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September 2024

SPLA  units target Moroccan occupation forces in Guelta sector

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), September 19, 2024 (SPS) - Advanced units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted Moroccan enemy bases in the Guelta sector, inflicting heavy losses in lives and equipment.

The military communiqué issued by the Central Directorate of Political Commissariat of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army stated that advanced units carried out concentrated shelling on Thursday morning, targeting the trenches of the Moroccan occupation army in the Guelta sector.

Minister of Public Health receives delegation from Algerian Guidance and Reform Association

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Shaheed El Hafid, September 19, 2024 (SPS) - Minister of Public Health, Salek Baba Hassna, received Wednesday a delegation from the Algerian Guidance and Reform Association.

During the meeting, the Minister welcomed the Algerian delegation, expressing his gratitude to the Algerian association for its ongoing contributions and interventions in support of the Sahrawi people in various fields, especially in the health sector.

President of Sahrawi National Council partakes in 12th Annual Conference of African Parliament Heads

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Johannesburg (South Africa), September 18, 2024 (SPS) - Mr. Hama Salama, a member of the National Secretariat, President of the Sahrawi National Council, is participating in the 12th Annual Conference of African Parliament Heads organized by the African Parliament from September 18 to 20 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

He is accompanied by Mr. Jamal Bendir Berhah, the Secretary-General of the National Council, and the representatives of the Sahrawi Republic in the African Parliament.

UGTSARIO International Officer received by Secretary-General of General Union of Algerian Workers

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Algeria, September 18, 2024 (SPS) - International Relations and Cooperation Officer of the General Union of Sahrawi Workers (UGTSARIO), Mami Abidi, was received Tuesday by the Secretary-General of the General Union of Algerian Workers, Amar Takdjout.

The reception, which took place at the headquarters of the General Union of Algerian Workers, is part of the preparations for the 50th anniversary of the General Union of Sahrawi Workers, which will be held in October, in the Sahrawi refugee camps.

UJSARIO signs cooperation and partnership agreement with Algerian National Association for Youth Activities

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Algeria, September 18, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the Algerian National Association "Rafik" for Youth Activities at the Sahrawi embassy in Algiers.  

The agreement was signed by Ali Mohamed Salem, the UJSARIO Secretary-General, and Monir Jamal, the President of the National Bureau of the Algerian Association.

Dr. Sidi Omar: Western Sahara is “the largest prison on Earth” that UN human Rights mechanisms re unable to visit

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New York (The United Nations) 17 September 2024 (SPS)– Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, the Frente POLISARIO representative at the United Nations, condemned Morocco's portrayal of Occupied Western Sahara as a model of development, declaring it the "largest prison on earth", in a letter he sent to the current President of the UN Security Council in response to claims by the Moroccan representative that the region is thriving.

Dr. Sidi Omar: Madrid Agreement has never been recognized by the UN and is null and void

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New York (The United Nations) 17 September 2024 (SPS)– Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, the Frente POLISARIO's representative at the United Nations, issued a corroborated letter to Slovenian Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, the President of the UN Security Council, challenging Morocco's claims that the so-called “Madrid Agreement” with Spain has ended the conflict in Western Sahara as a decolonization issue.

Dr. Sidi Omar: Western Sahara is a colony according to international law and Morocco a force of illegal occupation

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New York (The United Nations) 17 September 2024 (SPS)– Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, Member of the National Secretariat and Representative of the Frente POLISARIO at the United Nations, sent a letter to Slovenian Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, President of the UN Security Council for September, addressing Moroccan falsehoods propagated by the Moroccan Representative to the UN regarding the legal status of Western Sahara.

Frente POLISARIO Representative at the UN refutes with documented evidence the claims of the representative of the occupying state

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 New York (United Nations), 17 September 2024 (SPS) – Dr Sidi Mohamed Omar, Member of the National Secretariat, Representative of the Frente POLISARIO at the United Nations and Coordinator with MINURSO, addressed a letter today to Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council and President of the Security Council for the month of September.

Italian civil society exposes Morocco's harassment against Sahrawi activists in Italy and its Human Rights violations in occupied territories

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Rome (Italy) 17 September 2024 (SPS)– The Italian Sahrawi Network for the defense of human rights and support of the Sahrawi cause (Rete Saharawi) affirmed that Moroccan community in Italy, led by a former Moroccan-Italian politician, is involved in various verbal harassments against Saharawi activists and even kids in holidays in Italy.

President of Sahrawi National Council arrives in Johannesburg to take part in Conference of African Parliament Speakers

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Johannesburg (South Africa), September 17, 2024 (SPS) - Mr. Hamma Salama, a member of the National Secretariat, President of the Sahrawi National Council, arrived Sunday in Johannesburg to participate in the Conference of African Parliament Speakers, which will be held as part of the September session of the African Parliament, the legislative body of the African Union.

Sahrawi Government holds evaluation meeting for 2024 program and prepares 2025 program

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Shaheed El Hafed, September 17, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government held a meeting, Monday, chaired by member of the National Secretariat, Prime Minister Bouchraya Hamoudi Beyun, at the Presidency of the Republic.

The meeting focused on evaluating the government’s annual program for 2024 and preparing the draft program for 2025, as well as reviewing the work of the National Events Authority and national institutions.

Polisario Representative in Italy stresses the need for respecting International law in conflict resolution during Italian Democratic Party Unity Festival

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Bologna (Italy) 17 September 2024 (SPS)– During the Italian Democratic Party’s Unity Festival held yesterday evening in Bologna, Polisario Front Representative in Italy, Fatima Mahfoud, emphasized the crucial importance of strictly adhering to the principles of international law as a fundamental requirement to ensure global peace and security.

Moroccan youth attempting mass migration from Morocco to Ceuta and Melilla

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Melilla (Spain), 16 September 16, 2024 (SPS) - Thousands of young Moroccans from various Moroccan cities have rushed to the Moroccan borders near the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla in an attempt at mass migration on Sunday. This movement is driven by severe economic conditions, political repression, and widespread social vulnerability in Morocco.

Polisario Representative in Italy: Resolving the conflict in Western Sahara is possible, but there is no political will in the Security Council to do it

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Rome (Italy) – 15 September 2024 (SPS)- Polisario Front’s Representative in Italy, Mrs. Fatima Mahfoud, affirmed that decolonizing Western Sahara is possible through the application of international law, and that a solution exists and is feasible, were it not for the lack of political will among some permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

Sahrawi women endure torture as part of Moroccan occupation policy to eradicate their resistance

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Geneva, 14 September 2024 (SPS) - Sahrawi activist Yaqouta Mekhtar Moulai confirmed that Sahrawi women are subjected to torture, arbitrary detention, sexual harassment, and systematic smear campaigns as part of a broader policy aimed at eradicating their resistance and affecting their leadership role in guiding the Sahrawi people's struggle under Moroccan occupation.

Sahrawi people are waiting for United Nations to fulfill its promises and implement its resolutions

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New York (United Nations), 14 September 2024 (SPS) - Sidi Mohamed Omar,  member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Representative of the Polisario Front at the United Nations, emphasized that what the Sahrawi people expect from the UN is to honor its promises and implement its resolutions regarding the Sahrawi issue, particularly those related to the right to self-determination.

This came during an interview the Sahrawi diplomat conducted with Sahrawi national television on Saturday from New York via Skype as part of the "Event Program."