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sit-in infront of Moroccan military court in Rabat

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Rabat, (Morocco), Feb 08, 2013 (SPS) - Families of the Saharawi political prisoners "Group of Gdeim Izik" organized today a sit-in before the Moroccan military court in Rabat where the Saharawi detainees are subjected to a military trial, said a Saharawi media sources attending the process.


Saharawi rights activists, students and sympathizers came from European countries took part at the sit-in  chanting slogans condemning the illegal military trial against Saharawi innocent civilians.


according to the source, the Moroccan intelligence service and police has imposed siege on the protest.


The Moroccan authorities brought some Moroccans to disrupt the protest and confuse the international public opinion, the same source added. (SPS)
