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February 2013

EU Parliament concerned over continued human rights violation in Western Sahara

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Brussels, Feb 10, 2013 (SPS) - European Parliament voiced, in a motion submitted Saturday to the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council, concern over the continued violatins of human rights in Western Sahara.

“Given the continued violations of human rights in Western Sahara, the European Parliament expresses concern and calls for protection of the basic rights of the Saharawi population, including the freedoms of association and expression as well as the right to demonstrate,” stated the motion.

Dutch minister demands respect for international law in EU-Morocco fishing agreement

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The Hague (Netherlands), Feb 10, 2013 (SPS) - The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Frans Timmermans has stressed, in a response to questions addressed to him by the Dutch parliament, the need to respect international law regarding the fisheries agreement between European Union and Morocco.

Mr. Timmermans said that Western Sahara is a non-autonomous territory whose population has not yet decided their fate, highlighting in this regard that any agreement “must benefit the indigenous population.”

Trial of Gdeim Izik detainees: "we are political prisoners," (Saharawi defendants)

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Rabat, Feb 10, 2013 (SPS) - The Sahrawis 24 prisoners or " Gdeim Izik group" refused Saturday in Rabat to be considered as common law detainees, insisting on their right to be treated as political militants and human rights defenders.

"We are not criminals, but political prisoners and consider our appearing before the military tribunal as a political trial," said militant Ennaama Asfari at the hearing of the accused by the court, at the trial, which opened on February 1.

Trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners is "illegal", says Spanish MEP Willy Meyer

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Rabat, Feb 10, 2013 (SPS) - The Spanish MEP Willy Meyer said Friday in Rabat (Morocco) that the trial of 24 Sahrawi political prisoners called the “Gdeim Izik’s group” before the military court is "illegal" and "unfair", as it concerns activists living in Western Sahara, a territory under occupation.

Establishment of first Saharawi University in liberated Tifariti (presidential decree)

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Feb 9, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has issued a presidential decree which provides for the establishment of the first Saharawi University in the liberated town of Tifariti, in the aim to meet requirements of the current stage and a culmination of the development of Saharawi educational system.

Polisario Front willing to hold direct talks with Morocco, but without prerequisite

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Paris, Feb 08, 2012 (SPS) - The Polisario Front, acknowledged as the only legitimate representative of Saharawi people is willing to hold direct talks with Morocco, provided that Rabat "does not impose its autonomy plan as a precondition," Saharawi Culture Minister Khadidja Hamdi has stressed.


"The next European trip of UN personal envoy for Western Sahara may contribute in launching direct negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco," she told Algerian News Agency.


Lawyers of 24 Saharawi political prisoners request their release

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Rabat ( Morocc), Feb 08, 2012 (SPS)- The lawyers of 24 Saharawi political prisoners, known as Gdeim Izik group, called Friday in Rabat for releasing their defendants, or "at least" grant them provisional release, noting that the military court "had no jurisdiction" to try them.


In their preliminary requests, in the second hearing opened last Friday, the lawyers of the Saharawi activists stressed that their trial at a military court was contrary to Moroccan Constitution, which forbids formation of military courts, especially in Article 126.


French elected officials call for "immediate" release of Saharawi political prisoners

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Paris, Feb 8, 2012 (SPS) - French elected representatives and intellectuals of African origin supporting the Saharawi issue called, from Paris, for the "immediate" and "unconditional" release of the 24 Sahrawi political prisoners who will appear Friday before a military court in Rabat.


"We call for the quashing of this inquisitive trial," said the network in a statement unanimously adopted by his members after a special session held Thursday evening in Paris.


European Parliament’s concerns over human rights in Western Sahara, strong signal to international community, says Sidati

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Paris, Feb 08, 2012 (SPS)- The European Parliament (EP) expressed, once again, its concern about human rights’ violation in Western Sahara and reaffirmed its support to Sahrawi people’s inalienable right to self-determination, which represents, according to the Representative of the Polisario Front in Europe Mohamed Sidati, a "strong signal" to the international community.


EP calls for release of Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails

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Brussels, Feb 08, 2012 (SPS) - The European Parliament EP has called for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails.


MEPs expressed concern over the systemic violations of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, calling for protecting the fundamental rights of the Saharawis includingfreedom of expression and association.  


EP resolution emphasized the need for international follow-up to the human rights in Western Sahara.


sit-in infront of Moroccan military court in Rabat

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Rabat, (Morocco), Feb 08, 2013 (SPS) - Families of the Saharawi political prisoners "Group of Gdeim Izik" organized today a sit-in before the Moroccan military court in Rabat where the Saharawi detainees are subjected to a military trial, said a Saharawi media sources attending the process.


Saharawi rights activists, students and sympathizers came from European countries took part at the sit-in  chanting slogans condemning the illegal military trial against Saharawi innocent civilians.


(EU must bring burning human rights questions in Western Sahara to UN table) says Willy Meyer

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Strasbourg ,Feb07, 2013(SPS) the member of the European Parliament, Spanish GUE/NGL Willy Meyer highlighted the violation of human rights in the occupied Western Sahara ahead of European Parliament resolution vote on the upcoming United Nations Human Rights Council meeting will take place from 25 February - 22 March 2013 in Geneva .

Sit-in in front of Moroccan Embassy in Pretoria denouncing military court of Gdeim Izik group

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Pretoria (South Africa) Feb07, 2013(SPS) the South African movement of solidarity with the Sararawi People, on Tuesday organized a sit-in before Moroccan Embassy in Pretoria,in conclusion of its awareness campaign in framework of international solidarity with 24 sharawi political prisoners known as Gdeim izik group whom facing Moroccan military court in the coming days.

International Socialist reiterates its full support to right of Saharawi people to self-determination

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 Cascais (Portugal) Feb06, 2013(SPS) the Council of the International Socialist reiterated its full Support to the Saharawi People’s right to self-determination, in the end of its meeting held from 4 and 5 February in Cascais,Purtugal.

 The Council demanded the urgent implementation of all resolutions of the United Nations and the African Union that guaranteeing this right considering Western Sahara Issue as “a case of decolonization”

“Morocco military trial of Sahrawi civilians flawed from the outset” says Amnesty International

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London,Feb05,2013( SPS) the Amnesty International considered that  the Moroccan military trial against the 24 Saharawi political prisoners or what become known as Gdeim Izik group “ flowed from the outset”.

“The trial of civilians before a military court does not meet internationally recognized standards for a fair trial.”  Said Amnesty International’s Director for the Middle East and North Africa Philip Luther,

President of Republic calls on AU Commissioner to stop Moroccan decision to bring the Gdeim Izik Group before a military Court

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Bir Lehlu ( Liberated Territories) Feb05,2013(SPS) President of the Republic , Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has called on Chairperson of the African Union Mrs. Dlamini Zuma, to intervene  against Moroccan decision to bring 24 Saharawi political prisoners. Known as the Gdeim Izik group, before a military tribunal on next Friday.

German delegation meets with Saharawi NGOs in the occupied territories

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El Aaiun (occupied territories of Western Sahara) Feb05,2013(SPS)  a German delegation composed of Director for the Middle East and the Maghreb in the Foreign Ministry , Boris Ruge and the political advisor at the German Embassy in Rabat Christoph Blosen, met on Monday with delegations represent Saharawi NGOs in the   occupied City of El Aaiun.

Sahrawi prisoners: Western Sahara Campaign sends an open letter to Moroccan authorities

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London (UK)Feb5,2013(SPS) Western Sahara Campaign, which works for the Sahrawi cause, wrote Monday an open letter to the Moroccan authorities in which it asks for a fair trial for the 24 Sahrawi political prisoners who will appear on February 8 before a Moroccan military court.

The letter, which was signed by the Chair of the organization Ken Ritche, was delivered to the Moroccan Embassy in London.