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Moroccan campaign against Algeria, pressure to reopen borders (Algerian National press)

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Algiers, November 4, 2013 (SPS)  - The Algerian national press largely focused Sunday on the violation of the Consulate of Algeria in Casablanca (Morocco), describing this act as violation of the country’s sovereignty with the aim to exert pressure on Algeria to reopen its borders with the kingdom.


Le Jeune Indépendant said that this "deliberate" act is an "attack on the sovereignty of the country on November 1st, a historic date for the Algerian people."


Le Quotidien d'Oran noted, meanwhile, that the consulate of Algeria in Casablanca "was attacked by a small and well prepared provocation militia," stressing that the attack against the national emblem "is deeply concerning" and "opens an abyss."


"The violation of the Consulate of Algeria in Casablanca and the attack committed against the national emblem by rogues probably commissioned by makhzen constitute a dangerous provocation of Rabat" wrote the French-language daily El Watan.


The newspaper L’expression considered that the case of the national emblem ripped "with rage" at the Consulate of Algeria in Casablanca "reflects the degree of hatred" that the Moroccan authorities vow to Algeria.


"Morocco has certainly postpone the issue of opening the borders with Algeria indefinitely as it has just buried the construction of the Maghreb Union for probably at least a generation," said the daily.


El Moudjahid noted, for its part, that the act of violation of the Consulate General of Algeria in Casblanca is a "denial" of international law.


It noted that the "excesses of makhzan aim only to recreate that national solidarity in anticipation of the protests against price increases in Morocco." (SPS)

