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Moroccan army “in deplorable situation,” says Sahrawi media

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), 06 December 2020 (SPS) -The Moroccan occupation army “is in a deplorable situation” in the face of the bombings led by the Sahrawi army in El-Guerguerat, said a Sahrawi news website that reported two senior Moroccan officers suffering from memory disorders.
The news website “12 October: The Voice of Sahrawi Resistance” affirmed having information from reliable sources that “the Moroccan army is in a deplorable situation.” 

SPLA fighters continue striking Moroccan enemy’s positions

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories) 05 December 2020 (SPS) - Fighters of the Saharawi People’s Liberation Army continue, for the twenty third consecutive day, to fire at the positions and entrenchments of the Moroccan military forces along the Wall of Shame, informed the comuniqué No. 23 of the Ministry for National Defense.

UN Security Council’s President: “We must admit having failed the people of Western Sahara”

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New York (United Nations), 05 December 2020 (SPS) - The incumbent President of the United Nations Security Council, Ambassador Jerry Matjila, called last Tuesday on the international community to recognize its failure in Western Sahara and the failure to fulfill its promises to the Saharawi people to reach a definitive solution through the celebration of a referendum on self-determination.

El-Guerguerat: Morocco hides losses against Sahrawi army

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Shaheed El Hafed, 05 December 2020 (SPS) - Secretary General at the Sahrawi Security Ministry Sidi Ould Oukal affirmed Thursday that Morocco hides its losses against the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) since the violation of the ceasefire agreement and the aggression against the Sahrawi civilians in the region of El-Guerguerat in November, said the Sahrawi news agency SPS.

SPLA units continue to target military positions of Moroccan army

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), 05 December 2020 (SPS) - The units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) continued "intensive" attacks on the Moroccan army's bases and positions along the wall of shame for the 21st consecutive day, said Thursday the Sahrawi Ministry of Defense in its 21st press release.
"The SPLA units bombed the Kalb Ennos area on Thursday in the sector of Awsard, the area of Oum Odken in the sector of Albkari and the Tnuched area in the Mehbes sector.”

Polisario Front: Broadening MINURSO mandate, a must

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Algiers, 05 December 2020 (SPS) - Broadening the Mission of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to human rights monitoring has become “a must” given the latest developments, said the Representative of the Polisario Front in Germany Nadjet Handi.

Morocco hinders AU initiative to silence arms in 2020

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Addis Ababa, 05 December 2020 (SPS) - The African Union’s objectives to silence arms in 2020 collides currently with a big obstacle following the illegal Moroccan occupation of parts of the Sahrawi Republic’s territory, said on Wednesday Sahrawi Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamed Salem Ould Salek.

Liberation war "will not stop until the end of Moroccan occupation"

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Shaheed El-Hafed, 05 December 2020 (SPS) - The minister advisor to the Sahrawi presidency for Political Affairs, Bachir Mustapha Syed, said Tuesday that "the 13 November 2020 marks an important change in our people's struggle, manifested in the attacks of the National Liberation Army and the huge mobilization, in support of the Popular Front's decision to resume the armed struggle" against the Moroccan occupation.

UNSC´s President: "We must recognize our failure towards Sahrawi people"

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New York (USA) Dec 02, 2020 (SPS) - The President of the United Nations Security Council, Ambassador Jerry Matjila, has called on the international community to recognize its failure in Western Sahara and the failure to fulfill its promises with the Saharawi people to reach a definitive solution through the celebration of the self-determination referendum.

53 Norwegian NGOs correspond its government to defend Sahrawi people´s HHRR and their right to self-determination

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Oslo (Norway), Dec 02, 2020 (SPS) - Norwegian civil society organizations called on the government of Norway to play a leading role in defending human rights in Western Sahara by calling on Morocco to release human rights prisoners held in Moroccan prisons for many years
The Norwegian bodies, in an open letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanded the need to take initiatives on the UN Security Council for the permanent monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara, to open the region to the United Nations special rapporteurs.

New book on Saharawi people's struggle in Japan

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Tokyo (Japan), Dec 02, 2020 (SPS) - Japanese journalist and writer Hirata Itsuku has published a new book on the Sahrawi people's struggle for independence.
This new book, which came out on November 30, 2020, recounts the experience of Sahrawi activists for independence, based on the story of the athlete Salah Eddin Ameidán.

"National liberation war resumed to drive out the occupier and will not stop until its occupation ends” Bachir Mustafa Sayed

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Chahid Al-Hafed, Dec, 02, 2020 (SPS) – Frente POLISARIO and Minister of the Presidency in charge of Political Affairs, Mr. Bachir Mustafa Sayed, declared “the date of November 13, 2020 a turning point in the Sahrawi national struggle, reflected in the operations of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army and the general mobilization of the Sahrawis in support of the decision of the POLISARIO to resume the armed struggle”, emphasizing “the new war has every reason for success.

Rivas-Vaciamadrid municipal council approves decision on SADR political recognition

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Madrid (Spain), 1 December 2020 (SAPS) -The municipal council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid has approved a decision providing for the political recognition of the Saharawi Republic (SADR), deciding to name one of the public squares after the Saharawi people as a form of solidarity and commitment to the Saharawi cause.
The Council urged the Spanish government to officially recognize the Saharawi state and the Polisario Front, which is a liberation movement according to the United Nations.

Sahrawi army continues attacks against Moroccan occupation positions

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), 30 November 2020 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) continued their targeted attacks against positions of the Moroccan occupation army along the wall of shame, for the eighteenth consecutive day, a statement from the Defense Ministry said on Monday.
The Defense Ministry underlined, in its press release No. 18 that "the forward units of the Liberation Army bombed sites in the Smara sector twice on Monday, and targeted the Ross Sbti area in the Mahbes region".

International community must “decolonize Western Sahara to “ensure stability” in region

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Algiers, 30 November 2020 (SPS) -The international community, led by the United Nations (UN), “must decolonize” Western Sahara by organizing a free and legal self-determination referendum, in accordance with the international law, in order to “ensure peace and stability” in the region, said Monday Chairman of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) Bouzid Lazhari.