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UPWC shows support to self-determination of Saharawi people

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Smara (refugee camps), April 4, 2015 (SPS) - The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC) has voiced, through the voice of Ms. Abeer Zakarneh, its support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.

Addressing the 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union (UNMS), Ms. Zakarneh saluted the legitimate struggle of Saharawi woman, praising her prominent role in the fight for liberation and independence of Western Sahara.

Belgian parliamentary intergroup affirms support to Saharawi cause

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Brussels, April 4, 2015 (SPS) - The Belgian parliamentary intergroup, bringing together the country’s seven parliaments, affirmed its support to the cause of the Sahrawi people, notably their right to self-determination guaranteed by the United Nations, said Friday a communiqué of the Belgian Committee of Support to Sahrawi People.

South African official calls for acceleration of Western Sahara decolonization

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Smara (refugee camps), April 4, 2015 (SPS) - The South African delegation to the 7th congress of Saharawi women, underway in the Saharawi refugee camps, on Friday called for the acceleration of the Western Sahara decolonization, demanding immediate halt to Morocco’s plunder of Saharawi natural resources.

President of Republic offers condolences over Kenyan University terrorist attack

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 3, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has sent a condolence cable to his Kenyan counterpart, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, following the terrorist attack against innocent civilians in Garissa University on Thursday.

Condemning strongly such barbaric act, President Mohamed Abdelaziz seized the opportunity to extend, on behalf of SADR people and government, “sincere condolences” to families of the victims and the people of Kenyan as a whole.

President of Republic commends leading role of Saharawi woman

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Smara (refugee camps), April 3, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Friday praised the leading role of Saharawi woman at present and during the armed battle for independence, during a speech at the opening ceremony of the 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union.

Several delegations in Saharawi refugee camps for women congress

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Smara (refugee camps), April 3, 2015 (SPS) -Delegations representing women organizations and bodies in various countries arrived Thursday night in the Saharawi refugee camps to take part at 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union (UNMS), kicked off Friday.

From Algeria, a delegation of 70 women, including of which parliamentarians and sympathizers with the struggle of Saharawi women.

At least 84 Spanish women are also in the camps for the event.

President of Republic receives Gernika Award for Peace and Reconciliation

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Gernika (Spain), April 2, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, will receive Gernika Award for Peace and Reconciliation, for his attachment to consolidating peace in Western Sahara and defending human rights of the Saharawi people.

The decision was taken Tuesday by a jury of political representatives of Gernika-Lumo Municipality.

AU PSC urges UNSC to take all necessary decisions to accelerate Western Sahara decolonization (full communiqué)

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Addis Ababa, April 2, 2015 (SPS) - Peace and Security Council of the African Union has urged the UN Security Council to take all necessary decisions to expedite the decolonization process in Western Sahara, in a communiqué adopted at the end of its 496 session, convened in Addis Ababa on 27 March 2015.

Following is the full text of the ommuniqué of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 496th meeting held on 27 March 2015, on the situation in Western Sahara:

7th Congress of Saharawi Women Union opens Friday

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 2, 2015 (SPS) - Work of the 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union (UNMS) will start Friday in the province of Smara, Saharawi refugee camps, under the theme: “Gdeim Izik will last forever”.

Foreign participants will, during the course of three days, be updated about Saharawi woman experience within society and their suffering both in the occupied territories and in the refugee camps.

Saharawi Students Union organizes workshops on civil society

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 2, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO) organizes, throughout this week, workshops on how to build a stronger civil society for tomorrow, in collaboration with the Finnish non-governmental organization for international solidarity action.

Organized on April 01-05, these workshops will address various including of which youth political participation, human rights, voluntary work, natural resources.

Aminatou Haidar highlights Moroccan abuses against Saharawis in Washington

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Washington DC, April 2, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi activist and President of the Collective of Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA), Ms. Aminetu Haidar, on Tuesday highlighted the continuous Moroccan human rights violations against the Saharawi civilians, calling for international pressure to allow independent observers into Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco since 1975.

SADR takes part at meeting of African states’ press attachés

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Addis Ababa, April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) on Wednesday participated at the regular meeting of the press attachés accredited to the embassies of Member States of the African Union.

The Saharawi Republic (SADR) was represented at the meeting by Wadadi Salek, press and cultural attaché to the Saharawi diplomatic mission to the African Union.

The meeting was to discuss media project “Africa aspirations”, which provides for the development of African press discourse.

Trial of Saharawi political prisoner postponed to April 2nd

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Agadir (Morocco), April 1, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan court in the city of Agadir on Tuesday postponed to April 2nd the trial of the Saharawi political prisoner, Mbrake Daoudi, due the absence of defense team, said a source from the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.

On other hand, Moroccan occupying authorities transferred to Eit Melloul Prison the following Saharawi political prisoners; Mohamed Warkali, Brahim Muhti and Mohamed Yasin.

Algeria, South Africa welcome decision of AU Peace and Security Council on Western Sahara

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Algiers, April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The President of South African, Mr. Jacob Zuma, expressed Tuesday the satisfaction of his country and Algeria for the decision taken by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on 25 March 2015 with regard to the situation in Western Sahara.

“We expressed satisfaction for the decision of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union on Western Sahara, adopted on 27 March 2015,” Zuma told the press after his meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

President of Republic congratulates new President-elect of Nigeria

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Wednesday sent a letter of congratulations to General Muhammadu Buhari, on his election as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Western Sahara: Morocco under pressure to resume talks with Polisario Front

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Tifariti (liberated zones) - Morocco is subjected to pressure from friendly countries to resume negotiations with the Polisario Front, the speaker of Saharawi National Assembly, Khatri Adduh, said in Tifariti, urging the United Nations to assume its responsibilities and speed up the decolonization process in Western Sahara.

Moroccan occupying authorities confiscate Saharawis’ rights

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), April 1, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying authorities continue to pursue its aggressive policy against Saharawi citizens in harassing and cutting their salaries on the ground their political stance on the question of Western Sahara.

In this regard, Moroccan occupying authorities confiscated the right of the Saharawi citizen Mahfuda Lefgir, mother of two babies, to have social aid.