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Dutch minister demands respect for international law in EU-Morocco fishing agreement

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The Hague (Netherlands), Feb 10, 2013 (SPS) - The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Frans Timmermans has stressed, in a response to questions addressed to him by the Dutch parliament, the need to respect international law regarding the fisheries agreement between European Union and Morocco.

Mr. Timmermans said that Western Sahara is a non-autonomous territory whose population has not yet decided their fate, highlighting in this regard that any agreement “must benefit the indigenous population.”

In relevant context, the Saharawi Coordinator with the MINURSO Mr. Mhamed Khaddad visited from 4 to 8 February 2013 Netherlands, where he met senior officials at Dutch Foreign Ministry, in addition to representatives of political parties and parliamentary groups.

Mr. Khaddad emphasized the need to respect international legitimacy in dealing with the question of Western Sahara, urging Europe to respect and back the legitimate choice of the Saharawi people in freedom and emancipation, because, he said, it is “the only solution that would contribute to the strengthening of stability, peace and real security in the region.” (SPS)
