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The United Nations should not shake off its responsibility to ensure self-determination for the Sahrawi people. Says Zimbabwean representative

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The United Nations should not shake off its responsibility to ensure self-determination for the Sahrawi people. Says Zimbabwean representative



New York (United Nations), October 15, 2015 (SPS) – the representative of Zimbabwe, Mr. Frederick Shava called in the general debate of the Special Political and Decolonization, on Wednesday the United Nations to not shake off its responsibility to ensure self-determination for the peoples of the remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories, especially Western Sahara.



Petitioners appeal for Sahrawi people right of self-determination in the fourth committee

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New York(USA), October, 14 2015 (SPS) - The Fourth Committee of the UN in charge of decolonization continued hearing testimonies and intervention on the question of Western Sahara in its meeting.


Petitioners from around the world, including the Western Sahara diaspora, political, journalist, writer, representative, students, committee of friendship with the Sahrawi people calling for UN fourth committee to push for the holding of the referendum to allow the Sahrawi people to decide their destiny.

Petitioners appeal for Sahrawi people self-determination in the fourth committee

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New York(USA), October, 14 2015 (SPS) - The Fourth Committee of the UN in charge of decolonization continued hearing testimonies and intervention on the question of Western Sahara in its meeting.


Petitioners from around the world, including the Western Sahara diaspora, political, journalist, writer, representative, students, committee of friendship with the Sahrawi people calling for UN fourth committee to push for the holding of the referendum to allow the Sahrawi people to decide their destiny.

US-Western Sahara Foundation Chairman Intervention to the UNGA Fourth Committee

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New York(United Nations), October 14, 2015 (SPS) – the President of the Defense Forum Foundation and Chairman, US-Western Sahara Foundation Ms.  Suzanne Scholte on Tuesday has intervened before the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, United Nations Fourth Committee.

Polisario Front Representative Intervention to the UNGA Fourth Committee

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New York(United Nations), October 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Polisario Front representative to the United Nations, Ahmed Bujari on Tuesday  has intervened before the Fourth Committee of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.

The Sahrawi diplomat began his intervention saying, “As you know, Morocco has militarily invaded our homeland in October 1975 in blatant violation of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions relevant to.”

Live is waiting best documentary award in Zimbabwean International Film Festival

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Harare(Zimbabwe), October 13, 2015 (SPS) - The documentary "Live is Waiting Referendum.", Written by Lara Lee was named best documentary at the International Film Festival in Harare, capital of Zimbabwe.


 "Live is Waiting, Referendum in Westren Sahara» was for the public testament to the hard reality of the Saharawi people under Moroccan rule, at the same time is a testament to the will of the Saharawi people to continue fighting for independence.


Sahrawi women delegation attends African Women's Conference

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Midrand(South Africa) October 13, 2015 (SPS) -Sahrawi delegation composed by Khadijato Mojtar charge of the foreign Department in the Sahrawi Women Union and the former member of the said Union Amaima Side Abdalhadi on Monday participated in the works of the Pan-African Parliament Women's Conference held in South Africa.


UN called to assume responsibilities towards decolonization of last colony in Africa (President of Republic)

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 Bir-Lehlu (liberated territories), October 12, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, called on the UN organization to assume its responsibilities towards the decolonization of Western Sahara, in a speech delivered at the opening ceremonies celebrating the fortieth anniversary of national unity in the liberated town of Bir-Lehlu.


Saharawi people reiterates commitment to struggle to recover legitimate rights (President of Republic)

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 Bir-Lehlu (liberated territories), October 12, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, reiterated the attachment of the Saharawi people to pursue its liberation struggle to recover their legitimate rights to self-determination and independence, during the festivities celebrating the National Unity Day liberated town of Bir-Lehlu.


Mexican PRD party expresses support to Saharawi cause

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Oaxaca (Mexico), 11 Sept 2015 (SPS) - The President of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) in Oaxaca, Mr. Carol Antonio Altamirano, has expressed the solidarity and support of his party to the Saharawi cause during his reception at the party headquarters to the representative of the Sahrawi Republic in Mexico, Mr. Ahmed Moulay Ali Hamdi, during his visit to Oaxaca.


 The PRD leader in the region expressed "solidarity and support for the Saharawi people, that has the full right to decide their own destiny."

MEP Delegation of European United Left on visit in Saharawi refugee camps

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 Brussels, 10 Sept 2015 (SPS) - A delegation of MEPs from the European United Left (GUE / NGL) is currently on a visit in the Saharawi refugee camps to express support for the Saharawi people and to take part in the celebrations commemorating the 40th anniversary of the declaration of the Day of the Sahrawi National Unity.


Uruguay defends right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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 New York, 10/09/15 (SPS) - The Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations, Ambassador Mr. Gonzalo Koncke, confirmed that his country defends the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination in accordance with the principle of the self-determination of peoples.


Mexico supports efforts to find just and lasting solution to Western Sahara conflict

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 New York, 10 Sept 2015 (SPS) - The representatives of Mexico Minister Ricardo Alday has affirmed,in the debate of the Fourth Committee of the 70th General Assembly on the issue of decolonization, that his country supports the efforts to find a just and lasting solution to the Western Sahara conflict.


 "We reiterate our deep commitment to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination", the Mexican representative to the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly said Thursday during his speech.


Western Sahara one of most important issues on UN Fourth Committee agenda

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New York (UN), 9 Sept 2015 (SPS) - The Fourth Committee of the UN in charge of decolonization began its session on Thursday. On its agenda, the question of Western Sahara is listed as one of the most important.


In their interventions, Member States and regional groups of States express their support to the struggle of the Saharawi people for self-determination and independence against the Moroccan colonialism.