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Western Sahara: "political situation increases pressure on Morocco to organize a referendum"

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London, June 14, 2011 (SPS)- the political and social situation prevailing in Morocco does not encourage the obstinacy of the Moroccan regime vis-à-vis the Saharawi question, it increases the pressure on this country for organizing a Referendum in Western Sahara, said the Polisario Front representative in London, Mr. Lamine Baali.

"Morocco wants to save time by avoiding the main subject which is the organization of a referendum on self-determination for Saharawi people, but it is now in a fragile situation due to the increasing of the popular demonstrations in several cities demanding deep political reforms, "added the Saharawi diplomat.

He said the Moroccan regime is facing a dual pressure, internally and externally, not to mention the mounting pressure from the Saharawi people claiming respect for their fundamental rights. (SPS)
