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Festivities during the month of June to mark POLISARIO 40th Anniversary

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), June 1, 2013 (SPS) - The Saharawi people will celebrate in the beginning of the month of June the Martyr Day, observed on June 9th, Zemla Uprising (June 17th) and Day of the Missing (June 18th), according to agenda of the national committee for the preparation of the 40th anniversary of the POLISARIO Front.

Martyr Day will be commemorated in the Wilaya of Awserd, Saharawi refugee camps, by organizing the 5th edition of Martyr El-Ouali’s Intellectual Forum.

SV reaffirms support to struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence

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Oslo, June 1, 2013 (SPS) - Head of External Relation at the Socialist Left Party of Norway (Norwegian acronym; SV) Ms. Mona stressed Friday that her party “reaffirms support to the struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence,” asking Morocco to be true to its commitments vis-à-vis the process of peaceful settlement sponsored by the UN since 1991, as well as to conduct a referendum on self-determination and to accept its results.

U.S. Congress delegation concludes a visit to Saharawi refugee camps

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), May 31, 2013 (SPS) - A U.S. Congress delegation, composed of 12 members, concluded Wednesday a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camp of Smara to enquire about the living conditions of Saharawis in these camps.

During the visit, the delegation was received by the Prime Minister of SADR Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar and Speaker of the Saharawi National Council Mr. Khatri Addouh.

Moroccan occupation authorities prison Sahrawi youths after their participation in peaceful demonstrations demanding self-determination

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Aiun (occupied territories) May 30, 2013 (SPS) - The so called Magistrate of the Moroccan Court of Appeal in occupied city of Aiun has put, today Thursday, four young Sahrawis (Sidi Mohamed Mellah, Mohammed Salouh, Mahmoud Hannon, Ajouad Farrah) at the local prison in the city under investigation, due to their participation in peaceful demonstrations demanding self-determination of the Saharawi people, as reported by the Ministry of the occupied territories and Diaspora.


US Congress delegation visits Sahrawi refugee camps

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SMARA (Sahrawi refugee camps)May 30, 2013(SPS)- A US Congress delegation has visited Wednesday Sahrawi refugee camp of Smara to enquire about the living conditions of Sahrawis in these camps.


The 12-member delegation, which was welcomed by the Wali (governor) of Smara camp and members of the Sahrawi Parliament, visited some public facilities.


President of Republic Invites the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to assume its responsibilities to protect Sahrawi civilians

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Geneva, May 29, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic,  Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, called on the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, to assume their responsibilities in order to protect Sahrawi civilians who are victims of violations committed by the Moroccan occupation forces in the occupied territories and cities of southern Morocco, in a meeting with the High Commissioner for human Rights, Ms.

Ministry of Culture affords gun of martyr Elwali to the National Museum of Resistance

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Boujdour, May 29, 2013 (SPS) - The Minister of Culture, a member of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO front, Khadija Hamdi, submitted on Monday in Boujdour, the personal gun of the founding father of the Sahrawi Revolution on May 20, 1973, Martyr ElWali Mustapha Sayed, to the director of the National Museum of resistance, Mr. Mohamed Olidha, in a ceremony held on the occasion of the launch of the center of museum interpretation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic


Violent incursions of Moroccan forces into many homes in Smara

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SMARA (occupied Sahrawi territories) May28, 2013 (SPS)- The Moroccan occupation forces made violent incursions at dawn on Monday into many homes of Sahrawi citizens, in different districts in the occupied city of Smara, where peaceful demonstrations have been staged since few months to claim the right of Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence, according to human rights associations from the city


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia donates 200 tons of dates to Sahrawi refugees

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Oran (Algeria)May 28, 2013 (SPS)- A caravan made up of 14 trucks loaded with 200 tons of dates set off Monday from the Dry Port of Oran (432 km west of Algiers) to the Sahrawi refugee camps, as part of the Saudi annual donation to the World Food Programme (WFP) 


Zimbabwe reiterates its permanent support to the struggle of the Saharawi people (Official)

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Harare (Zimbabwe) May 28, 2013 (SPS) -The Director General for External Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr. Qodfrey Sheparay, reiterated Today the permanent position of his country in support for the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence, during his meeting with Ambassador of the Saharawi Republic to Zimbabwe Mr. Aldaich Mohammed Saleh, according to a press release issued by the Sahrawi embassy in Harare


U.S. congress delegation visits the Sahrawi refugee camps

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Smara (Sahrawi refugee camps) May 28, 2013 (SPS) - a delegation from the U.S. Congress will arrive tomorrow to the Sahrawi refugee camps, on a working and survey lasting for 24 hours, according to the agenda of the visit.


International unions support Saharawi people’s legitimate struggle

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SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (Spain) May28, 2013 (SPS)- Several international trade unions reiterated their support to Saharawi people’s legitimate struggle, at the end of the sixth conference of the Spanish Confederation of Galicia’s Workers

At a meeting with the person in charge of the international action at the General Union of the Workers of Seguia el-Hamra and Rio de Oro, Labaada Keziza, many trade unions condemned Morocco’s human rights violations and inhuman practices in Western Sahara.

Africa must be grateful to Cuba’s support, says SADR President

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Addis Ababa, May 27, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz said Monday that Africa “must be grateful to the support of the people and government of Cuba”, during the closing ceremony of the 21st Ordinary Session of the African Union Summit, held in Addis Ababa.

Twenty-first AU Ordinary Summit closed in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa, May 27, 2013 (SPS) - The 21st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union closed today’s morning by the ratification of a number of decisions, in the presence of the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz.

African Heads of State and Government signed on the official declaration of OAU/AU 50th Anniversary. It also adopted the AU Commission Strategic Plan 2014-2015 and Union’s budget for the year 2014.

AU Summit: President of Republic holds talks with African counterparts

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Addis Ababa, May 27, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has held a range of talks with heads of state and government present at the African Union 21st Ordinary Summit, conclude this morning in the Ethiopian capital.

AU honours heroes of Saharawi and African struggle for freedom and independence

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Addis Ababa, May 27, 2013 (SPS) - On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), African Union (AU) has honoured the heroes and heroines who fought for the liberation and independence of Africa, including the leader of May 20th Revolution, martyr EL-Ouali Mustapha Sayad, and the deceased Mohamed Sid Brahim Basiri.

AU’s unconditional support, a “great success” for Saharawi people (Aminatou Haidar)

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Addis Ababa, May 27, 2013 (SPS) - The Saharawi human rights Ms. Aminatou Haidar described today, Monday, in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) as “great success” the “unconditional” support of member states of the African Union (AU) to the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination.

“The unconditional support of the AU to the Saharawi question is a great success. This reaffirms the just cause of the people of Western Sahara and their struggle for independence,”

President Mohamed Abdelaziz condemns terrorist act targeting Niger

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Addis Ababa, May 26, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has condemned the terrorist act which targeted Niger, during the discussion of the report of AU Peace and Security Commissioner at the 21st regular session African Heads of State and Government.

“This treacherous attack and coward terrorist act can only be denounced and condemned,” said President Mohamed Abdelaziz, during the discussion of the report.