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November 2013

International conference to support Saharawi cause in Rome: Over 350 participants expected

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Brussels, November 4, 2013 (SPS) - More than 350 participants are expected to attend the International Conference to support the Saharawi people to be held from November 15 to 17 in Rome (Italy), Pierre Gallant President of the Coordination of European Committees and Associations to Support the Saharawi People announced Monday.


Signing of new fishing agreements with Morocco including Sahrawi waters is "stark contrast " against international law (official)

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Brussels, November4, 2013 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has warned against  the signing of a new fishing agreement between the European Union and Morocco that does not clearly exlude Sahrawi territorial waters, which constitutes a "stark contrast" against  international law, ethics and respect for human rights in Western Sahara.


Violation of Algerian consulate in Morocco: "Proof of non-respect of international law and custom," says Farouk Ksentini

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Algiers, November 4, 2013 (SPS)  - President of  the Algerian National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (CNCPPDH) Farouk Ksentini said Sunday in Algiers that the violation of the Consulate General of Algeria in Casablanca (Morocco), was an "additional evidence of non-respect of international laws and custom by Rabat."


Moroccan campaign against Algeria, pressure to reopen borders (Algerian National press)

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Algiers, November 4, 2013 (SPS)  - The Algerian national press largely focused Sunday on the violation of the Consulate of Algeria in Casablanca (Morocco), describing this act as violation of the country’s sovereignty with the aim to exert pressure on Algeria to reopen its borders with the kingdom.


Le Jeune Indépendant said that this "deliberate" act is an "attack on the sovereignty of the country on November 1st, a historic date for the Algerian people."


Commencement of International Art Encounters and Human Rights in Western Sahara ‘ARTifariti’

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 Boujdour (Sahrawi refuge camps ) November 3, 2013 (SPS) - The seventh edition of International Art Encounters and Human Rights in Western Sahara  ‘ARTifariti’ has commenced Sunday  in the Wilaya of Boujdour, Sahrawi refuge camps, with the participation of artists, sculptors and specialists in Fine Arts from Algeria, the United States, Britain , Venezuela , Mexico, Spain, in addition to Sahrawi artists and creators.


"No country recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara" (Algerian official)

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Algiers, November 2, 2013 (SPS) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria said, in its response to the Morocco’s recent actions, "there is no single country in the world that recognizes the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco on the territory of Western Sahara ," adding that Algeria is a neighboring country of Morocco and not a party to the conflict over Western Sahara , which is resolved by the United Nations.


Morocco’s summoning of its ambassador to Algeria was "unexpected and unjustified" (Algerian diplomat)

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London, November 2, 2013 (SPS) - Algeria 's former Ambassador to Spain, Abdelaziz Rahabi, noted that the summoning of the Moroccan ambassador in Algiers to Rabat for consultation was "unexpected and unjustified action", highlighting, in an interview published Saturday by ‘Al Quds Al Arabi’ in London, that the  move aimed to create " diplomatic crisis pending the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, John Kerry, to the region."


Algeria condemns "blatant” act of violation against General Consulate in Casablanca

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Algiers 2 November 2013 (SPS)  – Algeria condemned the "blatant" act of violation against the premises of its General Consulate of Casablanca, perpetrated Friday by an individual, belonging to a group of demonstrators chanting slogans hostile to Algeria and its senior officials, said the Spokesman of Foreign Ministry Amar Belani.


President of Republic congratulates Algerian President on 59th anniversary of Algerian revolution

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 Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories) , October 31, 2013 ( SPS) - Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Republic, Secretary- General of the Frente POLISARIO, sent a congratulatory letter  to the Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika , expressing  best felicitations  and warmest greetings on the occasion of the 59th  anniversary  of the Algerian revolution on November the 1st.


Ethiopian government reasserts support of Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination and independence

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 1 November 2013 (SPS) -  The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, Berhane Gebre-Christos, has expressed his country's support for the inalienable right of the people of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to self-determination and independence as well as  complete sovereignty  over  its  national territory according to  the African Union resolutions.


Adala UK condemns Moroccan military invasion of Western Sahara

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London, 1 November 2013 (SPS) -  On its 38th anniversary, the Adala UK condemned Moroccan military invasion of Western Sahara, in a statement Thursday.


The statement said ‘the Adala UK condemns Moroccan military invasion of Western Sahara, the Green March on 6 November 1975 and the three party treaty of Madrid on 14 November 1975!’.


‘38 years ago, on 31 October 1975, the Moroccan invasion of Western Sahara took place with tanks and armored vehicles entering the territory from Hauza and Djederia, east of Smara.’