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SRC President calls on international organizations to help flood victims

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Shaheed El Hafed (Sahrawi Refugee Camps) May 20, 2011 (SPS) - The President of Sahrawi Red Crescent (SRC), Mr. Bouhbini Yahya Bouhbini, called Thursday on the donor countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and supporting committees and civil societies, to provide urgent humanitarian aid for the Sahrawi people, following floods that have swept the region recently.

WESTERN SAHARA\AUSTRALIA\VISIT Saharawi activist Aicha Dahane concludes visit to Australia Canberra (Australia) May 22, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi human rights activist, Aicha Dahane, concluded Sunday her three-week tour in Australia, where she visited

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), May19, 2011 (SPS) - Many cities in the occupied Western Sahara and southern Morocco have been the scene of peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins of Saharawi citizens demanding more respect for socio-economic rights and condemning policies of exclusion and marginalization of Morocco.

Michel Martelly new president of Haiti

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Port-au-Prince (Haiti) May 15, 2011 (SPS) - The Haiti’s pope star, Michel Martelly, swore Saturday as a new president of Haiti following his predecessor, Rene Preval.

Michel Martelly assumes the leadership of a country still in ruins from one of the most destructive earthquakes of modern times.

Saharawi participation in International Exhibition of Friendly Cultures in Mexico

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Mexico City, May 15, 2011 (SPS) - The third edition of the International Exhibition of Friendly Cultures opened Saturday in the Mexican capital, with the participation of the SADR Embassy in Mexico and the Mexican Association of friendship with the Saharawi People (AMARAS), according to a statement of Saharawi Embassy in Mexico. 

The exhibition was opened by Mexico City Mayor, Mr. Marcelo Ebrard, in the presence of more than 60 Embassies and international agencies accredited to Mexico.

President of Republic addresses letter of gratitude to Ethiopian Prime Minister

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Bir Lehlou (refugee camps) May 15, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has sent a letter of thank and gratitude to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Mr Meles Zenawi, during a stopover in Addis Ababa on his return from the Republic of Uganda where he attended the inauguration of President Yoweri Museveni. 

Following is the complete text of the letter:

“H.E. Mr Meles Zenawi

Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa

Establishment of Parliamentary Group for Western Sahara in Australia

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Canberra (Australia) May 15, 2011 (SPS) - A group of Australian parliamentarians, NGOs, trade unions, human rights organizations and academics have established on Wednesday a Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Western Sahara, in the presence of the Saharawi human rights activist from occupied territories, Aicha Dahan, and Ambassadors accredited to Australia.

Amnesty International denounces Moroccan abuses of human rights in Western Sahara

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London, May 14, 2011 (SPS) - Amnesty International (AI) has denounced, in its 2011 report on the state of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa, the repression practiced by the Moroccan forces in Western Sahara.

“The Freedom of expression, association and assembly has been restricted, especially on issues relating to political sensitivity, such as the question of Western Sahara,” the report asserted.

President of Republic concludes visit to Uganda

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Kampala (Uganda) May 13, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, concluded Friday a two-day visit to the Republic of Uganda where he participated in the inauguration ceremony of President, Mr. Yoweri Museveni, according to a source from the presidential delegation.

Inauguration of study days to support Saharawi people in Madrid

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Madrid, May 11, 2011 (SPS) – the study days to support the Saharawi people in its 05th edition, organizing by Spanish universities, opened Wednesday in Madrid, according to the Polisario Front representation in Spain.

The President of the Coordination of Spanish Associations of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CEAS), José Taboada, called on the Spanish king to contribute in finding a just solution to the conflict due to the historical responsibility of his country.

President of Republic arrives in Kampala to participate in inauguration of President Yoweri Museveni

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Kampala (Uganda), May 11, 2011 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, arrived Wednesday in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, to take part in the inauguration ceremony of President Yoweri Museveni, at an official invitation of the later. 

The President of the Republic was received at Entebbe International Airport by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Mr. Aggrey Awori in addition to several other officials and members of the committee overseeing the inauguration ceremony.

Polisario Front asks France to defend human rights without selective

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Shahid Alhafed, May09, 2011(SPS) the Polisario front Sunday, has asked France to work for protecting the Saharawi civilians and respect human rights in Western Sahara, like anywhere else in the world without discrimination , selectively or double standards, and contribute seriously and effectively to find a solution to the Sahrawi- Moroccan conflict.

Morocco: new wave of protest on May 8 to demand democratic reforms

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Rabat (Morocco) May 01, 2011 (SPS) - Youth of the February 20 Movement has called for a new wave of protest on May 08 in the Moroccan city of Marrakech to demand democratic reforms and against aggression.

“We have published national call to protest on May 8 in Marrakech for democracy, against aggression and in solidarity with Marrakech’s people,” the activists in the Movement, Abba Dila, told AFP.

On other hand, some trade unions in Morocco have joined Sunday protests driven by the February 20 Movement. (SPS)

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UGTSARIO condemns Moroccan repression against Saharawi workers in occupied territories

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Shahid Alhafed, May 01,2011(SPS) - The General Union of the Saharawi Workers ,abbreviation in Spanish language (UGTSARIO) has condemned Sunday the Moroccan repression committed against the Saharawi workers in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

In a statement on the occasion of the international day of the workers, the Saharawi NGO, condemned the Moroccan aggressions against “the peaceful sit-ins of the Saharawi workers to demand their legitimate rights where several workers were subjected to torture such as, Sidahmed Diya” said the statement.

President of Saharawi National Council makes visit to Balearic Islands

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Mallorca (Spanish Balearic Islands) April 30, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Saharawi National Council (SNC), Mr. Khatri Addouh, and a delegation accompanied him makes a working visit to the Spanish Islands of Balearic.

The president of SNC received Friday by the President of the Regional Parliament of the Balearic Islands, Ms. Aena Rado.

Visit of French representatives in Saharawi refugee camps ''broke silence''

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Algiers, April 28, 2011 (SPS)-The Vice-President of Rhône-Alpes Regional Council and member of the French Socialist Party Farida Boudaoud, said Wednesday in Algiers that the visit by French officials recently in the Saharawi refugee camps served to "break the wall of silence".