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Sahrawi President calls on UN to assume its responsibilities towards decolonization

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Bir Lahlu(Liberated Territories), October 13 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi President, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz called on the United Nations to assume their responsibilities towards decolonization of Western Sahara.

 "The struggling Saharawi people deserve to live free and independent in peace and stability, they also deserve that the United Nations assume its responsibilities in the decolonization of Africa's last colony (Western Sahara)," the president of the Saharawi Arab democratic Republic (SADR) said in an opening address Monday at a ceremony marking the fourth anniversary of the national unity in the liberated town of Bir Lahlu.


He urged the UN "to organize a just, democratic referendum allowing the (Saharawi) people to exert their right to self-determination and independence."


The Saharawis "also deserves international community's protection from Moroccan occupation's oppression and tyranny, a halt to Morocco's plunder of Western Sahara's natural resources, and the release of all Saharawi political prisoners thrown in Moroccan jails, including Gdeim Izik group, who have been given heavy sentences by a Moroccan military court, and the dismantle of the Wall of Shame (built by Morocco), which is a crime against humanity." (SPS)

