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AU: Morocco's decision to expel Minurso staff "threatens regional security"

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Addis Ababa, 10 April 2016 (SPS) - The African Union's (AU) Council of Peace and Security (CPS) stated that Moroccan authorities' decision to expel the staff of the United Nations Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) from the occupied territories "threatens regional security," calling the UN Security Council "to fully assume its responsibility."

Government discusses latest developments related to Sahrawi issue

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Shaheed El Hafed, April 9, 2016 (SPS) - The government examined Thursday the latest developments related to the question of Western Sahara, nationally and internationally, in a meeting held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister, M .Abdelkader Taleb Omar.
The meeting reviewed several issues, including the emergency plan adopted by the permanent office of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front during its last meeting.

MINURSO must be given a mandate to monitor the human rights situation in Western Sahara ( Nordic United Nations Associations)

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Oslo, 9 April 2016 (SPS) In joint Statement by the five Nordic United Nations Associations (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) has urged for an expansion of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
In April, a renewal of the mandate is to be discussed in the United Nations Security Council.

AU PSC calls on UN SC to “fully” assume its responsibility regarding Western Sahara issue

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Addis Ababa, 9 April 2016 (SPS) - The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 588th meeting held on 6 April 2016, adopted a decision on the situation in Western Sahara, which calls on the UN Security Council to fully assume its responsibility in the matter, by acting under Chapter VII, to demand Morocco to annul its decision to expel MINURSO personnel.

Spanish lawyer organization protests against Morocco's expulsion of international lawyers

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Madrid (Spain), 9 April 2016 (SPS) - The General Council of the Spanish Lawyers Association has protested against arrest and expulsion, by Moroccan authorities on Thursday, of eight international human rights observers, including five Spaniards.
The association, in a statement, has called on Moroccan government to allow "human rights observers to fulfill their mission and to ensure prisoners' right to a fair trial."
It noted that those lawyers went to Morocco to enquire about the legal situation of 13 convicts from the Gdeim Izik group.

On the sovereignty of Western Sahara and Morocco’s occupation

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Daily News/Tanzania
08 April 2016
Makwaia Wa Kuhenga
WHEN we reflect on liberation struggles against colonialism in Africa, we see that colonial powers have never been inside Africa, but have come outside the continent. In East Africa, an erstwhile colonial power was Britain as much as France was in West Africa.

UGTA calls on ITUC to urge UN to apply its resolutions on Western Sahara

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Algiers, 8 April 2016 (SPS) - General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) Called Friday on the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to urge the United Nations to implement its resolutions relating to Western Sahara issue and maintain the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), by extending its mandate to human right monitoring.

Danish Parliament questions its government about the deplorable situation of human rights in Western Sahara

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Copenhagen (Denmark) 8 April 2016 - The Danish Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee questioned recently the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kristian Jensen about the poor conditions of prisons in Western Sahara.
The former UN rapporteur deplores human rights situation in Western Sahara jails.
Former chair of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Mads Andenæs, calls the human rights situation in Western Sahara 'very depressing'.

Creation of Spanish parliamentary group of support to Sahrawi people

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Madrid, April 07, 2016 (SPS) - A Spanish parliamentary group of support to the Sahrawi cause was created Wednesday following a meeting held in the parliament, said Thursday the representative of the Polisario Front to Spain Jira Bulahi.

Government holds meeting on national cause latest developments

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Chahid Al-Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), April 07, 2016 (SPS) -The Prime Minister of the Saharwi Republic, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, chairs today  a government meeting to discuss the latest developments of national issue at domestic and international level in the headquarter of the Government in Chahid El Hafid.
¨the meeting will review several points regarding our cause at the international and national level especially, the plan of alert and the situation of the Sahrawi political prisoners¨. NS member Ahmed Mahmud statement to national media

Security Council meets on Western Sahara at the request of Venezuela and Uruguay

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New York, April 07, 2016  (SPS) - "The United Nations Security Council will hold a session tomorrow on Western Sahara at the request of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Uruguay, in the light of recent events," according to Polisario Front representative at the UN, Mr. Bukhari Ahmed.
Mr. Bukhari said that this session "also comes on the eve of the submitting of the report of the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, on the conflict in Western Sahara, which is expected by the middle of this month."

EU-Morocco agreement cancellation: Polisario denounces Rabat schemes to spread confusion

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BIR LAHLOU (Saharawi liberated territories) ), April 07, 2016 (SPS) - Polisario Front condemns Moroccan official media attempts to spread "confusion" over the European Court's decision to cancel EU-Morocco agricultural cooperation agreement, Mhamed Khadad, the Saharawi Coordinator with MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara), said in a statement.

Western Sahara: Extension of MINURSO mandate on 28 April

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New York (United Nations), April 07, 2016 (SPS) - The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) mandate will be extended on 28th April, announced the Security Council on Wednesday.
“The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) mandate will be extended on 28 April 2016,” said China’s permanent representative to the United Nations and president of the Security Council for the month of April, Liu Jieyi, during the representation of the  Security Council’s work programme for the current month.

The Ministry of Information: Moroccan misleading propaganda reflects its international isolation

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 Chahed El Hafid, April 06 2016 (SPS) - the Ministry of Information indicated on Wednesday that the Moroccan regime misleading propaganda reflects its unprecedented international isolation result of political bankruptcy and its struggle with the international community, in statement a copy of which obtained by SPS.
 “The Moroccan regime falsified the facts even against the European Union, its Court of Justice.” ministry of Information. Statement pointed out.

Amnesty International calls on Morocco to release Saharawi political prisoners

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London, April 06, 2016  (SPS) -The prestigious international organization of human rights, Amnesty International urgently called in a public statement issued Saturday, the Moroccan authorities "to free the thirteen Saharawi human rights activists on hunger strike since last March 1st in prison Shelah.

Situation in Western Sahara: EP Intergroup expresses "concern"

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Brussels, April 06, 2016 (SPS) - The European Parliament Intergroup "peace for the Sahrawi people" on Tuesday in Brussels expressed its “deep concerns” regarding the application of the peace plan for the self-determination of Sahrawi people in the light of last developments in the region.
"The Intergroup met to express its sympathy and solidarity with the Saharawi people, but especially to mark its deep concern over this dangerous policy that pursues Morocco in Western Sahara," Minister Saharawi delegate for Europe, Mohamed Sidati told APS.

Gdeim Izik group suspends their open hunger strike

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Zaki prison (Morocco), April 06, 2016 (SPS) - Gdeim Izik group suspended on Tuesday their hunger strike, which lasted for 37 days, reaffirming attachment to their full rights. According to statement of the group
The statement issued by the group indicated that the suspension of the hunger strike came in response to the demands of their families, as well as to the Sahrawi masses and human rights and friendship organizations.