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The Council of Ministers meets to address national cause

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Chahid El Hafed, Oct 26, 2017 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers met Wednesday, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of Frente POLISARIO, President of the Republic, Brahim Gali, to evaluate the 2017 Government Program, as well as the last developments of the national cause.

Polisario’s representative in Sweden is received by Swedish Left Party leader

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Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 25, 2017 (SPS) - leader of the Swedish Left Party, Mr. Jonas Khostad has received the Frente POLISARIO representative in Sweden, Dr. Limam Khalil, to whom he has expressed his party principled and firm stance to in supporting the Saharawi people just struggle for self-determination and independence.

Sahrawi President chairs a meeting of Council of Ministers

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Chahid El Hafed,  Oct 25, 2017 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, has today held a meeting of the Council of Ministers, at the Presidency of the Republic.
The agenda of this meeting includes the evaluation of the annual program of the government for the autumn session of the National Council, in addition to examining the latest developments of the Sahrawi issue at all levels and the achievements made by the Saharawi state, especially at the level of the African Union.

Saharawi Coordinator with MINURSO meets with ICRC President

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Geneva, Oct 25, 2017 (SPS) - the Frente POLISARIO’s coordinator with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) Mr. KHADDAD met Tuesday with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mr. MAURER, in Geneva.

EU-Morocco: Sidati denounces European Parliament’s adoption of air agreement covering Western Sahara

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Brussels (Belgium) , Oct 25, 2017 (SPS) -  The Sahrawi minister delegate for Europe Mohamed Sidati denounced Tuesday, the adoption by the European Parliament, which met in a plenary session in Strasbourg, of the European Union-Morocco air agreement  covering Western Sahara, adding that this new approach of the European Union “strengthens the illegal occupation” of Western Sahara by Morocco.

Staff at Oukasha Prison in Morocco attack Sahrawi political prisoner Abdeljalil Lemkaimad

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Morocco, Oct 24, 2017 (SPS) - Sources close to the family of the Sahrawi political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik Group, Abdeljalil Lemkaimad, claim that staff of the Oukasha Prison in Morocco attacked, threatened and punished the Saharawi political prisoner.
Sahrawi political prisoner Abdeljalil Lemkaimad has been in the abovementioned prison since the arbitrary decision to disperse the prisoners of Gdeim Izik by different Moroccan prisons on 16 September 2017.

EUCOCO: Europe must assume its responsibility (the French deputy Jean Paul Lecoq)

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Vitry-sur-Seine (France), Oct 24,  2017 (SPS) - The French deputy, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the French National Assembly, former Mayor, Mr. Jean Paul Lecoq, on the sidelines of the 42nd European Conference of Coordination and Support to the Saharawi People (EUCOCO), said that "the question of Western Sahara invites itself in Europe after the appointment of the German, Kohler, as UN Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, emphasizing that it is Europe 's responsibility to assume responsibility for finding a solution to the conflict ".

Olof Palme International Center renews its support for Sahrawi people's struggle for freedom and independence

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Stockholm (Sweden), Oct 24, 2017 (SPS) - The Secretary General of the Olof Palme International Center, Anna Sundström, renewed yestarday the Center's support for the Sahrawi people in their legitimate struggle for self-determination and independence.
This came during a meeting with the representative of the Frente POLISARIO in Sweden Dr. Limam Al-Khalil, who discussed the special relationship between the Center and the Frente POLISARIO and its follow-up to the Saharawi people's march, as well as the status of the just cause of the Saharawi people.

President of the Republic receives a delegation from the Republic of Dominica

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Chahid El Hafed, Oct 24, 2017 (SPS) – the President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO Mr. Brahim Gali has received on Monday a delegation from the Republic of Dominica, consist of MP and the President of the Opposition, Mr. Lenox Linton and Former Ambassador of Dominica to the United Nations, Mr. Crispin Grigwar.

President Bouteflika receives UNSG for Western Sahara

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Algiers, Oct 24, 2017 (SPS) – the Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has received Monday in Algiers the Personal Envoy the Secretary General of the United Nations for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler.
The audience was attended by Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia and Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel.

Participants in 42nd EUCOCO show great solidarity with Sahrawi cause

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Vitry-Sur-Seine (France), Oct 23, 2017 (SPS) -Participants in the two-day European Coordinating Conference of Support to the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO), which wrapped Sunday, showed great solidarity with the Sahrawi people in their struggle for self-determination and independence.
In addition to Algeria, represented in this conference by a large parliamentary delegation, 300 participants from Italy, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Mauritania, Venezuela and others attended this solidarity event held under the slogan "Self-determination, an inalienable right."

EUCOCO: Extending MINURSO to human rights protection (final statement)

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Vitry-Sur-Seine (France), Oct 23, 2017 (SPS) - The 42nd European Coordinating Conference of Support to the Sahrawi people (EUCOCO 2017) underlined Sunday the urgency to extend the prerogatives of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to the protection of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, announcing actions within the United Nations Human Rights Council.

EUCOCO sharpens strategy for more solidarity with Sahrawi people

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Vitry-Sur-Seine (France), Oct 23, 2017 (SPS)  – The 42rd session of EUCOCO, being held on Saturday and Sunday in Vitry-sur-Seine (Southern suburb of Paris) laid the foundations of a strategy to broaden the solidarity with the Sahrawi people, who are fighting for the right to independence and self-determination.

Western Sahara conflict: Messahel receives Kohler

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Algiers, Oct 22, 2017 (SPS) – Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel has received, Saturday in Algiers, the United Nations Secretary General's Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler, who is on a tour in the region.
During the discussions, held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Messahel and Kohler focused mainly on issues related to the Western Sahara conflict.

EUCOCO: Algeria's support to Sahrawi people reiterated, Europe urged to get more involved

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Vitry-Sur-Seine (France), Oct 22, 2017 (SPS) – The member of the Council of the Nation (Upper House of Parliament), vice-president of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Finance Noureddine Djaafar on Saturday has called on Europe to get more involved in the settlement of decolonization issues, especially the question of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco.
He also reiterated Algeria's unconditional support to the struggle of Sahrawi people for their right to self-determination and the protection of their natural resources.

Need to return to fundamental rights, set date for self-determination referendum

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Paris, Oct 22, 2017 (SPS) - President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (CNASPS) Said Ayachi underlined Saturday, in Paris, the need to return to the fundamentals of the issue of Western Sahara and set a date for the organization of a self-determination referendum for the Sahrawi people.

Works of 42nd EUCOCO kick off in Paris

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Paris, Oct 22, 2017 (SPS) - The 42nd European Coordinating Conference of Support to the Sahrawi people (EUCOCO 2017) kicked off Saturday, in Paris, with the participation of an important number of parliamentarians and representatives of governments from several countries, in addition to associations and committees of friendship with the Sahrawi people.