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PAP Vice President meets with Senegalese President

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Pretoria (South Africa), 14/06/15 (SPS) - The Vice President of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) , Ms. Salma Beiruk met Friday with Senegalese President H.E. Macky Sall at the headquarters of the Pan African Parliament in the South African capital, Pretoria.


Brazilian Labour Party launches campaign in favour of Sahrawi Republic

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Brasilia (Brazil) June 14, 2015 (SPS) – The Brazilian ruling party, Labour Party, has launched a large campaign in favour of the Sahrawi Republic, during its fifth Congress held in the presence of the President of the country, Ms. Dilma Rousseff and former president of Mr. Lula da Silva, in addition to more than 800 delegates from various Brazilian states.


President of Republic reiterates willingness of Polisario Front to ccoperate with UN

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 Shaheed Elhafed, 13 June 2015 (SPS) – President of Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz reiterated Saturday the willingness of  the Polisario Front to cooperate with the United Nations and its readiness to negotiate.  


He also urged the international body to pay more attention to the problem of Western Sahara which lasted for a long time and give importance to cooperation with the African Union.


Ban Ki Moon convinced of resumption of negotiations between Sahrawis and Moroccans (UN official)

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 Smara (Refugee Camps), June 13, 2015 (SPS) - The Chief of Staff of the United Nations Secretary General, Susana Malcorra, said Saturday in the Wilaya of Smara, refugee camps, that her visit explains the "firm conviction" of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, in the resumption of the negotiating process between the two parties in conflict, the Polisario Front and Morocco.


Prime Minister Arrives in Johannesburg to attend 25th AU summit

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 Johannesburg, June 13, 2015 (SPS) The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, arrived today, Saturday in Johannesburg, South Africa,where he will represent the President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, at the 25th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU), scheduled for Sunday and Monday.


Sahrawi Women Union participates in the Second High-Level Meeting of African women

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Johannesburg, June 11, 2015 (SPS) .- The Secretary General of Saharawi Women Union, Ms. Fatma El Mehdi, participated on  Wednesday in the Second High-Level Meeting of African women that anticipates the XXV Summit of heads of State and Government of the African Union scheduled in South Africa on June 15, 16, 2015.


 The meeting has dealt with the major challenges that prevent the effective participation of African women in the economic development of the continent.


SADR guest of honor at the 9th edition of the National Festival of Music Diwan

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Bechar, June 11,2015 (SPS) .- The SADR took part as guest of honor at the 9th edition of the National Festival of Music Diwan held from 8 to 13 June in Bechar.


The Saharawi group "El Amel" opened on Monday the festival with music sung in Hasania with tidinit’s melody (instrument similar to goumbri and Ngoni) and the rhythm of female tbel.


Hearing on appeal of Polisario against agricultural agreement between EU, Morocco scheduled mid-June

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LUXEMBOURGJune10, 2015 (SPS) - The court of the European Union (EU) in Luxembourg has set the date of June 15 for the hearing on the appeal of the Polisario Front against the agricultural agreement between the EU and Morocco, including the occupied territories Western Sahara, said a statement.



The statement recalls the Polisario Front has presented on 19 November 2012 an appeal to the EU Court against the enhancement agreement of 8 March 2012 of the agricultural agreement between the EU and Morocco, for two main patterns.


Saharawi President urges UN chief to intervene over hunger striker Tekber Haddi issue

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BIR LAHLOU(Occupied Territories) June 10, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz called on UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon, on Tuesday, to urgently intervene in the case of Saharawi citizen Tekber Haddi, who is on hunger strike after the murder of his son by Moroccan settlers in occupied al-Ayun, and whose demands are disregarded by Moroccan authorities.



Foreign Affairs Minister takes part in the of the Executive Council of the African Union

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 Johannesburg (South Africa) June 10, 2015 (SPS) -Sahrawi Foreign Minister, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, held bilateral meetings with his counterparts of African delegations on the sidelines of 27th session of the Executive Council of the African Union, in preparation for the Heads of State and Government of the African Union 25 Summit.

Sahrawi Republic attends the Twelfth Conference of African security services and intelligence

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 Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) June 10, 2015 (SPS) – Sahrawi delegation headed by the Secretary of State for Documentation and Security, Mr. Brahim Mohamed Mahmoud, took part in the works of the Twelfth Conference of the African security services and Intelligence (CISSA) under the theme "The role of intelligence in the elaboration of  a road map to eliminate the conflicts on the continent in line with African  ambitions to eliminate weapons by 2020 according to  the decisions and the  recommendations of the recent African Union summit. "

Saharawi abroad community in France expresses its solidarity with Takber

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 Paris (France) June 10, 2015 (SPS) – Saharawi abroad community voiced its unconditional solidarity with Takber Hadi in her hunger strike in the Canary Islands, during the commemoration of Martyr's Day in France, said the Executive Bureau of the Saharawi community in France.

Saharawi Jurists Union condemns SalehLbasir arrest

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haheed Al Hafed(refugee camps) June 09, 2015 (SPS) -TheSaharawi Union of Juristshas strongly denounced the arrest of the young SalehLbasir, by the Moroccan forces of repression, due to warrant issued against him after his participationin peaceful demonstrations demanding the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination inthe occupied city of Smara, according to a statement issued by the Union.


Nigerian Newspaper sheds light on the Saharwi issue

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Abuja(Nigeria) June 9, 2015 (SPS) - THE VANGUARD Nigerian newspaper published on Monday an article about the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, saying that the liberation of the African continent is is meaningless while a part of it is still under occupation as the case of Western Sahara


Brazilian Students Union supports Saharawi people struggle

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Guyana(Brazil) June 9, 2015 (SPS) - Brazilian Student Unionissuedon Monday a recommendation supporting the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence,during the conclusion of its 54 congress.


The final statement of the congress recalled the United Nations and the international community to assume their responsibilities towards the decolonization of Western Sahara, urging the Brazilian government to recognize the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic and calling for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails.


UGTSARIO take parts in the 2th Trade Union Congress in Brazil

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Campinas (Sao Paulo), June 07, 2015 (SPS) - a Sahrawi delegation from the Saharawi Workers Trade (UGTSARIO) composed by Bazaid Ahmed and Aminatu Ali Ahmed Mohamed Embarak, took part at the Second Congress of National Trade Union set to be June 4,9 in the city State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

During the sessions of the event Saharawi delegates presented a paper in order to make known to its members the question of Western Sahara and the work of the UGTSARIO was widely reported by the president of the Congress.