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On 39th anniversary of phosphate conveyer belt’s smashing: UGTSRIO conjures up the event

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 21, 2013 (SPS) - Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO) has conjured up the smashing and burning of the phosphate conveyer belt, occured on 20 October 197, in a statement issued to mark this occasion, a copy of it reached SPS.

UGTSARIO hailed the courage shown by a group of Saharawi citizens who rejects the Spanish occupation’s exploitation of their wealth, where they conducted “a heroic operation under which main parts of the phosphate conveyor belt were burnt and the theft and looting operations of national wealth, been carried out for decades by the Spanish colonizer, were disabled,” asserted the statement.

“October 20th will remain an inspiring day for all Saharawi workers, by which they take the values of revolution and rejection of humiliation. It will remain therefore a date to once again swear to continue marching in the path of imposing the realization of national rights of the Saharawi people,” said UGTSARIO.

The statement added that the spirit of courage and sacrifice that pushed at that day these fighters “is the same that still feeding the fight and resistance of Saharawi people masses in all the locations of struggle.”

It should be recalled that UGTSARIO celebrates this event as part of the commemorations of the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of the Frente Polisario and outbreak of armed struggle. (SPS)
