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Political prisoner Mbarek Daoudi transferred to Eit Melloul Prison

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Guleimim (Morocco), March 12, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying authorities have transferred from Guleimim to Eit Melloul prison the Saharawi political prisoner, Mbarek Daoudi, said the Collective of Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA).

Such move proves that Moroccan authorities will continue to detain Mbarek Daoudi, who was sentenced to three months of imprisonment.

On this occasion, CODESA expressed fear for the fate awaiting the prisoner. (SPS)


New documentary about Western Sahara presented in Germany

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Darmstadt (Germany), March 11, 2015 (SPS) - A new documentary under the title: “the Last Colony and the Forgotten People of Western Sahara” by filmmaker Christian Gropper on Tuesday presented at Rex Cinema house in the German city of Darmstadt.

The presentation ceremony was attended by Mohamed Sulaiman Labat, who accompanied the making of the documentary, and Mohamed El Mamun, Polisario Front representative in Germany.

EU deplores difficulty of access to occupied Saharawi territories

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Brussels, March 11, 2015 (SPS) - The European Union (EU) deplored, through the voice of its High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, the obstacles encountered by the different organizations, in particular those defending human rights, as well as the European parliamentarians wishing to go to the occupied Saharawi territories.

Council of Ministers denounces Moroccan blockade imposed on occupied Dajla

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), March 11, 2015 (SPS) -The Council of Ministers on Wednesday denounced the state of siege and excessive militarization imposed by Moroccan occupying authorities on the occupied Saharawi city of Dajla, ahead of Crans Montana Forum to be held from 12 to 14 March 2015.

SADR calls for objective assessment to the work done to protect woman

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Addis Ababa, March 11, 2015 (SPS) - The Permanent Representative to the AU and Ambassador in Ethiopia, Mr. Lamine Baali, has called for an objective assessment to the work done to put into action the international resolutions related to the protection and empowerment of women.

UNMS asks UN Women National Committee Canada to boycott Crans Montan forum

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Boujdour (refugee camps), March 11, 2015 (SPS) - The Secretary General of the Saharawi National Union of Women, Ms. Fatma El-Mehdi, on Monday called on the UN Women National Committee Canada to boycott Crans Montan forum, which is set to be held in the occupied city of Dajla from 12 to 14 March 2015.

PAC condemns organization of Crans Montana Forum in occupied Saharawi territories

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Accra, March 10, 2015 (SPS) - The Pan-African Movement (PAC) condemned, in a resolution issued at the end of its 8th congress held from 5 to 7 March, the decision by Crans Montana Forum to hold a meeting in Dakhla, an occupied territory of Western Sahara, in collusion with the Moroccan authorities.

Following the full text of the resolution:

Members of the Pan African Movement, met at 8th Pan African Congress held from 5 to 7, 2015 in Accra, Ghana:

Political prisoner Mbarek Daoudi sentenced to 3 months in prison

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Guleimim (Morocco), March 10, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan court on Monday sentenced to three months of imprisonment with a fine the Saharawi political prisoner, Mbarek Daoudi, said a Saharawi right source.

The defense team indicated that Mbarek Daoudi was subject to torture and maltreatment during his period of detention at Sale 1.

It is worth noting that the prisoner has been imprisoned over his action for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

EU renews support to Saharawi people right to self-determination

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Brussels, March 10, 2015 (SPS) - The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mrs. Federica Mogherini, said the EU “supports the efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to achieve a just, durable and mutually acceptable peace, which provides for the right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara in accordance with the principles and objectives of the UN Charter.”

Saharawi women protest plunder on International Women's Day

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), March 9, 2015 (SPS) - In celebration of International Women's Day, the Saharawi women in the refugee camps held Sunday a protest against foreign companies that are complicit in Morocco's plunder of their occupied homeland, Western Sahara.


In Boujdour camp, one of the Saharawi refugee camps in the south-western Algerian desert, women yesterday gathered to demand an end to the illegal exploitation of their homeland, urging the involved foreign companies to leave the territory.


President of Republic receives new ambassador of South Africa

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Shaheed Elhafed, March 8, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Saturday at the Presidency, Mr. Dennis Thokozani Dolmo as extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of South Africa to the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).


President of Republic receives new ambassador of Venezuela

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Shaheed Elhafed, March 8, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Saturday at the Presidency Mr. Jesus Sojo José Reyes, who presented his credentials as the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).


RWB condemns worrying situation on press freedom in Morocco

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Paris, March 07, 2015 (SPS) .- The NGO Reporters Without Borders (RWB) denounced on Friday a "hardening of the repression against journalists" in Morocco, citing several recent incidents among  which was the expulsion of two French journalists accused of making a film without permission.


 "In last months, press freedom in Morocco was marked by an intensification of repression against journalists,"  wrote RWB in a communiqué.


SADR delegation takes part in celebrations of Ghana 58th Anniversary of Independence

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Accra, March 7, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) took part in the celebrations of the 58th Anniversary of the Independence of Ghana.


The Saharawi delegation is led by Ambassador Mahjoub Sidina accompanied by Abba Alhaisen, a member of the Constitutional Council, and Nhabuha Butinkiza, human rights activist.


The Saharawi Ambassador conveyed to the President of Ghana the congratulations of the Saharawi President and people, and wished the Ghanaian people prosperity and welfare. (SPS)


NUSW pays tribute to Saharawi woman role in liberation struggle

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 Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), March 7, 2015 (SPS) - The National Union of Saharawi Women (UNMS) praised the historic role played by Saharawi women in the struggle for liberation in a statement Saturday on the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day, coincides with the anniversary of the first martyr of the Polisario Front, Bashir Lehlawi.


NUSW appealed to international organizations to condemn the organization of the Crans Montana Forum in Sahrawi occupied city of Dakhla.


SADR chairs African Union ad hoc committee for peace, security and cultural development

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ZAMBIA, March 6, 2015 (SPS) - The representatives of the African Union’s countries appointed Permanent Representative  to the African Union (AU) and ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Ethiopia Lamine Baali president of AU ad hoc committee for peace, security and cultural development.


Lamine Baali was elected to chair this committee in the meeting of the representatives of AU’s countries, devoted to the debate on the executive plan of the first decade of the agenda “Africa 2063,” held from 2 to 6 March in Lusaka.

United States expresses concern about human rights situation in Western Sahara

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 Geneva (Switzerland), March 6, 2015 (SPS) - The United States expressed concern about the human rights situation in Western Sahara, during an intervention of its representative before the 28th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, its work Monday in Geneva, with the participation of a Sahrawi delegation.