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“FTA between EU and Morocco including Western Sahara is illegal” (official)

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Brussels, February 17, 2012 (SPS) The free trade agreement on agricultural products and fisheries between the European Union and Morocco is illegal  according to the  international law if this agreement including  the territory of Western Sahara ", said Minister Delegate for Europe, Mohamed Sidati, in a statement received by SPS.

Germany arrests Moroccan suspected of spying on Polisario Front

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Berlin, Feb 16, 2012 (SPS) - German federal prosecutor's office arrested on Wednesday a 56-year old Moroccan man suspected of spying on the Polisario Front representation, according to AFP.

German media highlighted the arrest of the man who is suspected of working for Morocco's intelligence services and monitoring in particular the Polisario Front.

The arrest is the second of its kind takes place in Germany in less than a year. (SPS)


President of Republic receives congratulatory letter from AU chairman on occasion of 36th anniversary of SADR proclamation

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Addis Ababa, Feb 16, 2012 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has received today a congratulatory message from the chairman of African Union Commission, Mr. Jean Ping, on the occasion of 36th anniversary of Saharawi Arabic Democratic Republic (SADR).

Following is the full text of the letter:

Minister for Latin America visits Venezuela

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Caracas, Feb 16, 2012 (SPS) - Minister Delegate in charge of Latin America, Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beissat, received  Wednesday by Vice Minister of Africa in Venezuelan foreign Ministry, Mr. Reinaldo Bolívar.

Accompanied by Saharawi ambassador in Venezuela, Emboirik Ahmed, Minister Beissat discussed with his host the last developments of Saharawi cause as well as various aspects of fraternal relations betwee the two countries.

the Saharawi diplomat conveyed greetings from President Mohamed Abdelaziz to Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chavez.

Presidency of Republic strongly denounces Moroccan attempts to harm Saharawi human rights activists

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Bir Lehlou (liberated Territories), Feb 16, 2012 (SPS) - Presidency of Republic strongly condemned the attempts of Moroccan government and its media to harm the reputation and integrity of the Saharawi human rights activists, emphasizing these systematic campaigns will increase the determination and steadfastness of the Saharawi masses to continue struggling, with all legitimate means, until reaching national sacred aims to self-determination, freedom and independence.

Preparatory Committee for Sahara Marathon held its second meeting

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Shahid  Alhafed (Saharawi refugee camps) February 15, 2012 (SPS) - The Preparatory Committee for Western Sahara Marathon (SAHARA Marathon)  Wednesday held  its second meeting under the chairmanship of the Prime  Minister, Abdel Qader Taleb Omar,  with present of  Minister of youth and sports  ,Mohamed Maulud Mohamed Fadel, Minister of Interior ,Hamada Salma in addition to the Governors of the wiilayas.

Spain calls for political solution that guarantees the right of the Saharawi People to self-determination

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Algeirs,February15,2012(SPS)  Spain’s Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo affirmed Wednesday  in Algeria that his country is for a political solution to the Western Sahara conflict that guarantees "the right of Sahrawi people to self-determination," he said.

“Spain will adopt constructive position for a political, fair and lasting solution regarding Western Sahara’s issue” said Margallo, in a press conference with his Algerian counterpart, Mourad Medlsi.

Minister in charge of Africa received by foreign Minister of Malawi

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Lilongwe (Malawi) February15, 2012(SPS) in framework of his visit  to several African countries,   the Minister delegate in charge for Africa, Brahim Mojtar, Wednesday received in Lilongwe by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malawi, ProfessorArthur Peter Mutharika. According to the Ministry of Foreign affairs.

SADR government expresses desire to cooperate in achieving aspirations of Maghreb Arab people

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Saheed Elhafed (Refugee camps), Feb 14, 2012 (SPS) - SADR government has expressed on Tuesday its sincere desire for serious cooperation to achieve the aspirations of Maghreb Arab people, asserting any construction of the Union should be based on full respect of the Saharawi people' s right to self determination and independence, in statement concluded the first meeting of Council of Ministers.

WSRW publishes report reveals massive agri-industry in occupied Western Sahara

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Brussels, Feb 14, 2012 (SPS) - Western Sahara Resources Watch (WSRW) published on Tuesday  new report entitled ‘Conflict Tomatoes’ reveals massive growth in the Moroccan agriculture industry in occupied Western Sahara and its trade to the EU.

WSRW report 'Conflict Tomatoes' identifies 11 plantations situated around the occupied city. The research shows that all sites were either owned by the Moroccan king, powerful Moroccan conglomerates or by French multinational firms. No firms are owned by the local Saharawi and not even by small-scale Moroccan settlers in the territory.

New round of Polisario Front-Morocco negotiations to be held next March

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Saheed Elhafed (Refugee camps), Feb 14, 2012 (SPS) - New round of negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco will be held in the first half of Marsh at Greentree Estate, Manhasset (New York) under the UN auspices, in the presence of the two neighboring countries Algeria and Mauritania, a Saharawi official reveled Sunday.

Minister of Cooperation warns of impact of the global economic crisis on humanitarian aid to Sahrawi refugees

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Vitoria (Spain), Feb 13, 2012 SPS) - The Minister of Cooperation, Mr. Hach Ahmed, warned Monday of the negative impact of the current economic crisis on the humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugee camps.

Speaking to the media before a meeting today with the Basque Parliament's Intergroup for Peace and Freedom in Western Sahara, Mr. Hach Ahmed recalled that the Saharawi refugees “depend entirely on the humanitarian aid.”

Saharawi organizations denounce Moroccan attempts to cover its violations on the Saharawis

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Feb 13, 2012 (SPS) - Saharawi human rights and trade unions organizations have denounced the misleading conference organized by what so-called the Moroccan Council of Human Rights, which aims to “turn away the public attention of the serious violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and southern Morocco,” in a statement received Monday by SPS.

The problem of Western Sahara “reality cannot be ignored”, says President Marzouki

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Algeria, Feb 13, 2012 (SPS) - “The problem of Western Sahara is a reality that cannot be ignored,” said the Tunisian President, Mr. Moncef Marzouki, describing it as “a thorny and painful in human terms,” in a press conference held Sunday on the occasion of his visit to Algeria.

The President of Tunisia indicated in the same regard that the question of Western Sahara “is listed at the UN level,” adding that the Maghreb countries “are called to work gradually to build new landmarks on the path of building the Arab Maghreb.”

Elections of the Saharawi Parliament: preparatory conferences to start Feb 18 in all wilayas and institutions (Official

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June 9th School (refugee camps), Feb 13, 2012 (SPS) - “The preparatory conferences for the elections of the Saharawi National Council (Parliament) will be started next Saturday, Feb 18, in all wilayas and institutions of the Saharawi Republic, while it will be officially inaugurated on Feb 27 coinciding with the commemoration of the SADR Proclamation in the liberated Tifariti,” informed a source of the Preparatory Committee.

Minister of State in a working visit to the Sahara Press Service

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Feb 12, 2012 (SPS) - The Minister of State, Mr. Bashir Mustapha Sayad, made Saturday a working visit to the Sahara Press Service (SPS), to see how it works and discuss the various issues with its journalists.

The Minister informed about the obstacles and concerns that face the work of the journalists, before he gave some instructions and advices to the journalists.