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President of Republic offers condolences over Kenyan University terrorist attack

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 3, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has sent a condolence cable to his Kenyan counterpart, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, following the terrorist attack against innocent civilians in Garissa University on Thursday.

Condemning strongly such barbaric act, President Mohamed Abdelaziz seized the opportunity to extend, on behalf of SADR people and government, “sincere condolences” to families of the victims and the people of Kenyan as a whole.

He also expressed confidence that such criminal acts “will not and cannot hamper Kenya’s struggle to root out terrorism and bring peace and prosperity to the region and the whole continent.”

Following is the complete text of the letter:

“H.E. Mr. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

President of the Republic of Kenya

Your Excellency

On behalf of the people and the government of the Sahrawi Republic, I would like to convey you our strong condemnation to the unspeakable terrorist attack against innocent victims, in Garissa University, Thursday 2nd April, and by the same, extend sincere condolences to all Kenyans, especially the families of the victims.

I would also like to convey our unconditional support to your Government’s efforts to combat terrorism in your country and elsewhere, and our full solidarity to the families of the victims, and the injured. Kenya will prevail.


The Saharawi Republic strongly condemns this barbaric act, which has nothing to do with any religion or culture. It is also quite certain that Kenya will defeat the terrorist groups. Their criminal acts will not and cannot hamper Kenya’s struggle to root out terrorism and bring peace and prosperity to the region and the whole continent.

Please accept, Excellency, my deepest and warmest regards.

Mohamed Abdelaziz

President of the Saharawi Republic.” (SPS)
