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Assassination of a young Saharawi in occupied city of Dakhla

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Dakhla (occupied territories), September26,2011 (SPS) .- Sources in the occupied city of Dakhla have confirmed the killing of young Saharawi ,Maichan Mohamed Lamin Lehbib,(aged 29)a result of crucial  attacks by Moroccan settlers supported  by Moroccan security forces against Sahrawi citizens.

 Human Rights Defenders from Dakhla confirmed that many saharawis were injured and arrested while three have taken to the hospital, "one of them in serious condition."

At least eight people injured and two others arrested in the occupied city of Dakhla

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Dakhla (occupied territories), September 26, 2011 (SPS) At least eight people were injured in clashes that took place Sunday night at the occupied city of Dakhla, following a peaceful demonstration calling for the immediate withdrawal of the Moroccan occupation and independence of Western Sahara, said a Sahrawi judicial source there.

According to a first assessment, the Moroccan occupying forces brutally intervened to disperse the demonstrators, causing several injuries, most of which are classified as "serious," added the source.

Algeria to host international symposium on right of peoples to resistance on October 28, reveals Mehrez Alamari

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Florence (Italy), Sept 26, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS), Mr. Mehrez Alamari, announced Saturday the organization of an international symposium on the peoples right to resistance on October 28 in Algeria, during his intervention in concluding ceremony of the third European Conference of Towns supporting Saharawi people.

The conference will invite international defenders of the just causes, including those who won Nobel Peace Prize, the Algerian official reveal.

World women, in particular Africans, are strongly called to support struggle of the Saharawi woman (official

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Abuja (Nigeria), Sept 24, 2011 (SPS) - In a statement reported Friday by various Nigerian media, Dr. Basirat Nahibi, president of Women's Organization of African (WAELE), confirmed that the decision of its Organization along with partners from the Nigerian civil society and trade unions to hold an international conference on the struggle of the Saharawi woman for freedom “falls within the framework of commitment to serving the issues of women and African peoples.”

Kingdom of Lesotho voices its support to Saharawi people struggle for freedom and independence

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United Nations (New York), Sept 24, 2011 (SPS) - The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Mr. Pakalitha Mosisili, has reiterated the strong supporting position of his country to the rights of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.

“We encourage the mediation efforts of the United Nations that are being made towards the realization of a free and independent Western Sahara,” said Saturday PM of Lesotho to the 66th annually session of the General Assembly. (SPS)


Republic of Zimbabwe urges UN to live-up for its obligations towards the Saharawi people

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United Nations (New York), Sept 24, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Zimbabwean Republic, Mr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe, has urged the UN for the need to accelerate the application of the UN resolutions that call for enabling the Saharawi people of its right of self-determination and independence, calling on the UN to help the peoples under occupation to attain independence.


Tanzania reaffirms support to Saharawi people right to self-determination and independence

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New York (UN), September 23, 2011 (SPS) - The President of Tanzaniz, Mr.  Jakaya Kikwete, expressed Thursday hope that the United Nations will take urgent steps to enable the Saharawi people to its right to self-determination and the decolonization of the last colony in Africa.


In a speech to the 66 session of the UN General Assembly, which started its work Wednesday in New York, Mr. Kikwete asserted that Western Sahara is the last colony in Africa which must be decolonised.


International conference on Sahrawi women struggle for freedom in Nigeria

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Abuja (Nigeria), September 23, 2011 (SPS) - The President of Women's Organization of African(WAELE), Dr. Basirat Nahibi, announced Thursday, at a press conference held at the headquarters of the organisation in the Nigerian capital Abuja, that “an international conference on the struggle of the Sahrawi women for freedom” will be organised in Abuja, Nigeria, September 27-28, according to press statement distributed on the sidelines of the conference, SPS received a copy of it.


Mozambique renews support to right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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New York (UN), September 22, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Mr. Armando Emilio Guebuza, reaffirmed Wednesday that his country supports the right of the Saharawi people to freedom and independence.


The Mozambican President renewed in a speech at the opening of the 66 work session of the UN General Assembly "his strong support for the international community's efforts to find a lasting solution to the question of the people of Western Sahara.


South Africa asserts support to struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence

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New York (UN), September 22, 2011 (SPS) – The President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma, renewed Wednesday his country's strong support for the Saharawi people's right to freedom and self-determination.


Addressing heads of state and government of the world at the opening of the 66 work session of the UN General Assembly, South African President reaffirmed"we support the constant struggle of the people of Western Sahara for self-determination.”


Sahrawi Republic participates in Independence Day of Republic of Belize

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  Managua (Nicaragua), September 21, 2011 (SPS) - The Ambassador to Nicaragua, Mr. Sulaiman Tayib Hannan, attended Tuesday the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Belize, as the personal envoy of President Mohammad Abdelaziz, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Embassy in the capital of Nicaragua.


Italian Parliamentary Group for Western Sahara reaffirms support to the Saharawi cause

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Rome (Italy), Sept 21, 2011 (SPS) - The Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with the Saharawi people, Ms. Carmen Motta, has reaffirmed the commitment of the Group to support the Saharawi cause, in a meeting with the Saharawi human rights activist, Brahim Dahane, who is in Italy to participate on the third European Conference of Towns supporting Western Sahara people, informed Tuesday the Jaima Saharawi Association.

Saudi Arabia provides 200 tons of dates for benefit of the Saharawi refugees

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Oran (Algeria), Sept 21, 2011 (SPS) - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave Tuesday a humanitarian aid of 206 tons of dates for the benefit of the Saharawi refugees, the Saharawi Embassy in Algeria reported.

The caravan, which is supervised by the World Food Programme Representation in Algeria in coordination with the Algerian and Saharawi Red Crescent, has set up from the port of Oran in the presence of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Algeria, Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Saleh, and a representative of the Saudi Ministry of Finance.

Third European Conference of Towns supporting Western Sahara people in Italy

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Rome (Italy),September 20, 2011 (SPS) - The Tuscany region of Italy is holding, in Florence and Livorno, the third European Conference of Towns supporting Western Sahara people (September 24-26) to stress their right to self-determination, a source said Tuesday in Rome.


Representatives of cities are expected at this meeting from Italy, Europe and the world, along with the Saharawi refugee camps and associations of solidarity with the Saharawi people, in addition to a high-level Sahrawi government delegation led by Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar.

President of Republic receives the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on Hasania culture

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camp) September 18, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front , Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Sunday the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on the Hasania culture, organized by the UN in the period between September 13 to 16 , 2011 in the presence of Saharawi participants from occupied territory and refugee camps .