCHR) called on the President of the African Commission on Human Rights and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) Pansy Tlakula to "urgently" intervene to end the tragedy of the 13 Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike since 1 March, in a letter a copy of which received by SPS. 

AI calls on Moroccan authorities to release Sahrawi political prisoners

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London, 2April 2016 (SPS) - Amnesty International (AI) on Saturday launched an urgent appeal to the Moroccan authorities to release the thirteen Sahrawi human rights defenders, held in Moroccan Salé prison and observing a hunger strike since early March.
The NGO denounced once again, the judgment of 13 Sahrawi Human Rights defenders on strike, after an "unfair trial "by a military court in 2013, urging the Moroccan authorities to release them after five years of "arbitrary" detention.

Colombian Congress calls for intensifying support to Saharawi people and their legitimate cause

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Bogotá, 2 April 2016 (SPS) - Member of the Colombian Congress, Mr. Jorge Robledo, called Tuesday on his government to "intensify support for the Saharawi people and their legitimate cause and restore diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Arab Republic Democratic Republic (SADR), during his speech at the international conference, Western Sahara: Africa's last colony held at the headquarters of the Congress.

Respecting Saharawi people right to self-determination, key to Western Sahara question solution (leader of the Norwegian Conservative Youth)

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Oslo (Norway) April 01, 2016 - the leader of the Norwegian youth Conservative Party,  Mr. Christian Toninj, asserted that any solution to the issue of Western Sahara must pass through respect the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, recalling that Western Sahara issue  is still listed on the United Nations list of territories that are still waiting the decolonization during reception of Polisario Front representative to Norway, Mr. Limam Jalil at the headquarters of the said party.