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RWB condemns worrying situation on press freedom in Morocco

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Paris, March 07, 2015 (SPS) .- The NGO Reporters Without Borders (RWB) denounced on Friday a "hardening of the repression against journalists" in Morocco, citing several recent incidents among  which was the expulsion of two French journalists accused of making a film without permission.


 "In last months, press freedom in Morocco was marked by an intensification of repression against journalists,"  wrote RWB in a communiqué.


"In a context  already difficult, the kingdom's authorities have above all been putting pressure on the press to ensure that “sensitive” subjects are not covered in a free and independent manner", says the NGO.


RWB evoked in particular the deportation on 16 February of French journalists Jean-Louis Perez and Pierre Chautard, who were doing a report for France 3 on the economic and social situation in Morocco four years after the “Moroccan Spring.”


  In its communiquee, RWB also deplorer  that the new code of Moroccan press, presented in October in a government council, has "not yet been adopted," and says that its measures could win more being "clarified and strengthened."