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Delegations start to arrive to the 40th anniversary of the National Unity

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Chahid El-Hafed(Saharawi refugee camps), October 08, 2015 (SPS) – delegations on Tuesday started to arrive to take part in the 40 anniversary of National Unity and the International Festival of Culture and Popular Arts, scheduled to be from 8 to 11 in Bojador Camps. 


IUSY delegation in an official visit to Sahrawi refugee camps

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Chahid Hafed, October 07, 2015 (SPS) - delegation from the International Union of Socialist Youth known as (IUSY) Tuesday has organized an official visit to the Saharawi refugee camps where they received by the Secretary General of Sahrawi Youth Union (UJESARIO) , Mr. Zain Mohamed Sidahmed , youth members and cadres, according to a Ujesario source.

UN urged to ensure respect of Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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GENEVA(Switzerland), October 07, 2015 (SPS) - the coordinator of the Polisario Front with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum In Western Sahara (MINURSO) Mhamed Khaddad urged the United Nations to ensure the respect of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination given its commitments to resolving the conflict of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco, in an interview with the Newspaper Tribune of Geneva, received Wednesday in Algiers.


Ministers Council condemns Morocco escalation policy against pro-Saharawi cause peoples

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Chahid Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) - the Council of Ministers on Tuesday condemned the escalation of the Moroccan propaganda policy against the pro-peace peoples and nations, which raise their voices in defense of the Sahrawi issue.

 The Council also praised the positions of friendly countries around the world, which defended the Saharawi cause in the UN General Assembly, particularly the African Union


Ministers Council denounces Moroccan ongoing human rights violation of the Saharawi people

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Chahid Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) - the Council of Ministers on Tuesday denounced the Moroccan ongoing brutal violations of human rights against Saharawi people in occupied territories, where they are witnessing continuous waves of brutal repression committed by Moroccan occupation forces.

The Council voiced its solidarity with all the activists of the independence uprising (Intifada), especially the Sahrawi Political prisoners in Moroccan jails. (SPS)



Ministers Council pays tribute to the Sahrawi mass struggle in occupied territories

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Chahid Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) – The Council of Ministers applauded the struggle of the Saharwi masses in the occupied territories, calling to draw lessons that were behind the victories achieved and the determination to failed the Moroccan plans.

In its meeting held on Tuesday, the Council requested further  pressure and sanctions on Moroccan to comply with the requirements of international legality and to stop obstructing UN efforts to reach a just and democratic solution through the holding of  a referendum of self-determination.(SPS)

Ministers Council denounces Moroccan ongoing human rights violation of the Saharawi people

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 Chahid Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) - the Council of Ministers on Tuesday denounced the Moroccan ongoing brutal violations of human rights against Saharawi people in occupied territories, where they are witnessing continuous waves of brutal repression committed by Moroccan occupation forces.

The Council voiced its solidarity with all the activists of the independence uprising (Intifada), especially the Sahrawi Political prisoners in Moroccan jails. (SPS)



Ministers Council condemns Morocco escalation policy against pro-Saharawi cause peoples

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Chahid Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) - the Council of Ministers on Tuesday condemned the escalation of the Moroccan propaganda policy against the pro-peace peoples and nations, which raise their voices in defense of the Sahrawi issue.

 The Council also praised the positions of friendly countries around the world, which defended the Saharawi cause in the UN General Assembly, particularly the African Union



President of Republic chairs meeting of Ministers Council

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Shaheed el Hafed, October 06, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, chaired Tuesday a meeting of the Council of Ministers.


the meeting has addressed the preparations for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of National Unity, preparations for international conference to support the struggle of the Sahrawi women, and the latest developments of the situation in the occupied territories and the developments in dealing with the United Nations.(SPS)



Sahrawi Red Crescent launches an urgent appeal for refugee humanitarian assistance

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Chahid Al Hafed ( Sahrawi Refugee Camps), October  06, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi Red Crescent (SRC)  has launched today, an urgent appeal to all donors, humanitarian organizations and civil society organizations in order to hasten humanitarian assistance for Saharawi refugees, according to statement from the Sahrawi Red Crescent.


"Morocco has no political will to resolve the conflict" Saharawi Negotiated Delegation head says.

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Zaragoza(Spain), October 06, 2015 (SPS) -The Speaker of the National Council Mr. Khatri Aduh said that "Morocco has no political will to solve the conflict in Western Sahara, which has been prorogated so much to put an end to the suffering of the Saharawi people ".

Mr. Aduh stated on Monday "the Moroccan proposal known as " autonomy proposal" can not be a basis for resolving the conflict, stressing that the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, have only one opportunity to present its report before the end of his term next year."



Country states celebrate the National Unity 40th anniversary

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 Bojador(Saharawi refugee camps) October 06, 2015 (SPS) - all the national states on Tuesday, has celebrated the 40th anniversary of National Unity under the theme: "National Unity to gain the decisive battle."

The regional celebrations of this historical event come in preparation for the national celebration which will hold in Bojador Camps in coincidence with the International Festival of culture and Popular Arts from 8 to 12 October.



Peru: COPESA calls for restoring diplomatic relations with SADR

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 Lima (Peru), October 5, 2015 (SPS) The Peruvian Council of Solidarity with the Saharawi people (COPESA - in Spanish) called on the Peruvian government to restore diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), unjustly frozen in 1996, in a statement released Monday.

COPESA urged Peru to restore diplomatic relations with the SADR under the government plan Gana Peru, (Great Nationalist Alliance), unjustly suspended without explanation in 1996, in the era of former president Alberto Fujimori (1995-2006), currently in prison.


Iceland calls on international community to take interest in Western Sahara’s issue

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New York, 5 Sept 2015 (SPS)  - Foreign Affairs Minister of Iceland Gunnar Svensson Brasze called on the international community to take an interest in the issue of Western Sahara in order not to be forgotten.


“We must care not to forget the other conflicts that can erupt at any moment and here I cite the issue of Western Sahara,” said the Icelandic official following his speech before the 70th ordinary session of the United Nations General Assembly.



HRW denounces Morocco’s activity suspension request

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New York, 5 Sept 2015 (SPS) - Human Rights Watch (HRW), the non-governmental organization monitoring respect for human rights denounced the letter sent by the Moroccan authorities asking it to suspend activities in the Moroccan territory and in occupied Western Sahara in a statement.


AU Commission Chairperson reiterates firm position for decolonization of Western Sahara

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Havana (Cuba), October 4, 2015 (SPS) - The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Ms. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, has reaffirmed Africa's position remains constant and firm for the decolonization of Western Sahara, according to a statement of the SADR Embassy in Cuba.


She called for the application of the self-determination referendum of in Western Sahara as soon as possible, and putting an end to the long suffering experienced by the Sahrawi people.


Iceland calls on international community to focus on question of Western Sahara

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 New York, October 4, 2015 (SPS) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Mr. Gunnar Svensson Brasze, has called on the international community to focus on the question of Western Sahara so that it does not remain forgotten, during his address to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.


 "We must not forget other conflicts that may burst at any time and here I recall the issue of Western Sahara," said the chief of Icelandic diplomacy.