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"No country recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara" (Algerian official)

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Algiers, November 2, 2013 (SPS) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria said, in its response to the Morocco’s recent actions, "there is no single country in the world that recognizes the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco on the territory of Western Sahara ," adding that Algeria is a neighboring country of Morocco and not a party to the conflict over Western Sahara , which is resolved by the United Nations.


In response to comments by Moroccan Minister of Communication on the decision to summon the Moroccan ambassador justified  with " Lack of neutrality " on the part of  Algeria and escalation of its position on the mechanism for independent monitoring of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara , the Spokesperson of  Algerian Ministry for Foreign affairs  , Ammar Belaney, said Morocco can not ignore that the question of Western Western has been present   since   1963  on   the agenda of the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories which prevented from  the right toself-determination.


Ammar Belaney asserted  in a written statement released Saturday by Algerian newspapers  that the comments by the Moroccan minister on what he called "neutrality of Algeria" , lead to the need to clarify the deliberately meant confusion. "Algeria is a neighbor and is not a party to the conflict in Western Sahara," but maintains its firm position calling for respect of international law within its historical course , toallows the opportunity for Sahrawi to decide their future through  free referendum. (SPS)