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Announcement of commission for municipal elections (Presidential Decree)

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Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), May 7, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, made public Thursday a decree announcing the set up of a national commission for the supervision of seminars leading to the election of chiefs of municipalities (Dairas).


 The commission is composed of 141 members, including members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, the government, the National Council and senior officials of the Polisario Front and the SADR.


UESARIO briefs Afrika Kontakt partners on Saharawi cause

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Johannesburg, May 7, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO) on Wednesday briefed the African partners of the Danish non-governmental organization Afrika Kontakt, currently meeting in Johannesburg as part of a partnership seminar, about the question of Western Sahara.

Delivering a detailed presentation, UESARIO International Secretary Jalihenna Mohamed highlighted the historical, legal and political aspects of the question of Western Sahara, the last unfinished decolonization matter in Africa.

Minister of Public Health on working visit to Castille-León

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Castille-León (Spain), May 7, 2015 (SPS) - The Minister of Public Health Mr. Mohamed Lamine Daddi on Wednesday began a three-day working visit in the region of Castille-León, Spain.

Upon his arrival in the region, the Saharawi minister received by Mr. Antonio María Sáez, Castille-León’s Minister of Health.

He also held talks with the mayors of the municipalities of Aranda de Duero and Burgos, in the presence of the associations of solidarity with the Saharawi people.

PAP vice-president Sweilma Beiruk meets political bodies in Havana

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Havana, May 7, 2015 (SPS) - Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), Ms. Sweilma Beiruk, arrived Tuesday in Havana, capital of Cuba, at an invitation by Mr. Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the National Assembly of the People’s Power.

Sweilma Beiruk, from the Saharawi Republic, was received at Havana airport by Ms. Hernández, along with some officials in the National Assembly of Cuba People’s Power, and the Saharawi ambassador in Cuba Mr. Malaanin Tgana.

Polisario Front’s cooperation with international efforts outlined in clear framework

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Chahid Ah Hafed (refugee camps), May 6, 2015 (SPS) - “Polisario Front’s cooperation with the international efforts stems from the idea that dealing with the parties to the conflict must be on an equal footing, a dealing outlined in a clear and unambiguous framework that is to enable the Saharawi people of their right to self-determination and independence,” said the National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario, in a statement concluded its 11th session.

UESARIO attends Afrika Kontakt partners’ seminar in South Africa

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Johannesburg, May 6, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation of the Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO) takes part at a partnership seminar organized by the Danish ONG “Afrika Kontakt” on financial and administrative management of associations, kicked off Monday in Johannesburg, South Africa, in the presence of civil society organizations from various African countries.

Frente Polisario hails AU stance on Western Sahara issue

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 6, 2015 (SPS) - The National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario on Tuesday reiterated thanks and appreciation to the African Union (AU) for its “principled, clear and strict” position on Western Sahara issue, hailing the movement of solidarity with the national cause.

Algeria, Cuba reaffirm Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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Algiers, May 6, 2015 (SPS) - Algeria and Cuba reaffirmed Tuesday their support to the United Nations’ efforts aimed at achieving a “fair” and “lasting” political settlement to the Saharawi issue based on the exercise by the Sahrawi people of their right to self-determination, according to a joint statement released at the end of the State visit paid to Algeria by Cuban President Raul Castro.

Polisario Front condemns France’s negative role in Western Sahara conflict

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 6, 2015 (SPS) - The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front on Tuesday condemned the negative role played by France in the conflict of Western Sahara, through its continued support to Morocco’s expansionist and colonial policies.

Demonstrations in occupied Western Sahara in protest of recent UN resolution

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), May 5, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi masses in occupied Western Sahara have organized popular demonstrations in protest of the resolution on Western Sahara adopted recently by the UN Security Council,
demanding an immediate end to Morocco’s occupation of the territory.

The protests called for right of the Saharawi people to freedom and self-determination, and for the release of all the Saharawi political prisoners incarcerated in Moroccan jails.

President of Republic chairs meeting of National Secretariat Bureau

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Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), May 4, 2015 (SPS) – President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, chaired Sunday at the Presidency a meeting of the Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front.


The meeting which discussed the development of the Sahrawi issue, focused on preparing the report of the Bureau of the National Secretariat that will be submitted to its 11th ordinary session on Tuesday.    


Fisahara demands respect for rights of Saharawi people

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), May 3, 2015 (SPS) The International Film Festival in Western Sahara (Fisahara) demanded the respect of the rights of the Saharawi people to self-determination and a dignified life, in a statement at the closing of its 12th edition held in Dakhla from 29 April to 2 May 2015.


Film"Sand Grain" wins 12th edition of Fisahara award

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), May 3, 2015 (SPS) The film "sand Grain" by American director, Pamela Yates, was Chosen the best movie of the 12th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (Fisahara) for the prize of this edition (the white camel).


 The film "Equality" won the second award, while the third award went to the National Film School for short films made by Sahrawi students.


The award of honor, Eduardo Galeano, was granted to Mauritanian Director Abderrahmane Sissoko for his film "Timbuktu".


Moroccan police officers monitor family home of Adala UK president

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), May 3, 2015 (SPS) - In Western Sahara, a group of Moroccan plain clothes police officers is monitoring the family home of Adala UK president Sidi Ahmed Abdala Mohamed Fadel in El Aaiun capital of Western Sahara, which led to panic among nearby residents, Adala UK reported today .


Peaceful demonstration of unemployed Saharawis repressed in occupied El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), May 3, 2015 (SPS) The Moroccan occupation forces cracked down, Friday in the occupied city of El Aaiun, on a peaceful demonstration organized by a group of unemployed Saharawi graduates on the occasion of the World Day of workers, reported a Saharawi human rights sources.


Theunemployed Saharawi graduates chanted slogans demanding their legitimate rights to employment and work, guaranteed by the international charters.


Sahrawis express their commitment to freedom and independence

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Wilaya of Smara (Refugee Camps), May 3, 2015 (SPS) Thousands of Saharawis participated Saturday in a popular demonstration demanding the right of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.


The participantsformed the phrase "Sahara Free" to attract the attention of the international community to the unwavering commitment of the Saharawi people to their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.


Families of missing sahrawis call to shed light on their relatives’ fate

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), May 3, 2015 (SPS) - The families of the missing Sahrawis called on again Friday, in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Dakhla, the international community to put pressure on Morocco to reveal the fate of their relatives who disappeared since the beginning of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara in 1975.


Regional Festival of Arts and Popular Culture closes in Dakhla

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), May 2, 2015 (SPS) - The Regional Festival of Arts and Popular Culture closed last night with a greatcultural evening in the wilaya of Dakhla.


Taking part in the closing ceremony, along with Minister of Culture Mrs. Khadija Hamdi, were  members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and SADR government as well as foreign delegations participating in the activities of Fisahara in addition to a delegation of human rights activists from the occupied territories.