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Prime Minister receives German parliamentary delegation in visit in Sahrawi Refugees camps

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee Camps), June 14, 2011 (SPS) - The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, received Tuesday in Shaheed El Hafed, Sahrawi refugee camps, the German parliamentary delegation in visit since Monday in the camps.

The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, emphasized the importance of the visit of the German parliamentary delegation, which represents all the political parties in Germany including the party in power, saying “this visit comes in the frame work of observing closely the humanitarian and political situations in Western Sahara on the part of Germany, in this particular time in which the Arab world testifies changes.”

He expressed hope that the visit of the German parliamentary delegation “will constitute a new interest from the part of Germany in support of human rights and peace,” adding that the visit will have an impact on the position of Germany in line with the Sahrawi party, its support to a peaceful solution on the bases of self-determination of the Sahrawi people as well as human rights and  humanitarian aid.”

The meeting was attended, besides the Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, by Justice Minister, Hamada Salma, Education Minister, Mariam Hmada, Development Minister, Naama Jamani, Secretary of State for Social Welfare and promotion of women, Mahfuda Rahal, Director of Sahrawi Red Crescent, Buhabaini Yahia.

The delegation had been received by Mr. khatri Adduh, President of Sahrawi National Council, who briefed it on the Sahrawi experience in the fields of legislation and supervision. The delegation attended Tuesday morning meetings of the Council which it holds as part of its spring session.

 The delegation visited several social and cultural facilities in the Wilaya of Smara, where it met with representatives of civil society.

After visiting the Sahrawi refugee camps, the German parliamentary delegation will visit Morocco and the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The German Parliamentary Delegation includes Mrs. Angelika Graf, Social Democratic Party (SPD), Mr. Serkan Toeren, Liberal Party (FDP), Mr. Heike Haensel, Left Party (die Linke), and Mr. Volker Beck, Green Party (Die Gruenen) and is headed by Mr. Frank Heinrich, from the Parliamentary Group of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU/CSU).

The aim of this visit is to study the humanitarian situation in the refugee camps and political developments and situation of human rights in Western Sahara, it should be recalled. (SPS
