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Polisario Front calls Security Council to assume its responsibilities towards the decolonization of Western Sahara (Sahrawi Republic letter)

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Bir Lahlu, March 22, 2016 (SPS) - The Polisario Front launched an urgent appeal to the Security Council to assume its responsibilities as the first head of MINURSO and guarantor of the mission with which it was invested, namely organization of self-determination referendum in Western Sahara, said a letter from the President of the Sahrawi Republic SG of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz to the President of the security Council, Ismael A. Gaspar Martins.

Members of European Parliament commend UN SG visit to Saharwi refugee camps and liberated territories

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Brussels, March 22, 2016 (SPS) - members of European Parliament sent a letter to the United Nation Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon in which they have commended his recent visit to Saharawi refugee camps and the reaffirmation of your commitment to the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, and your promise to spare no effort to help make progress in this regard.
Bellow the full text of the letter:

UN accuses Morocco of '"infringing UN charter," calls Security Council to act

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Washington, March 22, 2016 (SPS) - The United Nations accused Monday Morocco of "infringing the United Nations charter" and called on the Security Council to act while taking the necessary measures to put an end to excesses of Rabat. 
Deputy Spokesman of Ban Ki-moon Farhan Haq affirmed in a press conference that by expelling the MINURSO civil staff, "Morocco infringed the United Nations charter."  

Ould Salek: Algeria's stand on Sahrawi people's right to self-determination irritates Morocco

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Algiers, March 22, 2016 (SPS) - Sahrawi Foreign Minister Mohamed Salem Ould Salek stressed Monday in Algiers that Algeria's stand in favour of the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination through a transparent self-determination referendum supervised by the UN, in accordance with international legality, has provoked a "fierce campaign" and "obstinacy" of Morocco.

Danish money should not finance Morocco’s occupation to Western Sahara (Africa Kontakt)

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Copenhagen (Denmark) March 22, 2016 (SPS) – The Danish Organisation Africa Kontact released Tuesday new report calling on the Danish Banks and pension funds to not finance Morocco’s illegal occupation to Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.
Africa Kontakt indicates in its report that Danish banks and pension funds' investments contribute to Morocco's continued occupation of Western Sahara.

Denmark’s Foreign Minister and EU should condemn Morocco's expulsion of UN staff from Western Sahara (Danish MP)

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Copenhagen (Denmark) March 21, 2016 –In Press release issued Monday by the Danish Red-Green alliance Party MP and spokesman on Development in the Parliament, Mr. Christian Juhl stressed “It is quite unacceptable that Morocco throws UN staff out of Western Sahara. UN peacekeepers are in the country with a UN mandate to monitor the ceasefire signed in 1991 between Morocco, Polisario and the UN”.

Algeria, WFP to ink letter of agreement of 2016 Monday

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Algiers, 21 March 2016 (SPS) -Secretary General of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Abdelhamid Senouci Bereksi and Representative of the World Food Program (WFP) in Algeria will ink Monday the letter of agreement of 2016 between Algeria, as a host country, and this UN humanitarian agency to cover basic food needs of Sahrawi refugees.  

FM vehemently condemns Morocco's decision to reduce Minurso personnel

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 20 March 2016 (SPS) - Foreign minister Mohamed Salem Ould Salek has vehemently condemned Morocco's "irresponsible decision" to reduce the civilian personnel of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
"Saharawi government and the Polisario Front vehemently condemn this irresponsible measure taken by the occupier (Morocco), which must shoulder the full responsibility of the (decision's)   aftereffects if it is applied," Ould Salek said Sunday in a statement.

Denmark supports the Saharawi people right to Self-determination

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Copenhagen (Denmark) March 19, 2016 – Saharawi delegation, led by the Saharawi Minister of Cooperation, Mr. Bulahi Sid accompanied by the Polisario Front Representative in Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, met with officials from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Humanitarian Department (DANIDA), the Foreign affairs Committee of the Parliament, Political parties, various Organisations and media as part of a two day working visit to Denmark.

Khatri Adouh reelected president of National Council

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), 19 March 2016 (SPS) -  The members of the National Council (Parliament) reelected on Saturday  Member of the National Secretariat Khatri Adouh the president of this legislative body for a third term, in the presence of members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and SADR government.

Washington reiterates support to UN mission in Western Sahara

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Washington (United States), 19 March 2016 (SPS) - US Department of State expressed Friday its support to the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), following Morocco's measures against the UN body aiming at weakening it.
The US Department of State, through its spokesman John Kirby, said Washington knew about Morocco's latest measures to reduce MINURSO personnel.
John Kirby, in a news conference, reiterated UN support to MINURSO for the significant efforts it is making.

Sellal reaffirms support of Algeria to Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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Cairo, March 18, 2016 (SPS) - Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal reaffirmed the support of Algeria to the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and its commitment for a settlement to the Sahrawi conflict within UN process.
“The issue of Western Sahara is in the hands of the United Nations and a political negotiation process began between the Moroccan Kingdom and the Sahrawi Republic,” said Sellal in an interview granted to the Egyptian weekly magazine "El Ahram El Arabi.”

Murder of Sahrawi citizen: Need for intervention of international community

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CHAHID EL-HAFED (Saharawi refugee camps)-President of the Saharawi Committee for Human Rights, Aba El-heyssen has "strongly" condemned the murder of Saharawi citizen Choummad Bad Jouli by Moroccan forces expressing the hope that UN Secretary General's visit to the region will be the beginning of "countdown" for the settlement of the Saharawi issue.

Western Sahara: RFK Centre urges for independent monitoring of human rights

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WASHINGTON (United States)- Robert F. Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center) on Wednesday in Washington called for the creation of an independent mechanism to monitor human rights in occupied Western Sahara.
Moroccan authorities continue to commit serious acts of violence against Saharawi people in the non-autonomous Western Sahara territory, RFK Centre said in its biannual report on human rights violations in occupied Western Sahara, published Wednesday in Washington.

Rabat new measures against MINURSO, "unprecedented"

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Washington , March 18, 2016 (SPS) - The measures decided by Morocco against the United Nations Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) are "unprecedented" and will affect its ability to implement its mandates, denounced Thursday the UN.
"The mandate (of MINURSO) was given to it by the Security Council (...) what we are seeing is unprecedented," said UN Secretary General's spokesman Stephane Dujarric, during a press briefing.

Western Sahara: European deputies call on Mogherini not to participate in Crans Montana Forum

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Twenty four European deputies from four different parliamentary groups called on, Friday, the high Representative of the European Union (EU), Federica Mogherini, to suspend any official participation in the annual meeting of Crans Montana Forum, scheduled for March in Dakhla, in the Western Sahara territories occupied by Morocco.
The deputies’ call comes as a support to the initiative made by the parliamentary of the United Left (Izquierda Unida) Paloma Lopez, who is the vice president of the Solidarity Intergroup for Western Sahara.

Western Sahara: EU reaffirms support to UN chief's efforts, calls to maintain MINURSO

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Brussels (Belgium) , March 18, 2016 (SPS) -  The European Union (EU) on Thursday reaffirmed its support to the efforts of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to find a solution that will provide for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people, and called to maintain the UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).SPS

Rally in Madrid in support of Sahrawi prisoners of Gdeim Izik

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MADRID- A rally in support of Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik camp, "unfairly and illegally imprisoned" by Morocco, has been staged in Madrid on Saturday by associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) supporting the Sahrawi cause.
The participants, most of them members of associations and NGOs supporting Sahrawi people in addition to Sahrawi citizens settled in Spain, gathered in front of Spain's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, chanting slogans like "Release prisoners !" "Morocco guilty, Spain responsible."

UN seeks to hold donor conference for Western Sahara in Geneva before June

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WASHINGTON- United Nations wants to hold a donor conference for the occupied Western Sahara in Geneva before June, the deputy spokesman of the UN secretary general, Farhan Haq, said Monday.
Ban Ki-moon will call for a donor conference to be held before June in Geneva, Switzerland, to provide relief aid to Saharawi refugees in the camps, Haq told reporters.
Ban Ki-moon, who wrapped up Monday a visit to Algeria, said he was saddened by the four decade-long humanitarian tragedy in Western Sahara.