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October 2013

Consensus in Abuja on need to set up human rights monitoring mechanism in Western Sahara

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Abuja, Oct 29, 2013 (SPS) - The need to set up a mechanism for the protection of human rights in Western Sahara met a consensus among the participants at the African conference in support of the Saharawi cause opened Monday in Abuja (Nigeria).

The various speakers at the three-day conference, organized by the Nigerian Union of Workers, stressed the need to set up this instrument "likely to stop the Moroccan occupation in its daily violation of human Rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara."

President of Republic calls on UN to provide international protection for Saharawi people

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories) - The President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz called on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) to “provide international protection for the Sahrawi people,” particularly folowing the heavy death toll among the Sahrawi protesters in the occupied cities of El Ayun and Smara during the visit of UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross.


Saharawi activist Mbarak Daoudi arrested and tortured

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Salé (Morocco), 26 October 2013 (SPS) -The well-known Saharawi human rights activist MBARAK DAOUDI, who was abducted together with his two sons in the city of Gulemin a month ago, and who is known to have been taken to the secret Salé prison, has been put under pressure and tortured in his cell by prison guards, Adala UK reported Sunday.


Danish government called upon to stand firm in rejecting the fisheries agreement between EU and Morocco

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Copenhagen (Denmark), 27 October 2013 - In its annual Congress that took place in city of Aalborg from 26 to 27 October, the Danish People’s Movement Party calls on the Danish government to stand firm in rejecting the fisheries agreement between the EU and Morocco, which includes the occupied Western Sahara, because the agreement is contrary to international law and jeopardizes the United Nations efforts for peace in Western Sahara, according to the POLISARIO representation in Denmark.


EP recommends fact-finding mission to detect remains of mass graves in Western Sahara

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Strasbourg ( France) October 27, 2013 (SPS) - The European Parliament has conducted an amendment to Mr. Tannock’s report on the human rights situation in Western Sahara and the Sahel, calling to send an international mission to study and discover the mass grave that has been found recently in Western Sahara by a group of medical and forensic experts.


‘The Art of Sahrawi Hospitality’ presented in Dallas, USA

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Dallas (Texas), 27 October 2013 (SPS) -  The New York artist Robin Kahn collaborated with the National Union of Sahrawi Women present ‘The Art of Sahrawi Hospitality’, an art project predicated on social interaction and engagement, from October 16-20, in Dallas, Texas, the organiser said in a statement.


 The project was premised on the idea that in Hassanyia (the spoken dialect of the Sahrawi people), the word “haima” means both family and tent.


Popular solidarity march with struggle of Sahrawi poeple in Abuja

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Abuja (Nigeria), 26 october 2013 (SPS) - A solidarity march, attended by hundreds of Nigerian citizens, roamed Friday the main streets of the capital Abuja, in the framework of the preparations for the conference of solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people, to be held 28-30 October, under the theme "Liberation of Western Sahara means Completion of decolonization in Africa", according to SADR Embassy in Nigeria.


President of Republic demands UN to assume responsibilities to ensure saharawi enjoy their legal rights

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), 26 October 2013 (SPS) – Mr Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of SADR, Secretary General of POLISARIO Front, has demanded the United Nations to assume its responsibilities in making sure that the saharawi enjoy their legal rights of expression, assembly, peaceful demonstration and free communication with the MINURSO, human rights organizations, reporters and independent journalists, in a letter to Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon.


Sahrawi political prisoners released after more than five months in prison

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El Aaiun  (Occupied Territories) 26 October 2013 (SPS) - Four Saharawi political prisoners from the city of Smara have been released after more than five months in the Black Prison in el Aaiun, Adala UK reported Saturday.


Moroccan occupation authorities  detained them between 27 and 28 May and tortured them following the protests which took place in Smara over those two days, after which they were transferred to el Aaiun's Black Prison.


The prisoners are: Farah Aywad, Hanoun Mahmoud, Mailad Slouh, Malah Sidi Mohamed. (SPS)


'severe' security blockade imposed on occupied city of Dakhla

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Dakhla (Occupied Territories), 25 October 2013 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities has imposed  a ‘severe’ blockade on the occupied city of Dakhla since Tuesday, following peaceful demonstrations in solidarity with the occupied cities of Aaiun and Smara, according to the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.


SADR participates to the AU Conference of trade Ministers

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Oct 25, 2013 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, participated this week in the ongoing African Union Conference of Trade Ministers, represented by the Saharawi Minister of Trade, Mr. Abda Cheikh, accompanied by the Saharawi Permanent Representative to the AU, and Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. Lamin Baali, and the Sahrawi trade expert Mrs. Nguia, according to a source from SADR Embassy in Ethiopia.


Africa Contact launches Campaign to release the "Agdeim Izik" group and all Saharawi political prisoners

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Copenhagen (Denmark), Oct 24, 2013 (SPS)–The Danish Organization Africa Contact launched today the “ACT NOW” Campaign to release the Agdeim Izik group and all the Saharawi political prisoners who have been imprisoned in different Moroccan prisons, because of their political opinions concerning Western Sahara issue, the last colony in Africa, according to a source from Polisario Representation in Copenhagen.


U.S. actress Cynthia Basinet addresses UN 4th Committee on Western Sahara

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New York, Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - The U.S. actress and singer, Cynthia Basinet, has addressed the United Nations Special and Decolonization Committee, also known as Fourth Committee or the Committee of 24, as a petitioner on behalf of the Western Sahara.

Following is full text of her speech, delivered before the UN Decolonization Committee's session, took place from 7 to 13 October 2013:

“Mr. Chairman


Distinguished Delegates

Ladies and Gentleman

AWSA welcomes Impact Fertilisers’s decision to stop importing Saharawi phosphate

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Canberra, Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - The Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) has welcomed, in a press release issued Monday, the decision taken by Impact Fertilisers to halt importing phosphates from the occupied territories of Western Sahara, calling on Incitec Pivot to follow suit.

“This is excellent news, although it would be even better if the company would undertake not to import this controversial phosphate until the conflict in Western Sahara is settled,” said Ms. Cate Lewis, AWSA Vice-President.

Scores of Saharawis injured in peaceful protest in occupied Smara

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Smara (occupied territories), Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - Scores of Saharawis were injured during a peaceful demonstration on Saturday in the occupied city of Smara to claim the right of Sahrawi people to self-determination, coinciding with Ross visit to the territory.

Mr. Salek Muftah, new director of Sahara Press Service

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - Mr. Salek Muftah is a new director of the Sahara Press Service (SPS) succeeding its former director Mr. Lemhamid Sidi Mohamed Abbah, who was summoned for other tasks, said a statement issued Monday by the Presidency of the Republic.

Council of Ministers denounces repression against Saharawis in occupied El Aaiun and Smara

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers has denounced the brutal intervention perpetuated on October 18-20 by Moroccan occupation forces against the defenseless Saharawi citizens in the occupied Saharawi cities of El Aaiun and Smara, deploring the state of security siege and restriction prevailing in these cities.