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African conference of solidarity with Saharawi people kicks off in Abuja

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Abuja, Oct 29, 2013 (SPS) - An African conference of solidarity with the Saharawi people, jointly organized by the Nigerian Labour Congress, civili society organizations and association of friendship, kicked off Monday in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

The opening ceremony was attened by the President of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) Mr. Abdulwahid Omar, Chairman of the Polisario’s Political Organization Secretariat Mr. Bachir Mustafa Sayad, Algeria’s Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals Mr. Tayeb Louh, Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Ms. Sueilma Beiruk, Former Nigerian Ambassador to the UN, in addition to the Represesntative of the African Union Mr. Ahmed Hamdi.

In his welcoming speech, President of the Nigerian Labour Congress indicated that this conference would shed light on the reasons that prevent the Sahrawi people from attaining independence, adding that it is an expression of outrage over the gross violations of human rights being perpetuated in the occupeid Western Sahara.

"On this occasion, we call on the international community to put pressure on Moroccan Kingdom to comply with the international law, and thus enables the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination," he uniderlined.

"International resolutions are not strong and has no sense unless being respected and appiled and respected. Moreover, Africa is not free, unless the Western Sahara is set free," he added.

He also urged the African Union (AU) to support all the efforts aimed at finding a just solution to this matter, hoping that the forthcoming report of Christopher Ross will be starting point for the colonilism era

Algerian Minister of Justice Mr. Tayeb Louh, for his part, renewed Algeria’s support to the Saharawi people’s struggle, highlighting that the international community cannot remain stand still before the continued violation of human rigts committed by Moroccan occupation.

This conference is attended by delegations from 27 countries, including 17 from Africa and 10 from Europe and Latin America.

According to the organizers, the conference aims at "reaffirming the African nature of the conflict and to recall that Africa is not fully liberated as one of its territory, Western Sahara, is still under the yoke of colonialism."

Several lectures on various topics will be presented during this conference, including "Decoloization of Western Sahara : historic and legal background" by Carlos Ruiz Miguel, "African Union and the Saharawi question" by Dr. Mhanad Barkuk, "UN/AU peace process : status quo and future prospectives" by SADR Ambassador to Nigeria Mr. Ubbi Bachraya, and other lectures about the situation of humna rights in the occupied territories and Moroccan military wall. (SPS)
