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Canary trade unions create Sahara Support coordination

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Las Palmas, June 17, 2011 (SPS) - Several Canary trade unions have united to form the first coordination for the Support of the Saharawi people, according to Canary Radio and Television.

EUCOCO Task Force holds meeting in Algiers on 41st Anniversary of Zemla Uprising

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Algiers, June 16, 2011 (SPS) - The Task Force of the European Coordination for Solidarity with the People of Western Sahara (EUCOCO) holds, Thursday in Algiers, a meeting marking the 41st anniversary of the popular uprising of June 17, 1970 in Zemla district, El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

Western Sahara issue examined by UN Special Committee on Decolonization

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New York, June 15, 2011 (SPS)- Western Sahara issue was examined Monday by the UN Special Committee to study the situation regarding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, called "Committee of 24 ".

President Mohamed Abdelaziz receives German parliamentary delegation

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee Camps), June 14, 2011 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Tuesday evening the German parliamentary delegation in a visit since Monday in Sahrawi refugee camps.

Western Sahara: "political situation increases pressure on Morocco to organize a referendum"

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London, June 14, 2011 (SPS)- the political and social situation prevailing in Morocco does not encourage the obstinacy of the Moroccan regime vis-à-vis the Saharawi question, it increases the pressure on this country for organizing a Referendum in Western Sahara, said the Polisario Front representative in London, Mr. Lamine Baali.

Saharawi Jurists Union denounces Moroccan neglect to demands of Saharawi hunger strikers

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps) June 13, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Union of Jurists has strongly denounced neglect of the Moroccan authorities to the demands of the six Saharawi political prisoners currently in hunger strike since two months in Goulimime prison (southern Morocco).

In a statement reached Monday SPS, The Union expressed “deep concern” on the serious health of the six Saharawi hunger strikers in the Goulimime prison.

Egypt Air to resume flights to Iraq after 21-year gap

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Cairo (Egypt), June 12, 2011 (SPS) - Egypt's national carrier Egypt Air will resume flights to Iraq in mid-July after they were halted following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, an top official said on Sunday.

Egypt Air, one of Africa's largest airlines, will operate four weekly flights to Baghdad and three flights to north Iraq's Erbil area as of July 15, 2011, said Hussein Massoud, chairman of the Egypt Air holding company.

South Africa launches Africa's biggest free trade bloc

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Johannesburg, June 12, 2011 (SPS) - South African President Jacob Zuma on Sunday launched Africa's biggest free trade bloc aimed at enhancing cooperation between 26 nations to boost economies in the world's poorest and underdeveloped continent.

Sweden reaffirms support for right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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Stockholm, June 12, 2011 (SPS) - The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sweden has reaffirmed the support of Sweden to the right of the Saharawi people of self-determination and to the UN peace process, expressing readiness of Sweden to continue the humanitarian aid for the Saharawi refugees, during a meeting of its officials with the Saharawi Minister of Cooperation, Mr. Salek Baba Hasana.

Prime Minister praises success of National Conference of Youth

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Dakhla (refugee camps) June 12, 2011 (SPS) - The Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, praised Saturday the success of the National Youth Conference, considering it as "a strong motive for effectiveness of the Saharawi youth  in all fronts of struggle", during his concluding speech to the Conference held on June 9-11, which coincides with the Martyr's Day, in the wilaya of Dakhla, Saharawi refugee camps.

Six Saharawis in serious condition after 57 days of hunger strike in Moroccan prison of Goulimime

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Goulimime(south Morocco) June 12, 2011 (SPS) Six  Saharawi political prisoners in hunger strike  for 57 days in Goulimine prison (southern Morocco) are in a “critical” state of health because of a hunger strike they had started  since April 12, 2011, to protest against political marginalization perpetrated by Morocco on  the Saharawis and the  illegal plundering of natural resources of Western Sahara, said a Saharawi judicial source.

Head of French diplomacy to visit Algeria

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Paris, June 12, 2011 (SPS) - French Minister of Foreign Affairs Alain Juppe will visit Algeria on Wednesday for a 24-hour visit during which he will hold talks with President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, announced on Friday Bernard Valero, spokesman for the Quai d'Orsay.

This is the first visit of a head of French diplomacy in Algeria since that made by Bernard Kouchner in May 2008.

Head of French diplomacy to visit Algeria

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Paris, June 12, 2011 (SPS) - French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppe, will visit Algeria on Wednesday for a 24-hour visit during which he will hold talks with President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, announced on Friday Bernard Valero, spokesman for the Quai d'Orsay.