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President of Republic chairs meeting of Permanent Bureau of National Secretariat

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Chahid El-Hafed, Nov 09, 2017 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, chaired Wednesday a meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Frente POLISARIO, addressed internal and external issues related to the national cause.

Zimbabwe reiterates its unwavering support to Sahrawi cause

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Harare (Zimbabwe), Nov 09, 2017 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zimbabwe has reiterated yesterday his country unwavering support and commitment to the Sahrawi cause a letter received by Sahrawi Foreign Minister, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, from his counterpart in Zimbabwe, Walter Mzembi, responding to the congratulations received by his appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs of his country.
“I wish to reassure you on my country’s unwavering support and commitment to the Sahrwi cause” Walter Mzembi says in his letter

Speech of Moroccan King: UN reaffirms mandate conferred on Kohler by Security Council

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New York, Nov 09, 2017 (SPS) - United Nations Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said Tuesday that new UN envoy for Western Sahara Horst Kohler was pursuing his mediation mission in Western Sahara, in conformity with the mandate conferred on him by the Security Council.
"There is a mandate from the Security Council for the Personal Envoy as well as the… as well as MINURSO, and we will follow that mandate and continue our work," said the Spokesman in a news briefing.

Western Sahara: Ould Salek calls on UN, AU and France to assume their responsibilities

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Algiers, Nov 09, 2017 (SPS) - Sahrawi Foreign Minister Mohamed Salem Ould Salek on Wednesday called on all stakeholders in the Western Sahara conflict, namely the United Nations, the African Union and mainly France, to assume their responsibilities and find a lasting solution.
He also denounced the complicity between Paris and Morocco and their desire to undermine and block the peace process in Western Sahara.

UN reaffirms the task assigned to Koehler by the Security Council

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New York (USA), Nov 08, 2017 (SPS) – the UN New envoy to Western Sahara,  Horst Koehler is continuing the task of mediating in Western Sahara, which has been mandated by the Security Council, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Tuesday.
"The Security Council has assigned the Personal Envoy and MINURSO a mission and we will continue this mission and continue our work," Antonio Guterres’s spokesman, told a news briefing.

East Timor Prime Minister reiterates his country support to Saharawi people struggle

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Dili (East Timor), 11/07/2017 (SPS) - The Prime Minister of East Timor, Dr Mari Alkatiri, reiterated during his reception of the RASD ambassador in East Timor, Mohamed Salama Badi, that his country will no spare effort in terms of defending the struggle of the Saharawi people.
The meeting, which was "very cordial", has been used by the head of the Asian government to reaffirm "the firm conviction of East Timor regarding the just Saharawi cause", as well as "his personal commitment to redouble the support in all the fronts ".

Ouyahia holds discussions with Sahrawi president

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Algiers, Nov 07, 2017 (SPS) -  Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia has held discussions, Tuesday in Algiers, with the Secretary General of Polisario Front and President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Brahim Ghali, who is on a visit to Algiers, said the Prime Minister Office in a statement.
The discussions, attended by Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel, are part of the regular Algerian-Sahrawi consultations, added the statement.

President of Republic oversees ARTIFARIT closing festivities

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Boujdour (Saharawi refugee camps), Nov 07, 2017 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, has Monday overseen the closing of the 11th edition of the International Art Festival in Western Sahara (ARTifariti),
The event was attended by several foreign and Saharawi artists from several countries of the world as well as members of the National Secretariat of the Frente POLISARIO, the SADR government, members of the NSC and officials of the Ministry of Culture

President of Republic receives a delegation from Spain

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Chahid El Hafed, Nov 07, 2017 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, has received a delegation from Spain at night, which is undertaking a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps and to the SADR institutions.
Brahim Gali, conveyed to the delegation composed of multiple mayors, the gratitude of the Saharawi people for their solidarity and firm commitment to our struggle for freedom and independence.

Frente POLISARIO destroys 2,500 antipersonnel mines

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Tifariti (Western Sahara), Nov 07, 2017 (SPS) - The Frente POLISARIO has destroyed before international representatives 2,500 anti-personnel and antitank mines, collected in the liberated territories of Western Sahara, especially along the Moroccan wall of 2700 kilometers that divides the territory
The destruction, which took place on November 4, in Tifariti, a town located in the territories under POLISARIO control and which was bombed by Morocco on the same day as the ceasefire was signed on September 6, 1991, after sixteen years of war

15 to 17 year prison sentences against 19 Moroccan drug traffickers

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Tifariti (Liberated Territories), Nov 6, 2017 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Criminal Court has issued sentences of 15 to 17 years and eight months in prison against 19 Moroccans, accused of transporting drugs into the SADR territories, said the Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs in a statement.
The trial was conducted under good conditions in accordance with the legal guarantees and the indispensable conditions for the success of this trial held for the first time in the liberated territories of the SADR, according to the statement.

President of Republic oversees closing of ARTIFARITI

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), Nove 6, 2017 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario front, Brahim Ghali, on Monday oversaw the closing of the 11th Edition of International Art Festival in Western Sahara (ARTifariti) under the theme "Thinking And Creating ... Forward, " in the presence  the participating of international and national artists. 

UN: Algeria reiterates constant position in favour of Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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New York, Oct 3, 2017 (SPS) - Algeria reiterated in New York its traditional positions and support to the right of peoples under colonial domination to self-determination, including the Sahrawi people.
In its speech to the Committee of the General Assembly on Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues, the Algerian delegation said that the self-determination principle is provided for by the UN Charter and reaffirmed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Adala UK demands an independent investigation into the death of ‘Minatu’ in occupied Dakhla.

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According to information provided by her family, the Moroccan Occupation Authorities are not going to investigate the death of Minatu Ahl Shikh, a young woman who was murdered in Occupied Dakhla during the night of Saturday 14th October 2017. Her family and other witnesses have explained that    Minatu Ahl Shikh went missing that evening having left home to buy a few things in a shop local to their house. When she didn’t return, her family began looking for her, first of all at the houses of other relatives.

World Peace Council: Morocco attempt to deny access to Sahrawi occupied territories "will not succeed"

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Sao Paolo (Brazil), Nov 3, 2017 (SPS) – The World Peace Council strongly condemned the expulsion of several MEPs from Morocco-occupied Western Sahara as they were preparing to go to the occupied territories to inquire about the human rights situation, claiming that the kingdom's attempt to prevent access to the occupied Sahrawi territories "will not succeed".
"We reject in the strongest terms the Moroccan authorities’ decision to expel MEPs on Friday, denying them access to Western Sahara," said World Peace Council in a statement.