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Moroccan occupation isolates Saharawi prisoner Saleh Lbsir in confinement room

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Ait Melloul (Morocco), April 1, 2016 (SPS) - the local administration of Ait Melloul prison has violently tortured Saharawi political prisoner Saleh Lbsir, reported a source of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad Ministry.
 According to the same source, the occupation authorities has isolated him on the ground of his hunger strike in solidarity with the detainees of "Gdeim Izik," as well as his demands to basic rights.

Solidarity Sit-in with Gdeim Izik detainees in Seville

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Seville (Spain), April 1, 2016 (SPS) - Friendship Association with the Saharawi people in Seville, Spain organized Sit-in in solidarity with the Sahrawi political detainees "Gdeim Izik" hunger strikers, in collaboration with Sahrawi community Abroad in the said city.
Participants with national flags and detainees pictures, during the vigil, called the international community to pressure the occupation authorities to save the life of Sahrawi detainees on hunger strike and to release them unconditionally.

Colombia Senate hosts International conference on Western Sahara

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Bogota, March 31, 2016 (SPS) .- the Senate of Colombia on Wednesday hosted  International conference under the theme  Western Sahara, the last colony with a large attendance of senators, deputies, ambassadors, NGO `s, personalities and friends of the Saharawi cause, university professors, students and the press .
The opening of the Conference led by Senate President Dr. Fernando Velasco who expressed clear and strong support to Saharawi people's right to self-determination.

EuroMed Rights demands trial in a civilian Court for the Gdeim Izik Group

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Copenhagen (Denmark) 31 March 2016 (SPS) – The Executive Director of the the Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights) Mr. Marc Shade-Poulsen has received Thursday Polisario Front Representative to Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin who briefed him about the critical situation of the 13 Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik group who have been on hunger strike for one month now in Sale Prison near Rabat.

National Council President receives Algerian delegation of Counseling and Reform Association

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Chahid El Hafed,  March 30, 2016 (SPS) –  Speaker of the National Council Mr. Khatri Aduh received on Tuesday in guesthouse, relief body delegation of the Algerian Association of Counseling and reform, which organized the third edition of the convoy, “brothers and bond”  for the benefit of the Sahrawi refugees.
NC speaker appreciates the humanitarian initiative, praising the spirit of cooperation that the activities of Algerian civil society have been offered, which reflect the noble attitudes of the Algerian people and state.

Sahrawi government calls on all international organizations to follow health status of Gdeim Izik prisoners

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Chahid El Hafed, March 30, 2016 (SPS) - Sahrawi government Tuesday  called all international and human rights organizations to follow  the health status of the Gdeim Izik detainees who are in  hunger strike , demanding the Moroccan state to meet their legitimate demands, during a expanded meeting which included along with government members of PF political organization.

Colombian Senate expresses its support for the Saharawi cause

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Bogota, March 30, 2016 (SPS) .- The President of the Colombian Congress on Tuesday expressed support for the Saharawi cause and the resolutions adopted by the Congress on the subject during a reception of an important Saharawi delegation, according to press release of Saharawi Representative in Colombia

Portuguese Parliament approves a vote of solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike

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Lisbon, March 30, 2016  (SPS) .- On the initiative of Bloco Esquerda (Left Bloc), the Portuguese Parliament approved in full a vote of solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike.
The initiative Bloco Esquerda which has been signed by the parliamentary groups of the ENP, PSD, PS and PAN, "calls for the release of Saharawi political prisoners" and "sympathizes with their struggle" and supports the UN efforts to achieve a solution to the Western Sahara dispute. "

Denmark supports MINURSO human rights mandate (Danish Minster of Foreign Affairs)

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Copenhagen (Denmark) March 30, 2016 (SPS) – On response to questions forwarded recently by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kristian Jensen related to the forcible expulsion by the Moroccan authorities to three Danish Journalist from “Information Newspaper” on February 15th, from Aaiun the capital of occupied Western Sahara who wished to report about the situation in Western Sahara.

In the 17 anniversary of its creation, the SPS launches its new website

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Chahid El Hafed, March 30, 2016 (SPS) - On the occasion of its Seventeenth anniversary of its establishment which coincides with the March 29 of each year, the Sahrawi News Agency Tuesday launched its new website.
 The presentation ceremony of the new site was attended by members of the PF National Secretariat and the Government, the Saharawi National Council, journalists from various media and officials of Information Saharawi Ministry.

Algeria hopes France will help in settling Western Sahara issue

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Algiers, March 30, 2016 (SPS) - Algeria "still has fond hopes" that France will "really" help the region in settling Western Sahara issue within the framework of international legality, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra said Tuesday.

Western Sahara: France wishes implementation of MINURSO‏

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Algiers, March 29, 2016 (SPS) - France supports "the implementation of the mission" of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (Minurso), French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Jean-Marc Ayrault.
"As for Western Sahara, France's position remains unchanged. We support implementation of the Minurso," he stated at a joint press conference with Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra. 

Sahrawi army is prepared to respond to any eventuality‏

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Bir Lahlou, March 29,2016  (SPS) .- The Saharawi troops have begun military exercises to raise the level of readiness and combat capability of the Sahrawi fighter to defend national sovereignty and to face all kinds of threats and eventualities.
Troops from the Fifth Region SPLA (Saharawi People´s Liberation Army) have conducted military exercises Monday in the region of Bir Lahlou in accordance to orders of Staff of the Saharawi Army

Sahrawi government holds a meeting on the latest developments of the national cause‏

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Chahid El Hafid, March 29, 2016 (SPS) - Sahrawi government held on Tuesday meeting chaired by Prime Minister, member of the National Secretariat Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, to study the latest developments of the national cause.
The meeting discussed the latest developments of the national cause, as well as sensitization of the procedures taken at the national and local levels.
The meeting will also study the procedures of the security cell, in addition to  briefing on the recent two visit to Algeria and Mauritania.SPS

Sit-in in Aragon in support of Gdeim Izik political prisoners‏

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Aragon, March 29, 2016  (SPS) .- Members of various groups, including IU-Aragon, Um-Draiga-Friends of the Saharawi people in Aragon, CEAS-Sahara Federation of Barrios de Zaragoza (FABZ), Alouda , Engineers Without Borders, Common Zaragoza (ZEC) and Podemos demanded a fair and civil trial for Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik Group

Solidarity sit-in with Saharawi Political Prisoners "Gdeim Izik" in Cantabria‏

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Cantabria (Spain), March 29, 2016 (SPS) - Cantabria association for the Western Sahara organized sit-in in solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners Gdeim Izik group on their hunger strike for 29 days.
During the sit-in a statement issued by co-ordination of the Spanish association of friendship and solidarity with the Saharawi people, voicing the sympathy of the Spanish civil society in support of Sahrawi issue and Sahrawi political prisoners on hunger strike, demanding the occupying Moroccan authorities to release them.

Algeria, SADR hold consultation meeting

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Algiers, 27 March 2016 (SPS)  – A high-level meeting was held Sunday in Algiers under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and Prime Minister of the Sahrawi Arab and Democratic Republic (SADR), Abdelkader Taleb Omar, as part of the Algerian-Sahrawi consultations, said a communiqué of Prime Minister’s Office.