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President of Republic receives Saharawi delegation to World Social Forum

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Boujdour (refugee camps), April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Tuesday evening received the Saharawi delegation to the World Social Forum, hosted by Tunis on 24-28 April 2015.

Addressing the audience, President Mohamed Abdelaziz expressed satisfaction for the performance of the delegation at the Forum, hailing their efforts to educate the participants, especially Tunisians, about the plight of the Saharawi people.

Sahrawi Government calls UNSC to support AU decisions for the decolonization of Western Sahara

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 Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), March 31, 2015 (SPS) - The Government of the SADR and the Polisario Front has called on the United Nations Security Council to support the decisions of the African Union, in its capacity as the first partner of the United Nations in the peace process in Western Sahara, said Foreign Minister Mohamed Salem Ould Salek in a press conference in Algiers.


"Solidarity with Saharawi People" new book published in Peru

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Lima (Peru), March 31, 2015 (SPS) - The Federation of Journalists of Peru exhibited a new book under the title "Solidarity with the Saharawi People" in the framework of its third book exhibition 2015 of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, organized by the Editorial Fund of the Congress with the aim to promote the culture of reading and the cultural activities in general, according to the Peruvian Council of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (COPESA).


Military manoeuvres of Sahrawi government in Tifariti

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Tifariti (Liberated Zones), March 30, 2015 (SPS) - Military manoeuvres were organized Sunday, by the 2nd military region of the Sahrawi Liberation Army, in the liberated territories of Tifariti (Northern Western Sahara), sources said.


They are “routine manoeuvres,” said Sahrawi political and military officials, adding that the manoeuvres of Tifariti are “carriers of messages to the UN, international opinion and the enemy.”


Morocco bans two Norwegian activists from visiting occupied city of Dakhla

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Dakhla (Occupied Territories), March 30, 2015 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities prevented two Norwegian activists from traveling to the occupied city of Dakhla without providing convincing reasons for this prohibition.


According to Sahrawi human rights sources, Moroccan security and military officials arrested activists Thea Njastad and Martine Jahre Sunday morning in Imitlan locality, a hundred kilometers north of the occupied city of Dakhla.


Khadad denies Moroccan alleged proposals for settlement of Western Sahara conflict

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Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), March 30, 2015 (SPS) - Frente Polisario Coordinator with MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) M'hamed Khadad has denied there are new proposals for the settlement of the Saharawi conflict, adding that "Moroccan media's allegations in this respect are unfounded."


Western Sahara: AU PSC request UN SC to "make every effort to expedite" process of decolonization

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Addis Ababa, March 29, 2015 (SPS) - The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) has asked the United Nations Security Council (UN) to "make every effort to expedite the process of decolonization of Western Sahara ", indicatedSaturday a communiqué of the organization.


The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 496th meeting held on 27 March 2015, adopted the following decision on the situation in Western Sahara:


British supporters launch campaign on Twitter against Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara

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 London (UK), 29 March 29, 2015 (SPS) British supporters of the Saharawi cause launched last week a campaign on twitter against the illegal occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco, calling on the United Nations Security Council to meet its commitments towards the Saharawi people and to allow it to exercise its right to self-determination.


 The supporters launched their campaign under the theme "40 years of occupation" in reference to the illegal Moroccan occupation of parts of Western Sahara since 1975. 


SADR urges UN, AU to set date for referendum in Western Sahara

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 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), March 29, 2015 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Salek, urged the United Nations and the African Union to quickly set a date for the holding of a referendum on self-determination of the Saharawi people, as (UN-AU) the guarantors of the implementation of the settlement plan accepted by both parties to the conflict (the Polisario Front and Morocco).


Saharawi human rights activist Aminetu Haidar calls for respect of Sahrawi rights

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 Washington (USA), March 29, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi human rights activist Aminetu Haidar has called on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities through expanding the prerogatives of MINURSO to include monitoring, protection and reporting about the situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara.


Algerian Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs recalls Algeria’s consistent position on peoples’ self-determination through referendum

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Algiers, March 29, 2015 (SPS) – Algerian Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdelkader Messahel recalled Saturday in Algiers, Algeria’s consistent position, supportive to the principle of peoples’ self-determination through the organization of referendum.


During a meeting with UN Secretary General’s special envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, on tour in the region, Messahel stressed "the imperative of serious handling of issues related to human rights and the illegal exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara territory."

Prime Minister receives prominent US lawyer Gare Alan Smith

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 Shaheed Elhafed, March 28, 2015 (SPS) The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, received Friday, the prominent American lawyer, Gare Alan Smith, who was on a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps.


 The Prime Minister praised the efforts of the US attorney for the Saharawi cause during his diplomatic career and through the conferences he hosted during his stay in favor of Saharawi officials.


Japanese parliamentarians support UN efforts for self-determination referendum in Western Sahara

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Tokyo, March 28, 2015 (SPS) - Members of different parties in Japan have expressed support to the efforts of the United Nations for the organization of the referendum on self-determination of the Sahrawi people.


Members of the House of Councilors Satsuki EDA, Mizuho FUKUSHIMA, and Member of the House of Representatives Mito KAKIZAWA, co-signed a statement Friday affirming that they “support the efforts of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)”.


Western Sahara: UN should assume its responsibility

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), 2015 (SPS), March 28, 2015 (SPS) - The United Nations should assume its responsibility by forcing "the recalcitrant party (Morocco) to abide by Western Sahara decolonization in accordance of the international law," said Friday the Sahrawi coordinator with MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara), M'hamed Kheddad.


Sahrawi women “committed” to continuing their struggle for self-determination

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), March 27, 2015 (SPS) - The Sahrawi women reaffirmed Thursday their commitment to continuing their struggle for the self-determination and independence of their country.


Speaking at a preparatory conference for the congress of the National Union of Sahrawi Women, the participants in this meeting underlined their “commitment” to the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination, while reiterating their willingness to “always remain in the vanguard of the fight.”