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Polisario Front Coordinator with MINURSO calls UNSC to response to the big challenge to its authority, and to the security and integrity of peacekeeping missions worldwide

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) – the Polisario Front Coordinator with MINURSO, Mr. Emhamed khadad calls today the UN Security Council to response Moroccan big challenge to its authority, and to the security and integrity of peacekeeping missions worldwide in press conference held in New York.

Polisario Front Coordinator with MINURSO praises African strong solidarity in favour of the Saharawi people

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) – the Polisario Front Coordinator with MINURSO, Mr. Emhamed khadad praises today the African strong support towards the issue of the Saharawi people during his press conference on the eve of the next meeting of UNSC on Western Sahara in New York.
“Pleased to see AU Special Envoy Chissano brief the Council yesterday.  There is strong African solidarity in favour of the Saharawi people.  Morocco is the only African country not in the AU, precisely because it has isolated itself on WS”. Emhamed khadad says

Joaquim Chissano requests UN Security Council to set a date for the holding of the referendum

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, requested the UN Security Council to set a date for the holding of the referendum in his intervention in meeting with UN Security Council.
AU envoy stressed that UN Security Council should set a date for the holding of the referendum.

Joaquim Chissano calls to respect the Sahrawi people’s permanent sovereignty over their natural resources

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, called to the respect the Sahrawi people’s permanent sovereignty over their natural resources during his meeting with UN Security Council.
The former President of Mozambique and current AU envoy to Western Sahara said that UN Security Council should properly address and condemn the illegal exploitation of the Territory’s natural resources

AU Special Envoy to Western Sahara urges UN Security Council to provide MINURSO with a human rights mandate

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, urged the UN Security Council to provide MINURSO with a human rights mandate during his  meeting with UN Security Council.
The UN Security Council should provide MINURSO with a human rights mandate, taking into account the need to ensure sustained, independent and impartial monitoring of human rights in both the Territory and the refugee camps, Joaquim Chissano says

AU Special Envoy Joaquim Chissano condemns Moroccan expel of 84 international civil staff of MINURSO

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, yesterday condemned the Moroccan expel of 84 staff from the civilian component of UN mission (MINURSO), during a meeting of UN Security Council at the request of Angola and Venezuela.
Joaquim Chissano dubbed the Moroccan decision disrespect to the UN and the UN Secretary General as well as the UN Security Council.

Africa should play a leading role in the efforts to find a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara (AU Special Envoy)

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New York, April 27, 2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, said that Africa should play crucial role in the efforts to find a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara in his meeting with UN Security Council.
¨Africa should play a leading role in the efforts to find a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara and should provide much needed guidance to the international efforts to solve the conflict in Western Sahara¨. Joaquim Chissano says

Joaquim Chissano urges the UN to resolve the Western Sahara conflict

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New York, April 27,2016 (SPS) - The Special Envoy of African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Chissano, yesterday urged the UN to urgently resolve the conflict of Western Sahara and criticized the measures taken by Rabat against UN mission (MINURSO).
Joaquim Chissano met yesterday with the Security Council in an informal meeting at the request of Angola and Venezuela, on the eve of the Security Council renewal of the mandate of MINURSO before the end of this month.

President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on the occasion of his country Freedom Day

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Bir Lahlou (liberated territories), ), April 27,2016 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent a congratulatory message to South African President Jacob Zuma on the occasion of the Freedom Day of his country.
President of Republic expressed on behalf of the people and government of the SADR "his warmest congratulations and best wishes for success and prosperity to the dear brother people of the Republic of South Africa which commemorate the Day of Freedom of your great country."

Western Sahara: Sahrawi Army ready to any Moroccan escalation

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Aghouinit, (Liberated Saharawi Territories), April 27,2016 (SPS) - The Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (ALPS) is ready to any Moroccan escalation, said Saturday Sahrawi Minister of Defence Abdelah Lehbib.
In his address at the end of the military manoeuvres carried out last Saturday in the region of Aghouinit, in the Sahrawi liberated territories, Lehbib said that the "Army has the necessary human and material resources to counter any escalation."

Western Sahara people peace proponents not warmongers

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Aghouinit (Liberated Saharawi Territories), April 27,2016 (SPS) - Saharawi Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar said Western Sahara people are "proponents of peace not warmongers," calling on the UN to assume its responsibilities towards the Saharawi cause by organizing a referendum on self-determination. 

Western Sahara: MINURSO’s mandate must be extended to human rights (EuroMed Rights)

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Copenhagen (Denmark), April 26, 2016 (SPS) - The President of the Euro-Mediteranean network of Human Rights (EuroMed Rights), Michel Tubiana called on, in a letter addressed to the Member States of the United Nations Security Council, to renew the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and to extend this mission to include  a review of the human rights situation.

Ould Khelifa reiterates Algeria’s conviction about fairness of Sahrawi cause

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Algiers, April 26, 2016 (SPS) - The Speaker of the People’s National Assembly Mohamed Larbi Ould Khelifa reiterated Monday Algeria’s unchanging position about the conflict in Western Sahara and its “conviction about the fairness of this cause which benefits from an ongoing support following the diplomatic successes recognized by several European Parliaments.”

UN Security Council to meet Tuesday on Western Sahara at AU's request

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Washington, April 26, 2016 (SPS) - The United Nations Security Council will receive the Special Envoy of the African Union Commission's Chairperson for Western Sahara, Joakim Alberto Chissano, to discuss the recent developments in the occupied Sahrawi territories.
The meeting, which will be held at the request of the AU Peace and Security Council, will be devoted to the examination of the status quo prevailing in Western Sahara.

The President of Republic congratulates the President of Tanzania in his country day 52nd Anniversary

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Bir Lehlou, 25 April 2016, the President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz sent Tuesday a letter of congratulation to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Dr. John Pombe Josehp Magufuli on The happy occasion of the 52nd Anniversary of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Unemployed Sahrawi Coordination organizes sit-in to protest Brahim Sikka assassination

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Occupied Smara,  April 25, 2016 (SPS) - the Coordination of Unemployed Saharawi in occupied Smara has organized  peaceful sit-in to condemn the assassination of the martyr Brahim Sikka, reported source from the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.
Demonstrators demanded, during the vigil, which was met with violent repression by the Moroccan forces in various formations, to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Algerian journalists Collective in solidarity with the Saharawi people denounces "strongly" Moroccan colonial practices in Western Sahara

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 Algeria, April 25, 2016 (SPS) – the Collective of Algerian journalists in Solidarity with the Saharawi people condemned  "strongly" Moroccan colonial practices in Western Sahara,  denouncing Morocco Media attempts aimed at obstructing the process of the settlement of the conflict, according to a statement, a copy of which obtained by SPS.