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Women in Western Sahara are seen as powerful and are leaders (The Independent)

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Dublin (Ireland), July 6, 2015 (SPS) .- Women in the Sahrawi culture are seen as powerful and are leaders in their community. They are the doctors in the camp hospitals, the scientists in the small laboratory which makes basic drugs for the refugees, the teachers in the school and the ones who call the shots under the tented roofs, said The Independent.


Aragonese families host Sahrawi children with disabilities

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 Aragon, 6 July 2015 (SPS) - A group of Saharawi children with disabilities have been taken this summer by Aragonese families for their holidays, and will be given pediatric checks in health centers.


The group of Saharawi children with disabilities consists of eight children, five of them live in residences and resorts of associations for the disabled in Huesca province, while three are taken by families, according to news from the region.


Mayor of Santa Marta de Tormes receives a group of Saharawi children

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Salamanca (Spain) July 5, 2015 (SPS) - The mayor of the municipality of Santa Marta de Tormes, Mr. David Mingo, received Saturday a group of Saharawi children who arrived from the Saharawi refugee camps to spend the summer holidays in the hospitality of Spanish families in the framework of “holidays in peace” program.


During his reception to the Sahrawi children, Mayor David Mingo renewed support and solidarity for the just cause of the Saharawi people.


Creation of local committee in support Sahrawi people in Minas, Brazil

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Minas (Brazil) July 5, 2015 (SPS) – The creation of a local committee in support of the Sahrawi people has been announced during a meeting held by the Representative of the Polisario Front, Mohammed Zroug, with representatives of social movements in Minas, southwest Brazil, reported by Brazilian media sources.


The same sources confirmed that the meeting discussed the means of making the largest Latin American economies recognize the Sahrawi Republic.

Saharawi delegation participates in 8th Festival of Peoples Without Borders in Geneva

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 Geneva, July 5, 2015 (SPS) - A Saharawi delegation has taken part in the 8th edition of the Festival of Peoples without Borders organized by the Swiss Party of Labour and dedicated to international solidarity.


The Saharawi participation attracted the attention of the organizers who devoted a full page in the Labour Party newspaper in Geneva to the question and legitimate struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.


Conference on "The Saharawi question and international humanitarian law" in Algiers

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Algiers, July 05, 2015 (SPS) .- The Algerian collectif of solidarian journalists with the Saharawi people organizes Monday, July 6 at 10:30 am at DK News Forum, a conference hosted by the Commissioner of the African Commission on Human Rights and Peoples of the African Union (AU), Ms. Maya Sahli and the expert-researcher in international relations from the National School of Journalism and Information Sciences, Ahmed Kateb.

SABC news channel calls attention to Western Sahara issue

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Johanesburg, July 4, 2015 (SPS) - The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) public news channel devoted Wednesday a coverage to aspects of the Saharawi issue and the efforts led by the African Union (AU) in order to complete the decolonization of the last African colony.


SABC news evoked the concerns of the AU at the continuation of the Moroccan occupation to Saharawi territories, stressing the position of the AU on the Western Sahara conflict and the support for the right of the Sahrawi people and their just cause.  


Canarian Workers Trade Union condemns Moroccan “brutal” repression against Saharawi population

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Candelaria, 4 July 2015 (SPS) - The Canarian Workers Trade Union condemned Friday in a resolution adopted by the VIII Congress held from 3 to 4 July in Candelaria, Tenerife, the “brutal” repression exercised by Morocco against the Saharawi population in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


The Congress also called on the international community, particularly the Spanish government, to stop the grave violations and repression to which the Saharawi citizens are subjected by "Moroccan despotic and tyrannical regime."


President of Republic felicitates his Algerian counterpart on Independence and Youth Day

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), July 4, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent Saturday a congratulatory letter to his Algerian counterpart, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, on the occasion of the 53th anniversary of independence and Youth Day, 5 July 1962.


Sahrawi mother Tekbar Heddi resumes protest in front of Moroccan Consulate in Las Palmas

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Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 3 July 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi mother Tekbar Heddi, has resumed Friday protest in front of Moroccan Consulate in Las Palmas, the Canary Islands, to demand justice for his son killed by Moroccan settlers in the occupied city of El Aaiun, Western Sahara .



The Sahrawi mother confirmed the police forced her to withdraw the photo exhibition of her son from the street and asked to leave the place, according to EFE.


She said that she felt strong enough to resume the hunger strike once Ramadan ends.

Numerous Sahrawi organizations declares its solidarity with the journalist Ali Lmrabet

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Chahid Hafid, July 2, 2015 (SPS) – several Sahrawi coordination and organizations declared its solidarity with the Moroccan journalist Ali Lmrabet, who is in a battle of empty intestine, in protest against harassment by Moroccan authorities.

The above-mentioned Organizations voiced its unconditional solidarity with the Ali Lmrabet, denouncing the rejection of the Moroccan state to enable him with his documents guaranteed by law.

Anders Kompass aborte Ban Ki-moon's plans for Western Sahara

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Chahid El Hafedh, 07/01/2015 (SPS) .- The UN official Anders Kompass helped aborting UN Secretary General's plans relating to give a role to the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to report on the situation of human rights in Western Sahara, according to a confidential letter sent by former Ambassador of Morocco in Geneva, Omar Hilale.

Mounting concerns regarding the links between Moroccan drug barons and narco-jihadists linked to AQMI and MUJAO (press)

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Abu Dhabi, 30/06/2015 (SPS).- There are mounting concerns regarding the links between Moroccan drug barons and narco-jihadists linked to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, wrote yesterday Dr Abdelkader Cheref, professor at the State University of New York at Potsdam on the pages of Abu Dhabi's daily The National.


Sahrawi Association of Victims of gross violations of human rights committed by the Moroccan State declares its solidarity with the journalist Ali Lmrabet (statement)

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 El Aaiun (The occupied territories) June 30, 2015 (SPS) - Sahrawi Association of Victims of gross violations of human rights committed by the Moroccan State, has declared its full solidarity with the Moroccan journalist Ali Lmrabet, in a statement issued by it on Monday, a copy of it reached SPS.


 The Association demanded in its statement the Moroccan state to facilitate the access to identity documents to Ali Lmrabet, and provide him with the conditions to continue his work as an independent journalist.