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A canadian company reveals the potential of Western Sahara to host gold, base metal, uranium and diamond deposits

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Kelowna (Canada) 17th August 2011 (SPS)– The company Metalex has reported  yesterday the commencement of an airborne geophysical survey over its exploration license in the side of the Western Sahara occupied by Morocco "which shows potential for several commodities".

A 85,000 line kilometer magnetic and radiometric survey is being flown over the Company’s 17,100 km2 exploration license in the old spanish colony

The Islamic famous preacher Dr. Tarek Suwaidan , supports Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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 Kuwait, August 15,2011 (SPS) .- The Islamic famous  preacher, Dr. Tarek  Suwaidan, President of the Center for Development of Relations between the Arab World and the West, expressed his  support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through a referendum allowing  the Sahrawis to decide their future, during his television program  "winds of change broadcasting on Alresalah chanel.

President of Republic draws attention of AU about Moroccan repression in occupied part of SADR

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Bir Lahlu, August15,2011(SPS) the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Sunday, drew attention of the  African Union(AU) to the waves of repression recently committed By the Moroccan occupation against the Saharawi citizens in occupied part of a member founder of AU, the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic(SADR).

President of the Republic draws attention of Ban ki-moon to Moroccan escalating steps against sharawis in occupied territories

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Bir Lahlu,August 13,2o11(SPS) the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front ,Mohamed Abdel Aziz, drew attention of the UN’s Secretary General ,Ban ki-moon, to the escalating steps of Moroccan occupying authorities in front of peaceful resistance movement in the Saharawi occupied territories in particular in the occupied  city of Laayoune on last Monday and Thursday leaving  more than  eight causalities among the Saharawis.

Saharawi Government condolences Dambar’s family after death of their father

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Shahid Alhafed, August 13, 2011(SPS) the Saharawi government sent a letter of condolence to all the Saharawi people after the death of the father of martyr,Sayid Damber. The father Sidiahmed abdelwahab ,who has died on Friday morning in the hospital of Mohamed V in Rabat (morocco) after  a long illness exacerbated by his mental status affected  due to the case his son, the martyr, who still has not been buried despite the passage of more than seven months after his  assassination by a Moroccan policeman in occupied city of Laayoune

Madrid accuses Morocco funding Islamic extremist groups in their territories

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Madrid, August 13, 2011 (SPS)- Spain accused Morocco of indirect backing of radical Islamic groups located on their territories, according to a confidential report prepared by the Centre for Spanish military intelligence (CNI) published in the newspaper “El Pais” and sent the Director of Military Intelligence Gen. Felix Sanz Roldan in 16 of last May to each of the ministries of interior, foreign affairs and defense Spanish.

Algiers and Rome for a "political solution" in Libya

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ennahar 12 July, 2011

Algiers (Algeria) - Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mourad Medelci and his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini, visiting Algeria Tuesday pleaded for a "political solution" to the Libyan crisis.

        "The political solution is the only urgent alternative for the settlement of the Libyan crisis," said Frattini, during a joint press conference with Mr Medelci.

Zapatero’s government brought "great harm" to Western Sahara people, Saharawi official says

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Madrid, August 12, 2011 (SPS) -The Polisario Front representative in Spain Bouchraya Beyoun accused the Socialist government of Spain for having brought "great harm" to the Sahrawi people due to its support to the Moroccan thesis.

In an answer published by the Spanish Press Agency (EFE), the Saharawi official said the Spanish socialist government led by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero "has brought great harm to the Sahrawi people for eight years in power due to its support to the Moroccan thesis, thus extending the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara."

Emergency Session of British Parliament Meets to Address Riots

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VOANews/ 2011.08.11

British Prime Minister David Cameron says the rioting that has gripped the country for much of the past week is not about politics or protest, but is the result of a culture that "glorifies violence."

Cameron made his comments at an emergency session of parliament on Thursday. He said the British government "will not allow a culture of fear to exist on its streets," warning looters that they will be tracked down and prosecuted.

U.S. Ambassador praises Algiers as “vanguard” in Africa and Arab region

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 ALGIERS, - The new U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, Henry Ensher, said on Wednesday in the capital city of Algiers that his country supports Algeria to play a leading role in the Arab region and Africa.

Ensher said that Algeria plays a “vanguard” role in Africa and the Arab world during the meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, adding that his country supports its efforts.

Oil: OPEC maintains its forecast 2011, steady growth in 2012

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ennahar 12 July, 2011

VIENNA - The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) maintained almost unchanged its forecast of 2011 demand for crude and expects stable growth in 2012 due to uncertainties about the strength of economic recovery, it announces Tuesday in Vienna.

        In its monthly report, OPEC estimates that demand for crude in 2011 is forecast at 88.18 million barrels/day (bpd), an increase of 1.36 million bpd compared to 2010.

Algeria grants $10 million to secure the Sahel region

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Bamako, 11 août 2011 (SPS)- Malian President Amadou Toumani Toure launched a blueprint and a massive program to develop and secure the north of Malian borders with Algeria, in a move to re-establish Bamako’s control over these vast areas abandoned by the Malian government after becoming the most important strongholds of AQIM.


Second night of violence in London

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Tottenham, 8 août 2011 (SPS)- Police have arrested more than 100 people in a second night of violence in London triggered by anger over the fatal shooting of a man by police last week.

Groups smashed and looted shops and damaged a police car in Enfield, a few miles north of Tottenham, which saw the British capital's worst unrest in years on Saturday night when a police station came under attack amid protests over the death of Mark Duggan, a father of four who was gunned down by police on Thursday.

Secretary of state for youth and sports visits Germany and Austria

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Shahid Alhafed, August 7, 2011(SPS) the Secretary of state for youth and sports, Mohamed Maulud Mohamed Fadel, started a working visit to Germany and Austria for several days at a common  invitation by associations of friendship with the Saharawi people and representations of the Polisario Front in these two European countries to review  the program “ vacations in peace”  

Foreign Minster congratulates his counterpart of Jamaica

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Bir Lehlou(liberated territories) August7.2011 (SPS)the Minister of Foreign affairs, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek sent a message of congratulations to the Foreign Minister of Jamaica, Dr.Kenneth Baugh, on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the national day of his country, Jamaica.

The foreign Minister took this opportunity to express his satisfaction to the high level of relations between the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the Republic of Jamaica

President of Republic congratulates Prime Minister of Jamaica

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Bir Lehlou(liberated territories) August7.2011 (SPS) President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, congratulated Prime Minister of Jamaica,Orette Bruce Golding, on the 49th anniversary of the national day of Jamaica.

“On behalf of the people of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, its government and myself, I extend warm congratulations on the glorious occasion of the 49th Anniversary of Independence of your Country, Jamaica.” The President writes to the Jamaican President.

Saharawi government denounces Moroccan armament

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Shahid Alhafed, augost 6,2011(SPS) the Saharawi Government expressed deep concern about the dangerous trend of  the Moroccan government by buying American jet planes, F16, expressing deplore that this action encouraging  the  Morocco  government to continue its intransigence policy which stand on occupying western Sahara  by force in challenge  of  the UN charter since october31,1975.

Moroccan authorities of occupation assault Sahrawi citizen

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), August 4, 2011(SPS) – Moroccan police agents in uniforms assaulted Wednesday Sahrawi citizen Mukhtar Tarfawi before his shop in Matallah neighbourhood in the occupied city of El Aaiun, without knowing the real reasons that led them to commit flagrant violations against him, according to a source of the Ministry of the Occupied Territoriesand Communities Abroad.