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PP intends to support referendum in Western Sahara when winning November elections (Spanish official

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Madrid, Aug 29, 2011 (SPS) - The Spanish Popular Party (PP) intends to review the foreign policy of Spain, especially in dealing with the Palestinian and Western Sahara’s cause, in the case of its victory in the general elections to be held on November 20.

In an interview with the Spanish newspaper “El Pais”, Mr. Jorge Moragas, coordinator of the presidency and international relations of the PP, said that his Party “has the right to reconsider the timetable for the withdrawal of the Spanish troops from Afghanistan.”

Moroccan occupation authorities surrounds house of Saharawi activist in occupied El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (occupied territories) Aug 28, 2011 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities have surrounded since Saturday the house of the General Secretary of the Confederation of Saharawi Workers and President of Gdeim Izik Coordination, the activist Sidi Ahmed Deya, according to a human rights source from the occupied city.

President of South Sudan Republic names new cabinet

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Juba, Aug 28, 2011 (SPS) - South Sudan's President Salva Kiir Myardit named Frifay his first cabinet since the country declared independence last month, including former supporters of the north's main party as he set out to unite a fractured state.

Kiir announced the cabinet late on Friday, naming ministers from a wider selection of areas and ethnic groups than the previous caretaker administration

U.S. ready to provide any help for Ross to resolve Western Sahara conflict, says Mr. Ensher

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Algiers, Aug 28, 2011 (SPS) - The U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, Mr. Henry Ensher, confirmed that his country “ready to provide any assistance to the efforts of the UN Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross,” in a dispatch published Saturday by the Algerian Press Service (APS).

“Our position is that we support this process,” said the U.S. diplomat, confirming that his country will accept any outcome resulted from it.

Saharawi Republic partakes in AU summit on situation in Horn of Africa and Libya

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Aug 28, 2011 (SPS) - A delegation of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) led by the Minister Delegate in charge of Africa, Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, participated in the works of the AU exceptional summit on the situation in the Horn of Africa, especially Somalia, and Libya taking place in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on Aug 25-26, 2011.

The Summit adopted a plan to relieve the humanitarian situation for 14 million Africans in Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and Somalia.

Nigeria renews its unwavering support to right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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Abuja (Nigeria) Aug 27, 2011 (SPS) - The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Nigeria, Dr. Nuruddeen Mohammed, reiterated Friday his country’s firm supporting position to the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination, expressing concern about the serious Moroccan violations of human rights in the occupied Western Sahara, during his meeting with the Saharawi Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Oubi Bouchraya Bachir.

Polisario front refutes claims of involvement in Libya reported by Moroccan news agency

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), August 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government and the Plisario Front denied Friday categorically allegations that “about 556 mercenaries from the Polisario Front have been brought in to support Gaddafi troops, have been arrested by the guerrillas of the Transitional National  Council,” as was reported Thursday by Moroccan news agency, in  a statement issued by the Ministry of Information.


Polisario front refutes claims of involvement in Libya reported by Moroccan news agency

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), August 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government and the Plisario Front have denied categorically allegations that “about556 mercenaries from the Polisario Front has been brought in to support Gaddafi troops, has been arrested by the guerrillas of the National Transitional Council,” as was reported Thursday by Moroccan news agency, in  a statement Friday.


Polisario front refutes claims of involvement in Libya reported by Moroccan news agency

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), August 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government and the Plisario Front have denied categorically allegations that “about556 mercenaries from the Polisario Front has been brought in to support Gaddafi troops, has been arrested by the guerrillas of the National Transitional Council,” as was reported Thursday by Moroccan news agency, in  a statement Friday.

Polisario front refutes claims of involvement in Libya reported by Moroccan news agency

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), August 16, 2011 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government and the Plisario Front have denied categorically allegations that “about556 mercenaries from the Polisario Front has been brought in to support Gaddafi troops, has been arrested by the guerrillas of the National Transitional Council,” as was reported Thursday by Moroccan news agency, in  a statement Friday.

Bojador: the sahrawi jobless continue their protest

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Bojador (occupied territories) August 23, 2011 (SPS) - The sahrawi jobless plateforme of Bojador held Monday night, after the prayer of Tarauih, a sit-in in front of the regional government of occupation headoffice as the beginning of a new joint mobilization in a response to the brutal intervention of the security forces against demonstrators on 28 of the last month and a method of pressure to take away their rights to social integration, a source present there reported.


Smara jobless decide to intensify the fight for work

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Smara (occupied territories) August 23, 2011 (SPS) - After two months of protest in front the headoffice of ANAPEC, the jobless of Smara city have decided to continue the fight after the regional governor, Mohamed Salem Sabti, has rejected more than once to receive a committee that represented them, reports Sahara Now, a digital newspaper spread from the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

Cape Verde opposition leader wins election runoff

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Praia, Aug 22, 2011 (SPS) - Cape Verde opposition candidate Jorge Carlos Fonseca has won a presidential election runoff in the west African island nation, securing 54.45 percent of the vote to beat ruling party flag-bearer Manuel Inocencio Sousa, authorities said.

With only about 7 percent of the ballot left to be tallied, Cape Verde election officials said late on Sunday that Fonseca had an unassailable lead while Sousa followed with about 45 percent of the vote.

Sousa told a new conference that he had acknowledged Fonseca's victory and had congratulated him.

My support will allocated to defeat Moroccan invader in Western Sahara, says Willy Toledo

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Madrid, August 20, 2011 (SPS) - “My support will be allocated to defeat the Moroccan invader in Western Sahara,” the Spanish actor, Willy Toledo, has confirmed in a debate under the motto “Western Sahara, people in struggle” on the sidelines of the eighth Music Festival held in Benicàssim’s Spanish city, the Spanish Press Agency (EFE) reported Thursday.

My support will allocated to defeat Moroccan invader in Western Sahara, says Willy Toledo

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Madrid, August 21, 2011 (SPS) - “My support will be allocated to defeat the Moroccan invader in Western Sahara,” the Spanish actor, Willy Toledo, has confirmed in a debate under the motto “Western Sahara, people in struggle” on the sidelines of the eighth Music Festival held in Benicàssim’s Spanish city, the Spanish Press Agency (EFE) reported Thursday.

RWB : “Escalation in repression of journalists and netizens by the Moroccan authorities”

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Paris, August 21, 2011 (SPS)- Reporters Without Borders pointed out that the last "developments point to an escalation in repression of journalists and netizens by the Moroccan authorities" specially in Western Sahara, where Mohamed Ayache Buihi, a reporter for the Moroccan daily Al-Massae and editor of the website has been beaten with a baton on the back and legs.

Attack in Marrakech: The Makhzen denounced by the main accused

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Salé (Morocco), August 20, 2011 (SPS) - Adil El Atmani, presumed author of the coffee Argana attack in Marrakesh, appeared Thursday before the Court of Appeal Court of Salé charged of terrorism where he declared to be innocent and being under presssion to take responsibility for the attack, reported the Moroccan press.


Strengthen of bilateral relations between Saharawi Republic and Paraguay

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Asunción (Paraguay) August19.2011(SPS)  the government of Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the government of Paraguay signed Thursday in the capital of Paraguay Asuncion a joint communiqué expressing their readiness to ¨ strengthen and developing  bilateral relations on bases of mutual respect and defend principles and goals  of the United Nations especially the rights of Peoples to self-determination and save international peace¨

Ould Haïdala :"a democratically elected regime could guarantee stability in Mauritania and therefore disadvantage" Morocco

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Nouakchott, 19th August 2011 (SPS) - Mohamed Ould Khouna Haidalla in an exclusive interview published Aug. 3th, 2011 in the Mauritanian newspaper Le Calame, the former Mauritanian president reveals the destabilizing actions taken by King Hassan II to bring down the man who had recognized the SADR (Western Sahara, the former spanish colony) and brought peace to the brotherly people of the south.