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Pretoria rebuts France 24 fake news relayed by Morocco’s MAP

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Pretoria, 9 December 2020 (SPS) -The Government of South-Africa vigorously contested the fake news broadcast by the news website and relayed by the MAP news agency, which attributed to President Cyril Ramaphosa false statements on Pretoria’s stance on Western Sahara.

El Guerguerat crisis: Convergence of views between Algeria, Russia, says Beliaev

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Algiers, 9 December 2020 (SPS) - Russia's ambassador to Algeria, Igor Beliaev, expressed Tuesday the "convergence of views" between Moscow and Algiers on the crisis of El Guerguerat, Western Sahara, reiterating the position of his country which calls for restraint.
In an interview with Russian news agency Sputnik, Beliaev said "that after the recent escalation of the conflict in Western Sahara, we continue the dialogue with Algeria at different levels."
"Discussions have led to a convergence of views between the two countries on this crisis."

Namibia calls for independence of Western Sahara, ridding Africa from the vestiges of colonialism

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Windhoek (Namibia) 08 December 2020 (SPS)- The Vice President of the Republic of Namibia, Hon. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, called for ridding Africa from the vestiges of colonialism, in his country’s speech befoe the AU 14th Extraordinary Summit on Silencing the Guns held last Sunday.
“Your Excellency, we believe that ridding the continent from vestiges of colonialism, the Saharawis for instance should be accorded their inalienable right to self-determination and national independence,” he stated.

President Ghali urges for African effort to silence guns

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Addis Ababa, 7 December 2020 (SPS) - President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Brahim Ghali called on African Union and its Peace and Security Council (PSC) to assume responsibility in the face of the Moroccan aggression against the Sahrawi people, and to work for silencing the guns in Western Sahara through a firm and determined African effort.

AU Summit: Broad African support to Sahrawi people’s self-determination

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Johannesburg, 7 December 2020 (SPS) - The African leaders reiterated their support to the Sahrawi cause, strongly condemning the violation of the ceasefire agreement by the Moroccan occupation authorities following the military aggression in El-Gueguerat, and called for the holding of a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara.

Ramaphosa calls for holding referendum on self-determination

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Petoria, 7 December 2020 (SPS) - South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed on Sunday his deep concern regarding the situation in Western Sahara, calling for "every effort to be made to facilitate the holding of a referendum on self-determination" of the Sahrawi people.

Western Sahara issue back on AU PSC agenda

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Algiers, 7 December 2020 (SPS) -The Western Sahara issue is back on the agenda of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) in accordance with the decision taken on Sunday by the continental organization ahead of the summit themed “Silencing the guns in Africa,” reported Algerian News Agency (APS). 

Western Sahara question: New stage of accelerating search for solution

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Algiers, 7 December 2020 (SPS) - Sahrawi Ambassador to Algeria Abdelkader Taleb Omar said Sunday in Algiers that the assault Morocco has launched last November 13th in El-Guerguerat (south-west of Western Sahara) marked a new stage of Western Sahara question as the search for a solution is accelerating after years of inertia.
The Sahrawi ambassador has received a delegation from the Algerian Youth Association.

Organizations expose oppression of Sahrawi journalists in occupied territories

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), 7 December 2020 (SPS) - Four Sahrawi and international organizations have published a report calling for urgent measures to face Moroccan occupation's oppression against Sahrawi journalists in the occupied territories, disclosing that more than 35 young Sahrawis have been arrested since the breakdown of the ceasefire.

Algeria calls to revive political settlement process in Western Sahara

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Algiers, 7 December 2020 (SPS) - Algeria reiterated Sunday its call to the need to “revive the political settlement process” of the conflict in Western Sahara, calling on the African Union (AU) to “fulfill its mission of preserving African peace and security” in the light of the serious developments that this issue has experienced recently.

South Africa concerned about the situation in Western Sahara and AU asked for efforts to facilitate self-determination

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Pretoria (South Africa) 07 December 2020 (SPS)- The President of the African Union, and President of South Africa, H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed concern about the situation in Western Sahara, during his opening speech of the AU Summit on Silencing the Guns Yesterday.
“We equally express our grave concern about the current situation in Western Sahara, which demands that every effort is made to facilitate the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara,” he said.

Sahrawi army continues attacks against Moroccan army bases for 24th consecutive day

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), 6 December 2020 (SPS) - The Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) continued, Saturday and Sunday, its intensive attacks against Moroccan military bases behind the Wall of Shame, said the Ministry of defense in its statement number 24.
The units of the SPLA continued, on Saturday, their strikes "against the positions of the enemy in the region of Rous Oudiat S'dida (sector of Farsia) and Aklibat Aakaya (sector of Auserd)".

Botswana President's remarks to AU Summit: “the Africa We Want” will remain a dream as long as Western Sahara have not attained full independence

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Gaborone (Botswana) 06 December 2020 (SPS)- The President of the Republic of Botswana, H.E. President Mokgweetsi E.K.Masisi, stressed in his remarks before the African Union Summit on Silencing the Guns, delivered Today by Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation, Honourable Dr. Lemogang Kwape, that “the Africa We Want” will remain a dream as long as Western Sahara have not attained full independence.