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Morocco’s summoning of its ambassador to Algeria was "unexpected and unjustified" (Algerian diplomat)

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London, November 2, 2013 (SPS) - Algeria 's former Ambassador to Spain, Abdelaziz Rahabi, noted that the summoning of the Moroccan ambassador in Algiers to Rabat for consultation was "unexpected and unjustified action", highlighting, in an interview published Saturday by ‘Al Quds Al Arabi’ in London, that the  move aimed to create " diplomatic crisis pending the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, John Kerry, to the region."


Mr. Rahabi  added that the Moroccan position  was " surprising and incomprehensible ," reasserting that the message of the Algerian President , Abdelaziz Bouteflika, to the participants to the Abuja conference  did not include anything new about Algeria's position of this crisis , stressing that the position of Algeria on Western Sahara issue is well known and invariable.


The Algerian diplomat noted that the thing that " worried " Rabat  was Algeria's support for the proposal to expand the powers of UN mission in western sahara ‘MINURSO’ to include monitoring of  human rights situation , which was originally proposed by the U.S. , submitted ​​by non-governmental organizations , revealing that Algeria was not " enthusiastic about it in the first time , but due to increasing of violations of human rights in the Western Sahara, Algeria considered to support the proposal , which made Morocco  loses temper and acts in this manner . "


Abdelaziz Rahabi pointed out that Morocco tries to mislead  the world that the question  of Western  Sahara is a binary dispute between Morocco and Algeria , while it is a question  of decolonization. And that Algeria stands to the side of the Sahrawi in the framework of its support for just causes and liberation of peoples issues, a principle that Algerian diplomacy based upon since independence. Algeria, the official added, is not a party in any way in this conflict , which is resolved by the United Nations , and all that  Algeria wish for is that a referendum is organized to  allow the Sahrawi people to freely excercise its self-determination. (SPS)