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Amnesty report condemns “excessive force” in Western Sahara

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London, May 23, 2013 (SPS)- Amnesty International condemned today the “excessive force” Morocco uses in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. “The Moroccan authorities continued to target Sahrawi human rights defenders and advocates of self-determination for Western Sahara, and used excessive force to quell or prevent demonstrations in Western Sahara,” Amnesty International say in their 2013 Annual Report that was published today.



African Union adopts report on situation in Western Sahara

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ADDIS ABABA, May 23, 2013 (SPS)- The member states of African Union Executive Council adopted during their 23rd ordinary session, which opened Wednesday in Addis Ababa, a report on the situation in Western Sahara.



UN human rights vote: Travesty of justice for Western Sahara

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London May 22, 2013 (SPS)- The British newsletter “Sahara Analysis” ,in its last issue published on May 2013,  confirmed that The United Nations has voted not to monitor human rights violations in Western Sahara. This represents a tragedy of justice for the people of Western Sahara, who will continue to be subjected to the brutal oppression of occupying Moroccan forces, says the news letter


Demonstrations in the occupied territories on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle

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Smara (occupied territories of Western Sahara), May 22, 2013 (SPS)- The city of Smara witnessed Monday, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle, several demonstrations in different quarters of the city and the distribution of leaflets and the suspension of national flags with electric cables, as reported the ministry of the occupied territories and communities affairs


Zimbabwean National Union Party affirms its firm position of the Sahrawi cause

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Harare (Zimbabwe), May 22, 2013 (SPS) - The head of the Zimbabwean National UnionParty, Mr. "Simon Kia Moyo" affirmed yesterday that the position of his party, leadership and base of the Sahrawi cause is constant  and does not change, says Mr  Simon during talks with the Sahrawi Ambassador in Zimbabwe Mr. Daish Mohammed Saleh


Spanish solidarity movement with the Saharawi people urges its government to grant diplomatic status to the Polisario Front Mission

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Madrid (Spain), May 21, 2013 (SPS) - the Spanish associations in solidarity with the Saharawi people urged the Spanish Foreign Ministry to grant diplomatic status to Polisario Front mission in Spain as the sole and legitimate representative of the Saharawi people, as recognized by the UN, in a written message delivered to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation of Spain in accordance with the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Polisario Front and the outbreak of armed struggle



Arab Union of Cuba felicitates Saharawi people on armed struggle 40th anniversary

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Havana, May 20, 2013 (SPS) - The Arab Union of Cuba has expressed felicitation to the Saharawi people and leadership of the Frente POLISARIO on the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle, in a letter addressed to the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz.

“The Arab Union of Cuba would like convey sincere salutations and affirms solidarity with the Saharawi people in their struggle for freedom and sovereignty,” stated the letter.

Anniversary of Saharawi armed struggle has more than significance, says Ambassador Mujica

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Tifariti (liberated territories), May 20, 2013 (SPS) - Ambassador of Venezuela to the SADR Mr. Michel Mujica confirmed today morning, Monday, in the liberated town of Tifariti that the celebration of the anniversary of the outbreak of Saharawi armed struggle has more than significance, both at regional and international level.

AU calls for protection of human rights, decolonization of Western Sahara

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Addis Ababa, May 20, 2013 (SPS) - Permanent Representatives Committee of the African Union has called for the protection of human rights and decolonization of Western Sahara, during the discussion of the report of the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights convened these days at AU headquarters in Ethiopian capital, according to a media source.

Sovereignty of Saharawi people, legitimate demand (Mr. Mohamed Hadi)

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Tifariti (liberated territory), May 20, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Algerian Parliamentary delegation and Deputy Speaker of the Algerian National People’s Assembly Mr. Mohamed Hadi has emphasized that the consecration of Saharawi people's sovereignty over his territory is a “legitimate demand”, calling for the formation of widespread front to support the Saharawi state at the international foras.

Independent Saharawi state, message of love, friendship and peace to Moroccan people, says SADR President

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Tifariti (liberated territories), May 20, 2013 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO stressed that the independent Saharawi state is a “message of love, brotherhood, cooperation, friendship and peace to the brotherly people of Morocco,” highlighting, in a speech delivered Monday in the liberated town of Tifariti marking the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle, that the Moroccan people will not accept, to infinity, the expansion policies practiced by Rabat regime on his brotherly Saharawi people.

Festivities marking 40th anniversary of outbreak of armed struggle kicked off in Tifariti

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Tifariti (liberated territories), May 20, 2013 (SPS) - The festivities commemorating the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle in Western Sahara kicked off this morning, Monday, in the liberated town of Tifariti, in the presence of national and foreign delegations.

The event is attended by the President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, and members of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO and Saharawi government, as well as senior cadres in the state.

Japanese parties supports democratic referendum in Western Sahara

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Tokyo, May 20, 2013 (SPS) - Members from different parties represented in the Parliament of Japan have voiced support to a political solution to conflict of Western Sahara through a democratic referendum, informed Saharawi diplomatic sources.

On eve of anniversary of outbreak armed struggle: Parliament ratifies conventions and protocols related to AU

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Special envoy

Tifariti (liberated territories), May 19, 2013 (SPS) - On the eve of the celebrations commemorating the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of armed struggle in Western Sahara to take place tomorrow in the liberated town of Tifariti, the Saharawi National Council (Parliament) ratified Sunday a range of conventions and protocols related to the African Union (AU).

POLISARIO Representative in Valencia holds talks with Juan Medina

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Valencia (Spain), May 19, 2013 (SPS) - The POLISARIO Representative in Valencia Mr. Saad El-Mami has held talks with the Vice-President and Head of Municipal and International Cooperation at the Council of Valencia Mr. Juan José Medina.

During the meeting, the Saharawi Representative informed his interlocutor about developments in the occupied Western Sahara and humanitarian situation of Saharawi refugees.