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Polisario Front willing to hold direct talks with Morocco, but without prerequisite

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Paris, Feb 08, 2012 (SPS) - The Polisario Front, acknowledged as the only legitimate representative of Saharawi people is willing to hold direct talks with Morocco, provided that Rabat "does not impose its autonomy plan as a precondition," Saharawi Culture Minister Khadidja Hamdi has stressed.


"The next European trip of UN personal envoy for Western Sahara may contribute in launching direct negotiations between the Polisario Front and Morocco," she told Algerian News Agency.


The Saharawi official made the statement on the sidelines of a meeting Thursday, in Paris, by a network of French elected officials of African extraction supporting the Saharawi cause.


The Saharawi minister said she "does not understand" the difference between direct and indirect negotiations.


The two parties "do sit at the negotiating table" in both cases, she said. So "it is time that direct negotiations be launched by taking into consideration Saharawi people’ right to self-determination."
