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President Brahim Ghali receives delegation from European Parliament

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Awsard, March 4, 2024 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received on Sunday a delegation from the European Parliament, which led a working and solidarity visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps.

During the meeting held in wilaya of Awsard, the delegation was briefed on the developments of the Sahrawi issue, especially after Morocco's violation of the ceasefire agreement on November 13, 2020, and the region's return to war and direct confrontation with the Moroccan occupation on all fronts.

Geneva group for Western Sahara calls for independent human rights monitoring mechanism

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Geneva, 4 March 2024 (SPS) - The Geneva Group for Western Sahara has renewed its urgent call to the United Nations to establish an independent mechanism to monitor the human rights situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. This comes in light of Morocco's unjustified and unacceptable refusal to allow technical missions from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for the ninth consecutive year.

Sahrawi army targets enemy base in Mahbes sector

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), March 2, 2024 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted an enemy base of the occupation army in the Mahbes sector, causing heavy losses in lives and equipment.

A military communiqué issued today, Saturday, by the political commissariat of the SPLA, stated that as part of the liberation war waged by the Sahrawi fighters, detachments of our army carried out a concentrated bombardment targeting an enemy base of the occupation soldiers in the Laakad region of the Mahbes sector.

President of Republic receives winners of Sahara Marathon

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Shaheed El Hafed, March 2, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received Saturday  evening at the presidential headquarters the winners of the Sahara Marathon, in the presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hassennitou Mohamed Achbal, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamida El-Hafed, and Saleha El-Abd, the Ambassador and Director of Protocol at the Presidency.

Solidarity evening with Sahrawi people held in Sydney, Australia

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Sydney (Australia), 2 March 2024 (SPS) -  The Australia Committee for Solidarity with the Sahrawi People organized a solidarity evening in Sydney, Australia, on March 2, 2024. The event featured speeches and documentary films about the suffering of the Sahrawi people under the Moroccan occupation.

Sahrawi people managed to deliver voice of their struggle to world despite all harassments of Moroccan occupation

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee Camps), 2 March 2024 (SPS) -  The Secretary-General of the Union of Sahrawi Journalists and Writers (UPES), Nafei Ahmed Mohammed, has affirmed that the Sahrawi people, despite the Moroccan occupation's harassments, have been able to convey their struggle thanks to the professionalism of Sahrawi journalists, media professionals, and a group of media freedom advocates around the world.

President of Republic receives congratulatory message from his South African counterpart on 48th anniversary of Sahrawi Republic

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Pretoria (South Africa), February 29, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received a congratulatory message from his South African counterpart, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, on the occasion of commemorating the 48th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

President of Republic receives congratulatory message from Venezuelan counterpart on Sahrawi Republic’s Anniversary Day

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Caracas, February 29, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received a congratulatory message from his Venezuelan counterpart, Mr. Nicolas Maduro, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic, renewing Venezuela's "permanent solidarity" with the "just Sahrawi cause" and its "firm support for the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination."

Algeria: Solidarity Conference with the Sahrawi People

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Algiers, February 29, 2024 (SPS) - The Algerian National Council of Higher Education Professors, in coordination with the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations in Algiers, organized a solidarity conference with the Sahrawi people on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Republic.

The conference was attended by several members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Algeria, professors, students, and invited figures.

Algerian representative in Geneva criticizes obstinacy of Moroccan occupation and its persistence on depriving Sahrawi people of their right to self-determination.

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Geneva (Switzerland), February 29, 2024 (WAS) - The Algerian representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Rachid Beladhane, criticized the obstinacy of the Moroccan occupation by not allowing the Sahrawi people to exercise their legitimate rights, especially the right to self-determination, in a flagrant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter, said the Algerian ambassador.

UK Reaffirms Support for Sahrawi Self-Determination and De Mistura's Efforts

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London (UK), February 29, 2024 (SPS) - The United Kingdom has reaffirmed its traditional position on the Western Sahara issue, which is the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination. The UK also expressed its support for the work of the UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy, Staffan de Mistura.

Expansion of support for Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination, sign of imminent victory

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Algiers, 29 February 2024 (SPS) -The Speaker of the Council of the Nation (Upper House of Parliament), Salah Goudjil affirmed Tuesday that the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) cause was rooted in the conscience of freedom-loving men and that the expansion of support for the Sahrawis’ right to self-determination “is a sign of the approach of the victory.

President of Republic receives  congratulatory message from his Algerian counterpart on 48th anniversary Sahrawi Republic.

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Algiers, February 28, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received a congratulatory message from his Algerian counterpart, Mr. Abdelmajid Tebboune, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the declaration of the Sahrawi Republic.

The message reiterated Algeria's permanent solidarity with the just Sahrawi cause and its firm support for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination.

Ireland renews its position on the Western Sahara issue

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Dublin (Ireland), February 28, 2024 (SPS) - The Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Michael Martin, reiterated his country's position on the Western Sahara issue, considering the Western Sahara as a non-self-governing territory under international law.

The Foreign Minister reaffirmed this position in response to two written questions submitted by Deputy Chris Andrews of the Sinn Féin party and Mr. Patrick Costello of the Green Party, which is part of the coalition government.

President of Bolivia expresses greetings to Sahrawi people

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La Paz (Bolivia), February 28, 2024 (SPS) - The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, has sent his greetings to the authorities and the people of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) on their National Day and the 48th anniversary of its proclamation, according to the information provided by the Prensa Latina agency.