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SV reaffirms support to struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence

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Oslo, June 1, 2013 (SPS) - Head of External Relation at the Socialist Left Party of Norway (Norwegian acronym; SV) Ms. Mona stressed Friday that her party “reaffirms support to the struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence,” asking Morocco to be true to its commitments vis-à-vis the process of peaceful settlement sponsored by the UN since 1991, as well as to conduct a referendum on self-determination and to accept its results.

In a meeting on Friday with POLISARIO Representative to Norway Dr. Limam Khalil, Mr. Mona said that SV will continue to working so that Norway recognizes the Saharawi state.

The meeting was an opportunity for the Saharawi diplomat to inform his interlocutor about the latest developments in Western Sahara, including the serious situation of human rights in the occupied territories.

He, in this respect, recalled to the urgent need for the international community to exert pressure on Morocco, which has been occupying the territory since 1975, to comply with international legitimacy, and to stop blocking the path of decolonization and allow the Saharawi people to exercise their legitimate right to self-determination and independence.

On April 2007, the Central Committee of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party approved a resolution, in which the Party condemns the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara and calls upon the Norwegian government to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Socialist Left Party of Norway is currently one of the ruling coalition parties. It has won 11 seats in the last parliamentary elections. (SPS)
