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Saharawi political prisoner EmbarekDaoudi sentenced to six months in prison

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Agadir, April, 09 2015 (SPS) -Court of Moroccan occupation has sentenced to six months in prison the Saharawi political prisoner, Embarek Daoudi, according to The Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA).
The occupation Courthas sentenced EmbarekDaoudi three months in prison, in addition to that he spent more than 18 months in detention.



Mr. Daoudi was detained, as a result of his political opinion regarding the conflict in Western Sahara.(SPS)


Algeria reiterates its support to the Saharawi peopleself-determination

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Washington, April 09, 2015 (SPS) - The AlgerianForeign Minister, Mr.RamtanLamamra, has reiterated on Wednesday in Washington, the support of his country to the UN efforts to reach a political and final solution that allows the Saharawi people to exercise their right of self- determination in conformity  with the UN Charter and resolutions.


National Popular Assembly of Algeria Vice-president starts a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 8, 2015 (SPS) -The vice president of the National Popular Assembly of Algeria, Mr. Jamal Buras has stated today, Wednesday, a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps.


The Algerian delegation headed by Vice President of the NPA, Jamal Buras, will be received by the authorities of the wilaya of Smara and Auserd where they will visit local institutions.


MINURSO urgently needs a mandate to monitor human rights situation (letter)

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Copenhagen, April 7, 2015 (SPS) - Afrika Kontakt, Danish MEP Rina Ronja Kari and other Danish organizations have stressed the urgent need to give the UN Mission for the Referendum (MINURSO) a mandate to monitor human rights situation and protect natural resources in Western Sahara, being illegally exploited by Morocco and some foreign companies.

Culture Minister offers condolences following death of Algerian actor Sid Ali Kouiret

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 7, 2015 (SPS) -Member of the National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario and Minister of Culture Mrs. Khadija Hamdi expressed on Monday her “heartfelt condolences” to her Algerian counterpart Ms. Nadia Labidi and to the brotherly people of Algeria, following the death of Algerian actor Sid Ali Kouiret.

“The deceased had brilliantly served the seventh art in Algeria,” said Mrs. Khadija Hamdi, adding that Algeria has lost one of the most prominent cinema stars. (SPS)

Saharawi women call on UN chief to speed up decolonization process in Western Sahara

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Smara (refugee camps), April 7, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi women called Monday, in Smara, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to “impose the international law, speed up the decolonization process in Western Sahara and extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to include the protection of human rights.”

UESARIO concludes workshops on civil society building

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi Student Union (UESARIO) on Sunday concluded several workshops on how to build civil society for tomorrow, organized in collaboration with the Finnish ONG for International Solidarity Action.

During five days of deliberations, participants took the advantage of many topics such as youth and woman political participation, human rights, natural resources and refuge, among others.

Saharawi and foreign women stand firm against plunder of Saharawi natural resources

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi and foreign women on Sunday staged a demonstration in protest to illegal plunder of Western Sahara natural resources by Moroccan occupying state and some foreign companies.

The participants denounced the illegal and unethical activities carried out in occupied Western Sahara by some multinational companies in collusion with Moroccan occupation, urging them to halt such operations and to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from the Territory.

Scholte urges US and UN to ensure that Western Sahara referendum is held this year

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Smara (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - The Chair of the U.S. -Western Sahara Foundation, Suzanne Scholte, called upon the U.S. President Barack Obama and UN Chief Ban KI-moon to ensure that Western Sahara referendum is held this year, in statements to SPS in the margins of the 7th congress of Saharawi women, held on 3-5 April 2015.

WFDY reaffirms support to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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Beirut, April 6, 2015 (SPS) - The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) reiterated Sunday its support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, demanding an urgent action to end the suffering of Saharawi people.

WFDY urged, at the end of a general gathering held in Beirut, the UN Secretary General and ambassadors of the Security Council members to accelerate the conduct of a free and just referendum so to put an end to the suffering of the Saharawi people.

UNFA calls for international network of solidarity with Saharawi woman

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - President of the National Union of Algerian Women (UNFA), Ms. Nouria Hafsi, on Sunday stressed the need to establish an international network of solidarity with Saharawi woman, in a solidarity act with Saharawi woman resistance organized on the sidelines of the 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union (UMNS).

The Algerian official said the network will make heard the struggle of Saharawi woman against Moroccan occupation, adding it will strengthen solidarity action with them.

Prolonged impasse in Western Sahara, stain on international community (UNMS Congress)

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Smara (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - The 7th congress of Saharawi women, concluded its work Sunday night, warned of the continuation of the state of impasse in the peace process in Western Sahara, deploring the international community’s failure to put into action UN resolutions calling for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

Saharawi Women Union renews confidence in former Secretary General

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Smara (refugee camps), April 6, 2015 (SPS) - Delegates at the 7th congress of Saharawi Women Union (UNMS) on Sunday evening reelected Ms. Fatma Mehdi as the Secretary General of the Union.

Ms. Fatma Mehdi obtained 284 votes out of 366 votes cast in the election process that took place Sunday in the Smara province, Saharawi refugee camps.

In relevant context, the congress elected to the executive bureau of the Union the following women:

Mass rally in Paris against Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara

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Paris, April 5, 2015 (SPS) - The Platform for Solidarity with the Saharawi People in France on Thursday organized a mass demonstration outside Morocco’s embassy calling for an end the occupation of Western Sahara, and asking France to stop blocking the implementation of UN resolutions on Western Sahara.

The rally started from Trocadéro Square in Paris towards the Moroccan embassy.

World March of Women stages demonstration before Moroccan wall of shame

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Liberated zones (Western Sahara), April 5, 2015 (SPS) - World March of Women on Saturday staged a peaceful demonstration in front of the Moroccan-built wall of shame that separates the people and territory of Western Sahara.

Marking the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the participants deplored world silence over such heinous separation wall by Morocco.

Aminatou Haidar demands “conclusive solution” to Western Sahara conflict

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Washington, April 4, 2015 (SPS) - Activist and President of the Collective of Saharawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA) Ms. Aminatou Haidar on Thursday called upon the international community to find a “conclusive solution” to the conflict of Western Sahara, calling for more necessary steps to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the Saharawi people.

Dlamini-Zuma takes note of AU concern at prolonged stalemate in Western Sahara

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Addis Ababa, April 4, 2015 (SPS) - The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), Dr. Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, has drew attention of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon of several issues of particular concern to the AU related to the question of Western Sahara, of which the need to provide MINURSO with a human rights mandate and to stop the illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources by Morocco.

“Settled Wanderers”, new book featuring Saharawi poetry

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London, April 4, 2015 (SPS) - A new book under the title “Settled Wanderers” has been published by UK poet Sam Berkson, which sheds some light on the forgotten oral culture of the Saharawi people, especially poetic heritage.

Settled Wanderers is a collection of poems interpreted from Hassaniya, local dialect of the Saharawi people, to English thanks to the help of the Saharawi translator Mohamed Sulaiman Labat.